Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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ok being picky, what was wrong with one minute earlier at 10:33?
im guessing the answer is u wanted a pullback of a coupke of pips but it caught support at fast lr underneath and u bought then
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ok being picky, what was wrong with one minute earlier at 10:33?
im guessing the answer is u wanted a pullback of a coupke of pips but it caught support at fast lr underneath and u bought then

i did miss the best entry and was slow at getting 45 - really anywhere between 41 and 44 was better - but had not studied it enough as was not keen on PA before 10 20 am
The AU as caught me out now - as saw EA trying up - but AU is still holding and still trying - and no longer in it
yes ok price EA breaks above long lr, having already worked its way above medium lr. horiz res was broke at same time but need 68 to hold
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lettin it ride ( like that drunk guy in the bull pit documentary. anyone see that and that bit of the doc? really depressing moment
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