Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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i think its time for a break up to next hr now

All look a bit boring again for now - but I am sure once I have left desk for 10 mins - it will probably kick off again -lol
Saying that still in with 30% on EU scalp sell under 09 and 07

Really need under 3700 to hold longer - so will just set stop at 08 for now
Skiing now officially rained off


Hope you have been having a good time - and the moguls have been kind to your knees ( lol)

Around most of the day - just having a cup of tea and a bacon sarnie and will start again next hr

Look forward to seeing you back trading next week


OK 11 00 am time

EU a scalp buy above 3705 - but for me bearish under 3714 and 21

So we could get another BT tease zone

Above 22 and 27 scalp buy more

Under 3703 and 3697 scalp sell more
Cad - need under 53 and 49 for more scalp sells and over 62 and 66 for scalp buying to try above 72 and 76

In between - tease zone
I had an entry at 699 for cable, but miss it

shame fx - i have missed quite a few this morning - I suppose that's trading - but alos have had a bit of luck with ones I caught that have turned out well

EJ now up at 48 and I was in there at 38/9 - so will lock some in as well now
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I will go now for dinner and after around the nightlife :)

if back early will take a look at the thread, but not sure ;-)

so I wish you Forexmospherian and all other a wonderful Weekend!

hope see you all at Monday for the next good week!!

I min later and dropped from 65 to 57 - not bad - taken 70% off at 61 and will leave 30% scalp sell in with stop in profit at 66
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