Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Will MM make 15000 pips in the month ??

Its 7 trading days into the month of July - OK

Now my daily target is 50 ( full pips ) a day

So a good month for me is anything over 1000 ( full pips )

My full pips were originally based on 5 lots a pip ( back just over 3 yrs ago) but as I have got more into the Sir Gissachance PPND methods ( remember he is "master FX trader" with over 2 decades of experience - I am not there after approx 13 yrs as I stayed more intraday ) - I have now started to pyramid and peel a lot more - not always every pip or two but any trade over 10 /15 mins needs at least 3 or 4 stake sizes on it - instead of just one stake at say 5 lots it might be 3 stakes at 2 lots and then 70/ 30 % splits on peeling etc

Anyway - back to Major Magnum

So far he has notched up over 6000 pips now in 7 trading days

Can he do over 15000 in the month of July ??

Here's an update up to the other day - approx 5380 pips then


I look forward to your thoughts and comments - and i am sure MM does has well

Especially Fugazsy's - as we know what he thinks from this morning




  • MM's Statement of 5000 pips july 2015.png
    MM's Statement of 5000 pips july 2015.png
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Its 7 trading days into the month of July - OK

Now my daily target is 50 ( full pips ) a day

So a good month for me is anything over 1000 ( full pips )

My full pips were originally based on 5 lots a pip ( back just over 3 yrs ago) but as I have got more into the Sir Gissachance PPND methods ( remember he is "master FX trader" with over 2 decades of experience - I am not there after approx 13 yrs as I stayed more intraday ) - I have now started to pyramid and peel a lot more - not always every pip or two but any trade over 10 /15 mins needs at least 3 or 4 stake sizes on it - instead of just one stake at say 5 lots it might be 3 stakes at 2 lots and then 70/ 30 % splits on peeling etc

Anyway - back to Major Magnum

So far he has notched up over 6000 pips now in 7 trading days

Can he do over 15000 in the month of July ??

Here's an update up to the other day - approx 5380 pips then


I look forward to your thoughts and comments - and i am sure MM does has well

Especially Fugazsy's - as we know what he thinks from this morning



These are partial pips thats nothing ofcourse he can anyone can , just this latest Asian session i did +2300 -partial- pips - one day - , you do the math ...

However my total for the day from my live calls here is +424 full stake pips .

Good night


  • 2300.jpg
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Well Done Tar - I had seen your tally the other day and thought that's very good - however if I or MM ever posted it - many on T2W would say - that's rubbish its been falsified - but as you yourself know - NO - its all possible when you do both multi trade and multi stake etc

Thanks for agreeing with us and well done again on another excellent day - and also noticed you commented on the Gold pips being shown tenfold by some brokers and therefore they should have the decimal point moved etc

I am now awaiting to hear all the negative comments on these type of numbers etc



Thank you for calling me in once again but I have nothing to say anymore in regard, what I had to say I already said:

I can add a bit more if you like,just to be polite: you guys live in fantasy world, for what you like others to perceive seems you are making million every day still you have a day job or you are retired, I will be not surprised if most of you are on the dole.

Do not show me statements or tell me how good you are, it mean nothing to me, that can all very well be explained in mental dysfunctions, which are very common in public forum.

Live calls are the way you can convince me and only BP and Fug are making them and they are not claiming 500 pips a day.

Since my yesterday's post I received various message from other members of the forum suggesting me not to get involved with you guys because you guys are a bunch of nutty and most of you are on demo.......

Well for some reason I have not came to that conclusion yet, maybe because I like to think positively about others but to be honest I am leaning towards it.

There is only one way you can convince me and the rest of the community about your huge claim and that is to Shut Up 'N Play Yer Guitar, how? making live calls and I doubt you ever will, why? you are too occupied in pretending to be what you are not.


Do me a favour, do not bring me in those discussion anymore, I have no more to add and it seems whatever I say is not very much appreciated from you lot. Thank you.


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even more astonishing that you say
" Do not show me statements "
when earlier you were stating that i do not show complete details and you want statements with all details! I obliged, provided the details with a deal map and still you are unable to accept that a method other than the one you practice is valid.


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  • Halunke1.PNG
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Listen boy, on you best trade if you covered 70% with 5.5 and 30% with 35.3 pips you only made 15.1 pips. Those numbers are realistic and they are not a big deal. nothing like 500 pips per day.

the one with the +769.3 GY means nothing, if you covered 70% @ 5 pips you made only 235.7 pips and that is if you have been holding the rest 30% till the end, you could have taken many partial profits ( do not forget that most of the pips were made by the weekend gaps) and the number of pips would be much much much less..... you could have hold only 1 unit till +769.3 and if that is the case we are talking peanuts...

So boy, why do you show only +769, are you afraid people see you for what you really are? What is the purpose of it? To be honest I do not get it.

Now if you do not mind I have better things to do with my life.
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Listen boy, on you best trade if you covered 70% with 5.5 and 30% with 35.3 pips you only made 15.1 pips. Those numbers are realistic and they are not a big deal. nothing like 500 pips per day.

the one with the +769.3 GY means nothing, if you covered 70% @ 5 pips you made only 235.7 pips and that is if you have been holding the rest 30% till the end, you could have taken many partial profits ( do not forget that most of the pips were made by the weekend gaps) and the number of pips would be much much much less..... you could have hold only 1 unit till +769.3 and if that is the case we are talking peanuts...

So boy, why do you show only +769, are you afraid people see you for what you really are? What is the purpose of it? To be honest I do not get it.

Now if you do not mind I have better things to do with my life.

who are you calling boy, girl?
I know you dont get it but that because you cant trade for toffee.
if you cant see i sold under 5 from the top there and bought close to bottom what else can i say? you are blind or just stupid? or both?
you keep telling us you have better things to do yet keep rising to the bait like a big girls blouse lool
who are you calling boy, girl?
I know you dont get it but that because you cant trade for toffee.
if you cant see i sold under 5 from the top there and bought close to bottom what else can i say? you are blind or just stupid? or both?
you keep telling us you have better things to do yet keep rising to the bait like a big girls blouse lool


make a live call scam boy, I just proved you are just a big scam, does it hurt? of course it does, it took you so long to build a reputation of what you are not and now it is clear to everyone.

what does it mean you sold the top and bought the bottom, you still made 15.1 pips, where are the about 500 pips a day you are easily making? As soon as you are asked for prove your profit in a reasonable manner by stating your partial profits, your about 500 pips daily promoted by yourself and your cult turns into a very weak 15 pips gain. (hallo?anybody there?).

And your 700 pips they probably will not be more then 70 pips (probably on demo) considering the amount of time you have been holding them, but you are so keen every day to show 700 pips. Scam. Scam boy.

Where are all those pips gone? Apparently they have all vanished.....they do not exist anymore.. and you crumbled with
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you keep telling us you have better things to do yet keep rising to the bait like a big girls blouse lool
Guys come on back on topic please.
Remember what your mother told you, if you have nothing good to say then say nothing.
Haters and knockers, may I suggest many of the other threads or interesting journals to take your mind of coming here to just disrupt.
Let's get back to normal here.
GL all today.
Morning F and all,
Put all the LR's on now and looks good.
First trade 05.30 AU long, 6 pips and out.
Was just set up for a short term scalp, but they all count.
Cheers and gl for today.
Friday 10th July 2015 - Pre Opens

Morning F and all,
Put all the LR's on now and looks good.
First trade 05.30 AU long, 6 pips and out.
Was just set up for a short term scalp, but they all count.
Cheers and gl for today.

GM Nick and Guys

Nice one and you were up early this morning

I nearly got caught on a false 5 59 am sell on the EU

Luckily - I waited instead and then got a 6 04 am scalp buy and then a 6 20 am further buy which saw a new EU morning high

Not checked all other possibilities yet - but will do now

Normal stuff again today guys - all FX inputs and contributions welcome

Have a great day



All 3 -7 pip stuff - but at least it gets my trading day started
6 30 am

Key LitS areas for my main FX trading pairs - others then to follow -

EU - 1030 - 1050 ish

GU - 5378 - 5380 ish

UChf - 9475 - 9485 ish

EJ - 133 85 - 134 20 ish

AU - 7435 - 7450 ish

UCad - 2700 - 2720 ish
I'm in Siberia for the summer F, hence the appearance of early starts.
Now waiting a Dow close is a bit tougher.

6 34 am

Shame - just started off with the EU this morning and no other pairs.

On checking the time syncs realised the UJ was identical to the EU & EJ - so really I should have gone with the 2 yen crosses in preference on the buys after 6 03/ 4 am

UJ as moved up 18 pips in approx 30 mins and the EJ up 26 pips - missed the lot ;-((
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