Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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UJ - 1 Min LR Chart with TW's on scalp buys and sells in last hour


Hi Peter, didn't trade it, but had a look for comparison sake, I would have traded it off the 5 minute chart. Entry and exit marked, interesting how we all see thing differently, but we can get the results, pips in the bag :cheesy:


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Hi Peter, didn't trade it, but had a look for comparison sake, I would have traded it off the 5 minute chart. Entry and exit marked, interesting how we all see thing differently, but we can get the results, pips in the bag :cheesy:

Hi Rob

Yes - your set up is a very good one and you would have made good pips on the 5 min chart on way up etc

I have now shown my other longer view chart from 7 00 am as well with the TW vertical line in context etc

I do think you set up is very good and far simpler than mine - and I am sure it works well - I am so used to wanting stops as tight as possible ie 3-5 pips if possible and so cannot work off any chart above 3 mins as too slow for catching the initial entries

But still - even if you target only 25 or 30 pips a day - you can still make great returns etc and I would say your method is maybe a better way for many intraday traders etc

For me a stop of 3 pips and a trade of 10 + pips is a RR of 3 - in normally under 10 -15 mins - those are the trades I love ;-)

Good trading


After 10 30 am and 5220 was another scalp buy with it peaking so far at 5239

Before - I scalp sold it from 5240 - and so unless we try over 5243 and 47 I reckon we might be able to scalp sell again and then hold if we go under 27 and 24


10 51 am and then again at 11 00 am - and GU dropped so far 25 pips with a 5208 low so far

The GU as been nice this morning - 2 way moves from 20 to 40 + pips

2 of those a day and you are smiling ;-)

11 37 AM


We have not gone under 1275 so far this morning - and we need above 1288 and 95 and 1300 to be holding scalp buys on for looking at a turn up

If we drop under 1268 and 60 - then we will test next supports at 1250 an 1230 area

Price structure for session says we should drop farther - but it all depends on strength of supports from 1260 to 1275 now

11 40 am

We scalp bought above 94 and 98 - but so far still not made above 119 08 area

After 11 30 am it was a scalp sell again - but needs to fall now under 95 and 88 to hold scalp sells on longer for a test on the 118 80 support area first
12 02 pm

Looks fairly boring atm

Will watch next 7 mins in case we get some scalp opportunities - otherwise back after 12 21 pm or 12 30 pm

12 06 pm

Just needs under 93 and 88 for more scalp sells


been a scalp buy after 12 01 pm and 1277

needs low to hold 30 mins with no breach and ideally now over 95 and 1300 for start of a turn

Its pulling the UJ up at same time now - EJ was a scalp buy at 12 04 at 134 16 /17

Very quick move and as I type its moved up another 30 pips - great
That was a busy 10 mins

Midday - all slow and flat

2 -3 mins later moves showing

7 mins later - 3 pairs moved up in total over 100 pips

No did not get all 3 - only 2 - and extremely lucky on EJ
May as well finish for day now - ;-)

I missed first normal 2 hrs from 7 00 am to 9 00 am - was out - and by 10 30 pm above daily target - and now over doubled that.

Its a boring Tuesday with only one red UK news which was nearly 3 hrs ago.

Not going to finish - but going to have a longer lunch and an easier afternoon now

I have traded today the EU / EJ / GU / UJ and briefly messed with UCad and AU - purely quick scalps

I dont recommend you trying to trade more than 2 pairs a day - until you are comfortable with say a few thousand live trades under your belt and your own way /set up that feels comfortable for how you want to operate etc.

I just find - the longer the hours I put in - the more scalps I take - the more experience I gain and normally I end up with improved results etc - and of course confident - I am not going to lose money on any bad day

Ok - back after 1 30 pm or 2 00 pm

Stay focused

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hey F......just out of interest ......what 2 pairs would you recommend for people getting into your style

for me personally I would perhaps suggest a steady eddie .....EU (?)...........and perhaps a faster pairing of perhaps GU (I am usd bias !) for London morning..if you want spice perhaps the EJ (japan just later pm by then )

for me then in the afternoon (US opening) theres much more variety.........i'd be inclined to go for the cad and stick still to a European as number 2 trade .....all with usd as a pairing.......the aussies operate technically outside of our uk trading business day so I have to see significant inertia in Europeans to go that route at any time in day

I have to say that the swissie is taking time to learn again after its many many months in a straight jacket .................damn thing can shift it ........much more volatile than the euro now

wicked wicked hit on the 13.30 .............hang fire ............she may come back
hey F......just out of interest ......what 2 pairs would you recommend for people getting into your style

for me personally I would perhaps suggest a steady eddie .....EU (?)...........and perhaps a faster pairing of perhaps GU (I am usd bias !) for London morning..if you want spice perhaps the EJ (japan just later pm by then )

for me then in the afternoon (US opening) theres much more variety.........i'd be inclined to go for the cad and stick still to a European as number 2 trade .....all with usd as a pairing.......the aussies operate technically outside of our uk trading business day so I have to see significant inertia in Europeans to go that route at any time in day

I have to say that the swissie is taking time to learn again after its many many months in a straight jacket .................damn thing can shift it ........much more volatile than the euro now


Hi N

Good question really

I will answer this one later in the Devil in the Detail Trading journal thread - as I can cover my reasons etc more

Just back now so will look for next scalps etc by 1 39 pm and then for after 1 51 - 2 00 pm or so


1 34 pm

Quick scan and what stands out was the EJ after 1 00 pm from 134 40

Its just made over 75 pips in last 30 mins or so - what a cracker - and missed every pip ;-(
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