Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Pete, I noticed you often use 2 prices to denote S/R, for example you say "Under 6501 and 97 would scalp sell again" ... I'm interpreting that as you seeing S/R as an area rather than a fixed line in the sand - correct??

If so, then I am thinking that as per this example you would really only sell on break of 97?
a tremendous 60 pip spike down on the EU - no obvious news I can see so the manipulators are setting up their stall taking out stops prior to fomc
m o a r r g h


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Pete, I noticed you often use 2 prices to denote S/R, for example you say "Under 6501 and 97 would scalp sell again" ... I'm interpreting that as you seeing S/R as an area rather than a fixed line in the sand - correct??

If so, then I am thinking that as per this example you would really only sell on break of 97?

each of those numbers that F quotes may denote a different kind of s/r
sell order removed. Looking aT IT WITH ROSE TINTED SPECS, A bt MAY GIVE ME A BETTER R R entry opportunity
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