Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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PA been nice and made 67 - so exited last scalp buy for just 7 pips - but thats OK

Above 55 on pullbacks still another buy atm

Need under 54 and 50 to be holding scalp sells


7 21 am

Now made 4879/80 and really looking at were we might scalp sell in next

Good supports at 60 /63 area now at for now over 72 still in another scalp buy
Out for approx 40 mins on a school run at 7 50 am ish

Need to get ready - but will pop back in at end of 7 30 am TW

GL guys
I am sure we can sell EU again - but dont know whether from under 0595 or from 0602 /5 area for now

Over 0610 and 15 - that theory is out the door and look for more scalp buys


7 37 am

In the end it was 7 22 am and 0597/8

Lots of new interim supports 0572 to 77

If we do go under there - then we have 60-65 as next level for now
sorry gang ..........chasing the usd down and now up............I want to make some good pips today before I need to head off head down

I cannot believe how nice and smooth PA is on EU and GU

We must be being lulled into a false sense of security - before we get the spikes
For LO and after 8 00 am on EU - under 0620 I think we can still find sells again for tests lower etc

But supports building up from 0565 to 75 - so over 0620 then it would be a turn and looking for more scalp buys etc

GL and see you after 8 35 am ish

Good Trading and stay focused on levels and time etc etc
sensational session............rollercoaster



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