Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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dont worry about it F...............just do your thang for me :cool:


Hi N

I think you know - I am not really bothered - but I have had to draw a line at still being called this Mr SB

I know we have a lot of idiots here - you do in all forums - but some are really beyond belief.

You have a great week and i hope it better at work

I do have you on my list to help and i will say N -

It will be totally free and can be set up here if you want in another thread etc to suit you

I will not take on more than a few guys - MM is doing OK and so he will be progressing more at his own pace and i will always be there for him this next 6 months

Anyway back to work and will look for more trades after 10 00 am


sl hit -10
back to drawing board fec.

Morning MM

Remember its Monday - ist not a sprint - its a marathon -so chill

My worry would be the 10 pips stop

I know you will make it back easy today - and probably have already - but try and work in the 3 -5 pip stops range - and even reenter if you pull and you were correct


OK - will be looking at some more scalps this next hr

EJ - as made another LL - after making a HH on the old sequence at 77

Below 64 is still bearish - although we have the bounce in place from low at 43

Not in a scalp buy on that bounce - but watching to see if it tests 59-61
Just gone 10 00 am - lot of tease zones for me atm

EJ at 58 now - wanted to sell under 65 if I can

Depends on all lining up and not going over 69
scalpy sells on euro bellow 72 amnd 69

its still in a bermuda triangle tease zone for me

ie 66 to 88 - just too much of a playground - only can scalp for 2- 7 pips - and so would prefer to wait for a clear move and break - one way or another - even though by rights it should bee under 66 and 60 - thats me just guessing - and not on PA
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