Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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12 31 pm

We need over 86 and 89 to hold scalp buys on and I came out 100% early hoping to scalp buy again above 74 /76 area

May have missed the rise - but if we get pullbacks and they stay above 74 /75 - scalp buy them again


3 35 pm

I have scalped the UCad quite a few times today

I always felt and mentioned it twice over say 77 then 86 and 89 - its all scalp buy areas

Well after 2 00 pm onwards its happened and the UCad as just kept going up

I am only in on 30% stake but price as made 2446 area again and I am moving my 30% stake stop up to 2428 now

5 02 pm

No real news effect on EU atm - from 4 51 pm and 1391 it was a scalp buy - but we need over 1416 and 1420 to stay with buys otherwise take what you can get

5 02 pm

No real news effect on EU atm - from 4 51 pm and 1391 it was a scalp buy - but we need over 1416 and 1420 to stay with buys otherwise take what you can get


Did not get over 1396 first time and i was out - but from 5 30 pm and 1390 - anothr scalp buy and this time it kept going above 1400 and 1416 and trying to test 1420

That was a big move up within 4 mins - must be on back of some news that was good for EU

Finished for day but will keep an eye on EU and leave a 30% stop in profit at 1403 now

See you tomorrow

Wednesday 18th February 2015 - 7 11 am UK Time

GM to all FX Intraday Traders

Middle of the week today and some important red news announcements through out most of the day - starting with the UK Pound at 9 30 am

Unfortunately I am only around for approx 40 mins first thing and then should be back for the first main news.

I will do a quick update and review on the min pairs I plan to intraday trade today and whilst i am out please feel free to join in and comment on any trading forecast or views you have on any FX pair.

Also any questions etc related to FX welcome and please remember I dont advise any newbies trying to follow me and also suggest it's a bit easier to understand if yoy read the first few pages from this thread and the other 2 on Intraday trading for consistent profits etc etc

Have a good day - and pace yourself - the main news could be 12 hrs away from now

Good Trading



7 15 AM

Hovering around the 1400 price area and a scalp sell from 6 30 am TW and 1405

We really need to see either 1425 + or under 1375 - ie out of a 50 pip range to look at any swing trades etc - otherwise its just scalping for 5 - 10 pips at best


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7 17 am

Similar to EU - ie flat at the 5350 area in a range of say approx 20 pips either side

Red news in just over 2 hrs - so we might get a pre news set up after LO

Sorry will not be about for that part

7 23 am

Price at 2408 and its been slowly rising last few hours but now faces an interim R area at 2410 -2420

If we get above 2422 stay with scalp buys - if not look for scalp sells on pullbacks down to 2400 area again

7 30 AM

Another fairly flat FX pair with a nice line in the sand level at 7800 to 7805.

Above and it favours tries higher but needs above 30 to get out of range and below 7800 favours falls back down to 7780 and even lower

Will keep an eye on it over the session but would not been scalping it too much - as would prefer EJ / GU and even the UCad
UCad again

Still trying slowly up - now at 2412 - but I was hoping to scalp sell in this area below approx 2420.

As mentioned already would stay with scalp buy above say 2420 + and 25 - but lets see if we get a pullback in next 5 mins of TW or not

7 38 am

Last quick update before I get ready to go out until after 9 20 am

It made 119 40 area yesterday and is still in a bullish price session above 118 80 and 85 area

Price at 119 16 atm and fairly flat like other pairs

It favours scalp buys more over 27 and 33 + and scalp sells under 119 07 and 04

GL and see you later on guys

9 23 am

Back now with Pound news in approx 6 mins or so

Noticed GU been rising and at 5374 atm and been a scalp buy since 8 30 am and 9 00 am

We need above 5405 to stay with it - and expect maybe 2 way spikes at news - so if you are in on a scalp buy atm - either exit all or part stake etc within next 2-4 mins

9 28 am

We cannot get over 5380 for now - still scalp bullish - but news remember - so even though structure is scalp bullish - anything can happen in next 3 - 5 mins
9 30 am

after spike down we made over 5405 on GU and now testing 5420 area

Pullbacks needs to stay above 5390 I reckon to then look at more scalp buys

9 33 am

Main R's at 5422 and 35 areas

Therefore need above 39 and 45 to stay with scalp buys - otherwise look then for scalp sells either in next 6 mins or next TW

9 38 m

Cut of on scalp buys is now 5415 - above there still scalp bullish but need ovder 39 and 45 to stay with more buys
Notice EJ and EU both been scalp sells after 9 00 am TW - but both still in ranges

GU is this odd one out due to news

If we can get above 35 / 39 and 45 then I will scalp buy more

If not scalp sells down to 15 and if that lets go - then look at buying in the 5390 -5400 area again

Thats the plan for now
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