Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Its only 9 44 am and going to have a 10 min break

Will be in gft32 thread around 10 30 am and out at 11 am ish for maybe 45 mins or so

Thats the plan - but all can change - just like this FX market lol
GU - from 6 39 am UK time -


1 Min LR chart



  • GU - 10415 AM.png
    GU - 10415 AM.png
    69.6 KB · Views: 447
NU - Heads up last night from Patient Pip

NU - 1 Min LR chart from after London close yesterday

Supports have not held so far and dollar strength as dropped NU like many other pairs this morning



  • NU - 10415 AM.png
    NU - 10415 AM.png
    75.6 KB · Views: 450
Popping over next to gft 32 journal thread - with a few more tips etc

Maybe back here after either 11 30 am or Midday

Been a good morning and good start to April

Stay focused and Good Trading
I will post my UJ chart with clues and KT's on it next

With EU rising after 11 00 am - you can guess what the normally oppositely ( negatively ) correlated UJ did

Chart in a few mins here to follow


In other thread journal of gft32 atm

Will be back here next hr

This post was on UJ from after 11 00 am
Will not be around for 1 15 pm red US news

Will be around for 2- 2 30 pm to 4 30 pm session and will be in here until gft is around again

This morning as been very good

Lets see if the US session is the same ;-)

see you later
Keeping an eye on NU today

Its bear bias under 7470 - and if we can breach under 7740 next - then I would be selling again on pullbacks staying then under 58 / 60

GL with it PP

hello FM

NZ did fart :) some south today.
somehow i didnt trade it,,but was bull on UJ textbook intraday pennant.
i was playing EG short today. But boy, did it spit into my face when i tried to stare it down :)
hello FM

NZ did fart :) some south today.
somehow i didnt trade it,,but was bull on UJ textbook intraday pennant.
i was playing EG short today. But boy, did it spit into my face when i tried to stare it down :)

Shame it did not get under 7400 - still 50 pip drop from around opens

GL patient pip and have a good April
4 00 pm


Cannot scalp buy it atm at 0754

Will 45 / 50 area work - lets see

Need a bounce over 0771 to stay with any scalp buys longer
4 25pm


well we stopped at 0754 - so anything over 55 / 56 was a scalp buy

We made over 71 - so stayed with buys

Now at 0777 - and 83 - 87 and 95 are all possible barriers

Would be nice over 0800 again though ;- ))

4 41pm

Up approx 100+ pips from 10 30 am area

A lot of R's from 4850 to 60 now - would need above 65 to stay with any buys
Thursday 2nd April 2015 - Pre Opens

GM to all FX Intraday Traders

Yes before I start - from 6 18 am / 6 21 am on EU and EJ.

Every morning I will try and get some scalps on FX pairs after 6 21 am or 6 30 am.

I am rarely up and at my desk for the 6 00 am TW - but normally by 6 15 - 6 20 am - I am set up and ready to go

Its important that you have a few monitors / screens as well - it does make it easier

Notice first red news at 9 30 am on UK pound and then next at lunchtime

Got a school run around 8 00 am but should be back for around 8 35 am then for a few hours

Now how's these scalps doing ??

Have a good day


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