Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Thursday 30th January 2014 - approx 7 00 am UK time

Morning Traders

First day back trading for me this week as been away for a few days

Quick update as we enter European Open

EU - presently scalp buy from 3646 - needing 3654 to hold on for a larger move

Swissy - Under 8968 scalp sell for interim support area - 8-12 pips lower

GU - - not in but a scalp buy last hr and setting up for a scalp sell if its stays under 6562

More to follow and around for LO

Have a good trading day - I will :)
EJ - stalling on rise at 139.90-95 - currently in a scalp sell bias under 92. - Over 95 and 98 more scalp buys - under 75 and 72 - hold scalp sells

( With regards to using 2 prices - - they are based on different levels - if one is reached but not the other exit with just a scalp rather than holding etc )
Swissy 89605 is a scalp buy - not in it as hoping it will stay under 65 and my 30% sell stop

- As i type - no luck - hit 66 -
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Well Done MM on some of your performances

Notice you say you used $50 a pip on some of the trades yesterday - but even then only 2.5% stake - and then to make over 30+% ror in the day is great going - in fact was that your best one dayer??

I hope you think you are improving - I certainly do - although you still need to take more breaks to maintain that focus ;-)

Hope you are around today some time (y)
EA now joining in with EU / EJ and being a scalp sell - we need to break out these small ranges though for any real action - whether than might happen after 8.00 am and LO - may do ?
EJ as been the most consistent scalp sell trade this last 30 mins as we enter the half hr time window

Now at 139.58 from 139.89 at start of last hr time window

Entering support areas - so either exit all or take 70% off
Thursday 30th January 2014 - approx 7 00 am UK time

Morning Traders

GU - - not in but a scalp buy last hr and setting up for a scalp sell if its stays under 6562

Well it did stay under 6562 - only making 61 and now as dropped in last 35 mins to 6520 area - approx 40+ pips in 30 mins - that's rocking (y)
Not starting scalp buying any bounce set ups at half hr - Swissy made another high at 8976/7 and still looks strong above 71
EJ - noticed it touched 47 - lower than I though prior to half hr - bounced back up to 57 - but not in that scalp buy

Need to have a cup of tea - ready for the LO ;-)
7/51 am and the LO hour time window

EU low so far - 3617 - Swissy high so far 8983 - EJ 139.38 - EA - 5601 - GU 6519/20

More bounces and swissy pullback starting - not in anything now atm - but hope to be again in next 5 -15 mins
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