Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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GU - 40 is trying to hold making 42 a scalp buy

Ina 30% scalp sell so will move that stop to 46 - and then see if i get stopped
GU - 30% stop out at 46

That was from 68 - so say 20 -21 pips net with 70% stake taken earlier on

GU now we need to see if say 38 -39 can hold out until after 10 39 am

Under 36 more scalp sells

Above 41 fancies up bias and scalp buys
AU now 22 sticking

23 was ascalp buy but can it get over 26 and 27

If not no problem if it does - it stop hunting all scalpers
EU - still just teasing all and sundry - especially guys with stops at 3900 - and they might have been in profit a few hundred pips even
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