Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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this is reassuring


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this is reassuring

Hi MM good Morning,

I check your trades but not all, is would be fine if you or Forexmospherian give a chart for the daily trades where we can see entrys.

but anyway will ask you only for the first trade in your table, you buy AU at 17:06 can you tell me what confirm to take that trade, if I follow what I know now from Forexmospherian and his chart that entry was to late.

and I will post the chart there was LH and LL was confirm you to go long?
and if you had the confirm why not go for it in the time window early from 16:51, and 16:52 was a nice green bar over the 3 LR's ?

that only for me to clarify and learn what other do, all in all it was a good result at the table, well done

Morning all going to try and follow some of the action today, don't know if i will be able to follow all pairs but ill give it a go on a couple.
Got to pop out at 8am for a couple of hrs.
So to start What time frame as i understand you use two, 1 min & 10 tick or as MM was using a 3 tick.
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Morning YT and ff

Late this morning as had to pop out already

Also out at 8 am so will be starting in earnest after 8 30 am

Meanwhile will do a quick update - and see if I can catch a scalp prior to the LO
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