Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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8 49 AM

Been in a early price structure session of being bullish above 8225 and topped so far at 8260

For me pullbacks staying above 37 /39 are scalp buys again for now

From an hour ago

Pullbacks stayed above 44/45 and then scalp buys again with a new high at 67/68

Pullbacks now need to stay above 50 for another scalp buy and try up
yes ej cld easily do 30 up without any change in structure so it bt until 147.15 goes

EJ as gone messy since its nice rise to 64 and then drop to this 21 - 30 area

I still favour bounces up and as you say even make above 50 - and still be in a lower high - bear mode

Trouble is not first choice to scalp atm

8 50 am

Whilst we stay above 5705 / 10 area - I still think the GU is in a bullish price structure this morning

Ideally want to scalp buy it again around 5712 -15 area once this pullback / scalp sell finishes

If we drop under 5705 / 5700 - maybe a different ballgame

From over 75 mins ago

We did not stay above 5705/12 /15 area and did drop into scalp sells for me under 5704 and 5700

So far made 5697 and under 5709 - another scalp sell on I reckon
From over 75 mins ago

We did not stay above 5705/12 /15 area and did drop into scalp sells for me under 5704 and 5700

So far made 5697 and under 5709 - another scalp sell on I reckon

GU - nice

Dropped under 5697 now and at 5681

Only on 30% - so will take it and try and get another scalp sell on from bounces

10 18

Ok - its a bearish price structure under 2450 and 35 - but could still bounce up from here at 2410 -12 area for 10 -25 pips if it wanted to - and still be in bearish PS for this AM session
I am having a bit of a break now: had 5 trades.

3 losses (-5 pips each)
2 wins (+10 pips each)

I am making a few mistakes, I should be up much more.
On the 1m , every minutes counts and distraction can be fatal...

10 30 am

Not convinced it can get under 70 /71- so exited at 74 - 70% Stake and leave 30% on under 79

It will probably drop now
I am having a bit of a break now: had 5 trades.

3 losses (-5 pips each)
2 wins (+10 pips each)

I am making a few mistakes, I should be up much more.
On the 1m , every minutes counts and distraction can be fatal...

Hi Fzy

Remember you can be flexible and I would suggest it rather than fixed 5 pip and fixed 10 pip targets

Go with flow - ie if move makes 13 pips - dont bail instant at 10 pips

Similar if it goes against you 3 pips - dont wait for it to go minus 5 - etc

Its a Dynamic market - fixed targets can be an hinderence - Try and read the flows etc

10 45 am


Got it trying to turn at 66 /67

Its outside TW and really need to see it least 74 to drop 30% stake on sell and think about scalp buying
Hi Fzy

Remember you can be flexible and I would suggest it rather than fixed 5 pip and fixed 10 pip targets

Go with flow - ie if move makes 13 pips - dont bail instant at 10 pips

Similar if it goes against you 3 pips - dont wait for it to go minus 5 - etc

Its a Dynamic market - fixed targets can be an hinderence - Try and read the flows etc



Thanks for you post.

Well, I am still positive and I am getting use to it, closing in black every day, little but positive....

I have a question for you if you do not mind: lets say you are short with a Sl of 5 pips and a tp of 10 pips, now you are with +5 pips and another set up occurs, would you take the second set up with the same SL and TP before thhe firts trades reaches the tp?

Reason asking is that the market is often moving fast in one direction where it can move 30-50 pips and taking various entries works very well indeed , gaining 30-50 pips in a jiiff.
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