Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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11 03 AM

EJ - still bullish above 135 35/40 and GU stayed in a bullish PS since after 9 00 am

UJ might have topped for now at 123 49 and its been a scalp sell last 22 + mins

11 16 am


Always one of my favourite pairs to intraday trade - not normally as big a mover as the GJ and some of the other minor cross pairs - but its low spread and I am used to to after spending so many years just scalping the EU - which to be frank - can be a pain and not the easist pair to always intraday trade

Today so far

140 + pip move up - all within 25 mins

80 pip drop in approx 20 mins

60 pip rise in under 15 mins

120 pip fall in approx 40 mins

30 + pip rise and then its rest at at the 136 65-80 area

so 400 + pip moves in last 4 hrs or so - and just getting 50% of that lot you have done extremely well

You would have needed a minimum of 5 scalps and then if you P & P - you could have it up at 20 trades and pip counts easily up over 700+ pips etc

Every day - I am just pleased to make over 50 + pips at my 100% stake sizes - that might mean 130 + pip at part stakes plus just normal scalp profits of 5 -20 pips or so at 100% size.

The EJ now need to come out of its immediate 45-50 pip range for us to see any larger moves again

11 22 am

Still doing new morning highs over the last 5 mins and as I type at 5587

Above 77 for now - still a scalp buy - and its been above its LitS since Opens this morning

11 22 am

Still doing new morning highs over the last 5 mins and as I type at 5587

Above 77 for now - still a scalp buy - and its been above its LitS since Opens this morning

11 45 am

Could not stay above 5577 / 80 and now under 82 is a sell with next supports at 5550/55 area

I can scalp buy above 80 / 83 and would then need to see a move above 5593 to stay with any more buys
nothing sorry was just sorting family/ school etc
shame i missed the move as 0740 was a gift on UJ and it even gave 4 mins to scratch **** before buying

Agree that UJ move was a gift

I had gone with EU / EJ and then the GU and felt I did not want to expose my stake size on any more pairs - even though first entries were under 0 5 % stake

The UJ move up lasted easy 85 + mins - so really - should have got in even after say 15 or 20 mins - and by that time I had good profits already part banked on other pairs and stops in profits - so by then no more stake size problem

Trouble is my brain is focused more on caution than trying to scalp 4 or 6 pairs simultaneously - even though it can be done if you P & P and bank part stakes and keep other entries then with stops already in some profits

One day - I reckon you will scalp 6 pairs simultaneously - or all within 10 mins of each others initial entries etc
woefully slow for a long time now. Just been reading all about the Greek deal.
How anyone can conclude that is a deal that won't bite them all in the future.
woefully slow for a long time now. Just been reading all about the Greek deal.
How anyone can conclude that is a deal that won't bite them all in the future.

Yes - i see it a massive problem - just trying to get the Greek governments and people to agree with it - is far bigger mountain than agreeing on anything so far

No wonder markets still uncertain
I reckon BP - although we need over 1078/80 for start of a turn - if we get to 1075 and the stay above low for 30 mins - you might get a bigger move

No 75 and 78+ and no low holding 30 mins - then another fall

11 45 am


Could not stay above 5577 / 80 and now under 82 is a sell with next supports at 5550/55 area

I can scalp buy above 80 / 83 and would then need to see a move above 5593 to stay with any more buys


12 20 pm

Tested 5548/9 so far - a nice 20 -25 pip fall over last 30 mins or so

Can the low hold for 30 mins now - similar to EU etc then
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