Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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10 26 am

Back after 11 30 - 12 00 next

Want to get 2 -3 hrs in this afternoon as well

Started off fairly iffy for me this morning - had 2 bad scalps with losses over 3 pips - but some nice winners with UCad again the best so far for me this morning

Hopefully Major Magnum is back off his long holiday soon - so whilst away please post your own charts and all FX intraday trader are welcome - whether using my set up - or a totally different one etc

Ok see you later on
pete hope you have a great holiday ---------- just curious though would your line in sand be under 1.1120 area or 1.1110 area ?

It would be for scalping - correct at 1114 / 16 off an LR

But price structure still bull bias above 1075/ 80 and only goes bearish under 1060 and 55

Will post a LitS chart on EU later on today

UCad - The Mornings Favourite for me Today

11 37 am


Now dropped down to 3022 area as I type

The chart I am posted was when it was falling a few mins ago under 3040

Its over 100 pip fall from after LO

3 great scalps on Key Times shown

Did not take those 3 - but instead taken 5 at slightly different times with last one at 11 30 / 1 am

Superb PA for my set up - smooth and nice

Whilst this as been going on AU just been nicely rising

Morning started off badly with computer hitch and frustrations

Coming up to nearly 6 hrs later - and its been a great morning



  • UCad - 120815 AM.png
    UCad - 120815 AM.png
    76.7 KB · Views: 400
From a Thread i cannot post in - ie not on welcome list

Throwing levels all day long without following up where you did exit on every trade whether it was a loss or profit is not considered a live trading journal ...

Hi Tar

Hope you are having a good day

I am

I think you and maybe some of the other guys forget who's boss here of their own system

My methods are different to maybe 95% of other traders

I write my own rules - I dont follow the norm

I just posted as UCad chart on entry of scalp sell after 11 31am

The price was 40 pips approx higher than when its just stopped at 3005 area - 18 mins later


Say what you like - no problem

Dont worry away after after tomorrow am for a week - so I will no longer be a pain to anyone - lol

Although I am sure I might be missed

FX pairs have been good this morning - hope you have been trading some

Good Trading


anyway i'm playing with fxpro this afternoon.........

for the benefit of Tar and the other traders who cannot bear the thought of other traders being on a successful thread........or journals where members are excluded from responding to critisim

I will be back later with my results

hello all you good natured traders


Hope you had a good holiday break

I am off on one myself tomorrow :D

Too late to exit 30% stake sell on UCad at 2970 area - taken 2997 as low held 30 mins for now and supports building up at 2975 -90 area

Will update for 1 00 pm next


1 00 pm Update

Still in bullish PS for afternoon session

Above 1135 / 40 supports can scalp buy to try over 1155 and 60

Under 35 scalp sell to supports at 1117/ 20 to 25.

No main red news at 1 30 pm - so pair just resting atm
ah. this one is my favorite.
uj Wyckoff scenario perfect

Interesting set up there on UJ from the other day

Today its just been a nice sell off after European and London OPENs with a weak dollar and what 100 pip fall

What are you looking for next on the set up your shown - or is that now over ??
that was a setup i noticed shortly before i took holidays i think. i did not back it. i did it to remind me of Wyc stuff, having read a post here by DBPhoenix in which he underlined the importance of that method amongst other things. i may have published the chart back then but cant remember.
that was a setup i noticed shortly before i took holidays i think. i did not back it. i did it to remind me of Wyc stuff, having read a post here by DBPhoenix in which he underlined the importance of that method amongst other things. i may have published the chart back then but cant remember.

I will show you how i saw it on my set up next
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