Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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10 44 am

Trying to fall under 5070 R area

5070 was also a double top on small frames and sell started at 10 39 am - end of TW


11 06

Over 20 mins from above comment

Gu cannot make under 5050 /51

Its tried twice - but now 11 00 am and 5053 says scalp buy - but will be get a LH under 71 ?
10 35 am

LH on EJ at 141 05

so now clues are above 07 - then 141 12 and then above 16

Until that happens - we cannot take more scalp buys and under 94 and 90 then might be scalp sells until 140 80 /85 supports


Comment from over 30 mins ago

We never made over 07 or higher and then 11 01 am - under 141 04 - EJ became a scalp sell to test supports at 96

Price now at 140 92 and under 14102 on bounces still a scalp sell to next supports at 85 and 80 ish

11 06

Over 20 mins from above comment

Gu cannot make under 5050 /51

Its tried twice - but now 11 00 am and 5053 says scalp buy - but will be get a LH under 71 ?


comment from 13 mins ago

Scalp buy above 5053 - as said live - now made a higher high at 5072

I will hold 30% stake on above 58
Talking of GU and UK pound - red Interest rate news at Midday - approx 40 mins away

Having a break

Back after 11 30 am

comment from 13 mins ago

Scalp buy above 5053 - as said live - now made a higher high at 5072

I will hold 30% stake on above 58


It took my 30% stake stop out at 58 and then stopped at 56

With news now on interest rates - its trying up again - but no spikes or larger moves atm

Need really over 75 and 80 for a proper move up and under 52 and 49 - scalp sells for lower
12 08 pm

Looks very boring atm - lots of BTTZ areas

More red dollar news at 1 30 pm

Going to have along lunch I reckon

See you later

1 30 pm and news

Low at 1754 - HL at 62 - high 79 - so we need over 82 and 85 for a chance of a try up again

Above 65 - still with a bull bias for start of this session

1 33 pm

It been trying to turn up approx from 8 30 am and 9 00 TW - over 5 hrs ago

Trouble is under 5100 in a down price structure - but still could make above 5080 and 90

Like EU A scalp buy for now

1 38 PM

Still in a support range of 140 80 to 141 00

Need above both and bove 141 13 and 17 now for buying

Under 140 80 - then we might see start of a further fall and scalp sells

1 38 PM

Still in a support range of 140 80 to 141 00

Need above both and bove 141 13 and 17 now for buying

Under 140 80 - then we might see start of a further fall and scalp sells


1 42 pm

Its dropped - under 140 80 was a scalp sell

Price so far 140 75

Under 83 - still a sell


1 42 pm

Its dropped - under 140 80 was a scalp sell

Price so far 140 75

Under 83 - still a sell


So far made 140 74 - and stopped then turned and made above 83

Manipulation at its finest - ie going under supports to tease bears in - and then LP's changing the order flows etc

We should fall - but the market is the market and it can do what it likes - and we just have to follow

thats why somedays you have to scalp and take profits at just a few pips - and then look at re- entering - rather than getting stopped out or tricked
Amazing really - UJ a better sell than EJ for now - and yet dollar is stronger than euro

Forget the fundi's - its whats happens with the price that makes you profit or loss

1 30 pm and news

Low at 1754 - HL at 62 - high 79 - so we need over 82 and 85 for a chance of a try up again

Above 65 - still with a bull bias for start of this session


1 33 pm

It been trying to turn up approx from 8 30 am and 9 00 TW - over 5 hrs ago

Trouble is under 5100 in a down price structure - but still could make above 5080 and 90

Like EU A scalp buy for now

GU and EU approx 30 mins later from comments

EU made so far 1792 - and GU 5083/4 - just scalps really - hardly proper moves

PA is fairly cr*p atm - so lets after next news at 3 00 pm - it might improve

Sorry - just checked - no more red news this afternoon
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2 18 pm

Not traded it today - should have - but been busy with 3 other pairs

Its been rising from midday - and now up nearly 40 pips at 1838

Pullbacks staying above 1823 should be scalp buys again
2 33 pm

Yen crosses - EJ - UJ

Both lows have held for over 30 mins favouring still pullbacks up still

PA is bad and not easy atm - waiting to see when it changes

2 18 pm

Not traded it today - should have - but been busy with 3 other pairs

Its been rising from midday - and now up nearly 40 pips at 1838

Pullbacks staying above 1823 should be scalp buys again

Ucad comment from nearly 40 mins ago

First scalp buy above 23 at 27 made 1834 - LH

Next bounce from 26 made 32 - so another LH

Under 26 at 2 45 pm was a sell - but out my TW so missed it for now

Bounces staying under 32 are now sells again
Coming up to 3 00 pm - and i just hope next hour better than last 90 mins - PA so bad and manipulated - plus so many decoupled and in no correlation

Up to hour dollar weakness again as EU / GU etc rise in price again
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