Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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3 03 pm

Not much effect off dollar news - any pullbacks staying above 5640 are scalp buys again

3 24 pm

So far GU made 5670

I am out totally at start of this TW at 3 21 pm - as it looks like its pulling back down

Maybe a scalp buy again at 35 /40 area now

All depends on TW's and it lining up
4 04 pm

GU now down at 5631 area

Still not scalp bought and under 46 on bounces is a sell again

Next interim support area at 25 /27
Friday 19th December 2014 - Pre Opens

Good Morning to all Intraday FX Traders

The EU tease continued yesterday with another nice drop from the high 2400 / 2500 area down to so near the low - but of course not going under it.

Not much of a red news day - no Freaky Friday today - will it be slow??

Don't know for now - but expect the unexpected and then you will not be far wrong

Going to this explain again to many new followers - ( guests as well) some of the details of my way of trading - as many have not really being following my previous comments - mentioned many times over the course of this last year

Normal stuff in between - with the odd LIVE IN ADVANCE TRADING CALL as well - but most will be suggestions that I am looking at taking - as I am not a Alert service and sell - NOTHING

OK - lets get going and I will say - as normal I have already started my own trading within this 6 00am hour - but then that is maybe my own business and therefore any trades before 7 00 am I will not mention

Have a good day


7 00 am


Price at 2287 and it presently a scalp buy and rising

Supports for me are 2270 to 80 - withs R's at 92 to 95 for now

Morning session price structure is mildly bullish - but its set up that in needs under 2265 and 55 to go bearish

Any real turn would only start above 2300 and the main R to overcome at 2350/60 area

I will be both scalp buying and selling the EU today based on this last 2 hrs of info

7 05 am

Price as so far failed to break up above 5680 - after nice rises yesterday

Price now at 5656 and under 66 I will be looking at scalp sells in this TW

The interim supports are above 5645 /50 - so the range is fairly clear at this point
7 00 am


Price at 2287 and it presently a scalp buy and rising

Supports for me are 2270 to 80 - withs R's at 92 to 95 for now

EU - 8 mins later from comment

Price risen to 2293

So up 6 pips from the point i mentioned and for me a 9 pip rise from the beginning of the scalp buy in the 6 30 am TW
7 10am

My TW are now finished and the EU price is still trying to rise more - but still not over 2293

The choices are many - from exits to trailing stops on smaller stake sizes etc etc

Anyone following this thread in detail know what I will be doing - and will know I also have now a dynamic support trendline in place from approx 4 00 am and the 74 HL

7 05 am

Price as so far failed to break up above 5680 - after nice rises yesterday

Price now at 5656 and under 66 I will be looking at scalp sells in this TW

The interim supports are above 5645 /50 - so the range is fairly clear at this point

We have just had a spike up on the GU taking it up to my sell area of 5666

Not jumped in with a scalp sell yet - as its outside the TW

Will watch and see if it teases now high above 68 - before deciding on next action and if I scalp sell

7 16 am

Clear bull session price structure for approx 12 hrs

Price at 146 52 - after a 75 high

I would like to scalp buy - again - above 146 30 -35 - thats my plan for now

Where at ??

Are we in a TW - - no - so I cannot say just yet

7 19 am

Price as continued up and now above 93 with so far a high at 2298

I have 2 dynamic trendline supports in position now as well as assistance from the LR's and price structure
I will post my EU chart during the morning - with the comments I have mentioned on it etc - so you know what I have been seeing and following

Targets for now - next Interim R area
7 21 am

Back to GU at start of TW

So far above 5666 and made 73

I was not in a scalp buy - missed that - but as said my intentions to scalp sell - originally if it had line up at 66

It did not line up - it was not in a TW and the clues said it could rise more

No I will not jump in a scalp buy - even though it could go above 73 - as I am too late and missed a larger move tahn I thought might happen

I dont guess - I trade in the "now"
7 27 am

We know with the GU main R's at 5675/80 - so unless the price rises up say past 83 and 86 - then it will stall and drop

The key is to see if the PS will allow it to remain with HL's - above say 65 and then still keep trying above 83 and 86

7 29 am

classic example for all my non fans

What did price do at start of TW at 7 21 am??

Did you get it ??

If not - then its shows you still dont really know how I trade - and I think many of the haters and dissers certainly don't

More than likely Major Magnum if he is trading this morning would have scalp sold at 2296 with a 3- 5 pips stop

Why - Because - our clues said so

Price so far dropped to 87 - and we should be able to scalp buy again above 2280 -83
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