Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Lets analyse a GU trade from yesterday afternoon

Hi Guys

We do have some 1 30 pm news today - and so whilst we are awaiting and in between the scalps lets analyse a trade from yesterday


I liked it as a scalp - entry not bad and easy a RR of 2 or 3 if on scalp size stops

As I was not here - I could not join in - but was amazed by the call on this thread

First of all -

No stop size and no description - ie Scalp or Swing etc............ x

No 1st or 2 nd target or aim ? .............. x

No mention of why - is its normal method - or one off ?? ........... x

We need to look at it more as it was near a main support at 5400 and was a fairly good time - ie in a TW

But the GU was bear bias - so were was R's etc etc

Is it a scalp I thought on first read - but anyway "liked" it - thought would love to comment


Its in a journal not open to me - as Tar says - that does not sound too good a trading journal were only the select can discuss ?

Anyway lets look at the trade


Did it last 30 mins with no breach under 5400 or 5407 ? - Yes

Well thats good - it meant it should try up more

Where's interim R ? - 5427 - 35 area - dynamic and horizontal

Where did he exit - 5419 / 20 - OK only 12 pips - but still OK as profit

What price did it make after 30 mins - 5432 - ok another 12 pips higher

What do you do an interim R's if in TW and price is rejected ? - sell ?

What happened after 5432 ?

What happened after 3 21 pm and 3 39 pm

100 pip fall thats all

Did Tar take a sell ???............ NO - why not ?? - dont know ??

Is this a good trade journal ???

Please let me know what you think guys ??

This is the trader who as the cheek to say this thread is a joke :LOL:


  • GU - Tar call on 270815.png
    GU - Tar call on 270815.png
    28.1 KB · Views: 617
  • GU - 270815PM.png
    GU - 270815PM.png
    108.1 KB · Views: 621
Hi Guys

We do have some 1 30 pm news today - and so whilst we are awaiting and in between the scalps lets analyse a trade from yesterday


I liked it as a scalp - entry not bad and easy a RR of 2 or 3 if on scalp size stops

As I was not here - I could not join in - but was amazed by the call on this thread

First of all -

No stop size and no description - ie Scalp or Swing etc............ x

No 1st or 2 nd target or aim ? .............. x

No mention of why - is its normal method - or one off ?? ........... x

We need to look at it more as it was near a main support at 5400 and was a fairly good time - ie in a TW

But the GU was bear bias - so were was R's etc etc

Is it a scalp I thought on first read - but anyway "liked" it - thought would love to comment


Its in a journal not open to me - as Tar says - that does not sound too good a trading journal were only the select can discuss ?

Anyway lets look at the trade


Did it last 30 mins with no breach under 5400 or 5407 ? - Yes

Well thats good - it meant it should try up more

Where's interim R ? - 5427 - 35 area - dynamic and horizontal

Where did he exit - 5419 / 20 - OK only 12 pips - but still OK as profit

What price did it make after 30 mins - 5432 - ok another 12 pips higher

What do you do an interim R's if in TW and price is rejected ? - sell ?

What happened after 5432 ?

What happened after 3 21 pm and 3 39 pm

100 pip fall thats all

Did Tar take a sell ???............ NO - why not ?? - dont know ??

Is this a good trade journal ???

Please let me know what you think guys ??

This is the trader who as the cheek to say this thread is a joke :LOL:

I am waiting for your live trading journal ...
But the dissers are playing the same record again and again and again on this thread on a daily basis.......

they are intentionally now interrupting the information flow here for people who want to learn ........and the Moderators are not seeing that (or ignoring it)

you would have to live on mars to realise where the individuals now stand in this argument .............

so all perhaps kindly P*ss off to another thread ..........i'll happily start one up again for you all to argue with us there ?


Hi N

You are correct

We are on a forum - and its open to all - but if a few select members with a big problem want to use it as their "toilet" then it should not be allowed

Normally it would be resolved

But really i dont want the Mods involved

I can easy go over to my own trading journal - the devil in the detail one - annd only invite the genuine members who want to be involved

Its a simple solution and one I would look at when I get back of holiday

Instead - would prefer to show how wrong they are

If it does not work - i will ask the Mods nicely to clean up the thread this month and then move over tp the trading journal - easy to do

I am sorry for all the genuine members who want to learn more and trade

Its OK for me - but not for all the guys who need to fully concentrate and focus - on a method that is new to them

Dont worry - cream always rises to the top


N I think you need some proper time out of this mate, you take it way too personally, this is just a forum, the so called dissers are people with an opinion that may differ from your own, it's as simple as that, this bully bs is ridiculous (public mauling aside)

I literally do not understand how you all have the time to be so involved with all this.

Surely, anyone who has gone through the pain barrier & come to a point of knowing what they have to do, does not need to spend 10,0000 hours on a forum.

Anybody who is a so called noob needs to find their own way, not following someone else around trying to glean tit bits here n there.
After a few pointers & some months live with real money they will see what the craic is.

The market is cyclical, so the game game changes with the cycles, there is no one size fits all.

So in my view the so called dissers should be welcomed, after all it's just different opinions on a public forum.

Troubles is TJ - many give up after say 2 k hours - still might be a couple of years if only 15 -20 hrs per week - and they need 5k hours plus

My aim to to short cut a 4 to 7 yr process down to under 2 years - 12 months basic stuff - 12 months learning a proper method - that will work in all market conditions day in - day out

Good trading


Hi N

You are correct

We are on a forum - and its open to all - but if a few select members with a big problem want to use it as their "toilet" then it should not be allowed

Normally it would be resolved

But really i dont want the Mods involved

I can easy go over to my own trading journal - the devil in the detail one - annd only invite the genuine members who want to be involved

Its a simple solution and one I would look at when I get back of holiday

Instead - would prefer to show how wrong they are

If it does not work - i will ask the Mods nicely to clean up the thread this month and then move over tp the trading journal - easy to do

I am sorry for all the genuine members who want to learn more and trade

Its OK for me - but not for all the guys who need to fully concentrate and focus - on a method that is new to them

Dont worry - cream always rises to the top



hey F

ok sounds like a plan ............shame this thread got so messed up but that's the nature of the beast here at T2win .........would strongly suggest you move to the journal route on return from leave as many want to learn and not have the disruptive element involved

many members dare'nt speak out here as they will be targeted by the Disser gang........the ones here who are speaking out have been around the block a bit and wont be bullied or silenced :cool:

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