Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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7 12 am

Low so far at 135 29

I started selling after 6 09 am at 135 82 ish - nice 50 pips drop but over 80 pips for me on part stakes so far in just over the hour on this pair

For now bounces staying under 60 are sells again
I am out this morning at 7 50 am and might not be back until after 9 30 am - so going to miss quite a bit this morning

Wanted to try and be here for 9 30 am UK Pound news if I can

Then about for a couple of hours and will be doing at least another 2 hrs after 2 00 pm

Thats the plan today - but of course all depending on how busy the FX markets are as well
7 17 am

EU update

Now 0993/ 6 is the scalp LItS

Below here favours sells until a supports holds for 30 mins

Above both prices and 1000 as well - back to scalp buys - but for now - that does not look on atm
Yes the devil caught me out at 7.00 for a small loss

At 6 40 - 6 50 am time - I was all for keep buying EU - as long as above 0996

7 01 am - all gone out the window - EO changed it

Just pleased I am not a bull swing trader who set his buy up at 6 30 am ;-)

EJ nor lining up with EU earlier might have been another clue

Still - loads of time to get some great pips in BP - GL
I was playing Dax at 07.00.
I think EU has a lot of the same traits, (market makers).
I am always waiting for the pump fake, either way before and just after 07.00. Then we get the real move to the other side.
Dax today has had nearly 50 points up and down already. I got 22 up and 35 down.
Now we wait for 08.00 what a funny game we play.
I was playing Dax at 07.00.
I think EU has a lot of the same traits, (market makers).
I am always waiting for the pump fake, either way before and just after 07.00. Then we get the real move to the other side.
Dax today has had nearly 50 points up and down already. I got 22 up and 35 down.
Now we wait for 08.00 what a funny game we play.

Dead right - it is a "funny game" - you never read all about this stuff in normal trading books etc etc

Unfortunately not here for the LO hour - so going to miss the fun

GL Nick - and so far - you have had a great morning (y)
Looks at though 135 30 area is a support on EJ for now

Need under 25 and 20 to be scalp selling more

Similar on EU - need under 0957 and 50 for more scalp sells
6 29 am

Key LitS for my main scalping FX pairs

EU - 0990 - 1015 ish

EJ - 135 75 - 136 00 ish

GU - 5480 - 5500 ish

Will comment on other pairs LitS all before the EO

6 36 am

LitS on other main FX pairs

UChf - a normally oppositely correlated pair to the EU - 9475 - 9500 ish

AU - 7395 - 7410 ish

UJ - 123 40 - 123 52 ish

UCad - 2725 - 2750

7 43 am

Out now in approx 5 mins

Worth checking price with LitS for additional clues

Ie - UCad - Lits 2725/ 50 - so above 50 scalp buys and bullish

Since after 7 00 am the UCad is risen up to so far approx 2790 - ie a 40 pip move up - you should have got 20 + pips from it - I hope ;-))

Hope to be back before 9 30 am UK Pound news - if not certainly by 10 00 am

GL guys and stay focused

Looks at though 135 30 area is a support on EJ for now

Need under 25 and 20 to be scalp selling more

Similar on EU - need under 0957 and 50 for more scalp sells

8 50 am

Only back for 10 mins and then maybe just in time for 9 30 am Pound news

Pleased I exited my sells before I left - but disappointed I did not leave any buys on with stops in profits around the support areas - as both EU and EJ have lasted over 30 mins with no breach of lows and made nice moves back up - in EJ's case a 50 pip retrace

8 53 am

Red news in just over 35 mins away

The GU is bearish still under 5480 - favouring scalp sells - but we do need under 5450 and 45 to stay with them

Above 5480 and 5500 - thats all scalp buy area for prices moving up higher again

8 57 am

Remained bullish from the EO and now near 2800

We need above 2805 and 10 to stay with scalp buys - or take any more

Would only hold scalp sells or take new ones under 2786 and 2777

Ok guys see you sometime next hr

Good morning to you all btw :)

Not posting much, as trying to focus as much as poss. It's the school of hard knocks at this end, but I figure I just have to keep going, be prepared to make mistakes, and learn from them.

Enjoy your day!
9 35 am

Back again now

Pound news taken GU back up over 20 pips - but we need above 5480 and 5500 + to stay with any scalp buys

EU - made back up over 0996 and 1000 - so if you check back - those prices favoured scalp buys

Now so far EU back up at 1030 - ( new morning high) and EJ 136 10 - a new morning high and still rising

I am in EJ scalp buy from 135 74 with my cut off being 68
Good morning to you all btw :)

Not posting much, as trying to focus as much as poss. It's the school of hard knocks at this end, but I figure I just have to keep going, be prepared to make mistakes, and learn from them.

Enjoy your day!

GM Geofract

Hope all is OK and agree - its always getting up and brushing yourself down and carrying on - knowing that there is a way and it all can be done

Take the small losses and the errors - but ride the winners and safeguard your profits by always locking part in etc

Have a good week



8 57 am

Remained bullish from the EO and now near 2800

We need above 2805 and 10 to stay with scalp buys - or take any more

Would only hold scalp sells or take new ones under 2786 and 2777

Ok guys see you sometime next hr



9 43 am

We never made over 2804 - so the buys stopped

So far entered the scalp sells area under 2786 - but need under 73 and 70 to stay with sells.

Looking to sell again under 2800 atm

9 46 am

Initially pre London Open - it was bullish - above its LitS area

After 8 21 am onwards - its just kept on dropping - approx 70 pips so far which is a lot for the Swissy

We have supports at 9420 area - then the 9400 and 9380/85 under there

Whilst UChf falls - the EU should rise - but we know we have EU R's from 1040 to 60 and then again around 1080 ish

Its lining them all up for changes next

8 53 am

Red news in just over 35 mins away

The GU is bearish still under 5480 - favouring scalp sells - but we do need under 5450 and 45 to stay with them

Above 5480 and 5500 - thats all scalp buy area for prices moving up higher again


9 54 am

After 9 30 am news - it bounced up to 5481 - and then fell again

So far its stopped at 5457 - so a 20 pip scalp sell

We do need under 5450 and 45 to stay with scalp sells - otherwise we go into a 30 -40 pip BTTZ range next
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