you are telling us in advance of something that you told in advance..i think we already know what we're going to get in advance F, its just your believers that don't😆
hi malaguti
What worries me is the time stamps
i actually put my own time on my calls - as well as the T2W one which might differ with mine by a minute or two sometimes
So the main sell came after 3 00 pm UK time yesterday
i started commenting on UCad at 2 26 and at 2 33/4 - said want to look at selling it off
then made a few more comments and scalped it multi times after it fell under 3284
its classic Forexmospherian stuff
ie - Finding an interim high or high of day
scalping it - waiting for time rules of over 30 mins with no breach of high - adding to sell and then basically screwing the pips off it
Plus the fact - stops in profit under 3300 and under 2980 and then PPND job
I reckon a master trader like Sir Gissachance ( who is better than me) could over say 2 to 7 hrs make 300 pips out that fall - with a lot of it totally safe with stops in profit
Do people understand that 2 26 and 2 34 pm is in advance of the fall and the sells after 3 00 pm ???
I notice i must have made about 3 more comments asking others if they had caught the sell off
Nick responded later on - MM was not around in afternoon so have not got a clue if he got it
Have a good weekend - must get ready for the sports