Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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3 14 pm


I think we are in a range for now - between 2425/30 to 2465 /70

We have bounced above 2430 - but we need to see over 55 and 60 to think it turning up again

Will pop back and look before I go out in next 30 mins

EJ is topping under 148 15 for now - it might try higher if it stays above 87 and 90

I think I have finished trading - as know I going out so will not try and enter any more scalp/swing trades for now
3 48 pm

Finished now - Have a great weekend all

Will be popping in later to just see if there were any more surprises


Nice swings , this is the 5m tf. EU.

Hope you all had a good day.


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EJ chart

This morning - it was not my favourite - messy PA etc

From before start of US session - it changed - and went clean - and just kept slowly going up - and up


If you can learn to make money during messy periods, even if its a pip or 2, and at worst case scenario, take a few losing trades where you are out with losses less than 5 pips, then there is no shadow of a doubt, you will make a killing during free flowing times.

I guess it sounds basic, and obvious F, but most people avoid the basics, due to them being basic, would you agree.

If you can learn to make money during messy periods, even if its a pip or 2, and at worst case scenario, take a few losing trades where you are out with losses less than 5 pips, then there is no shadow of a doubt, you will make a killing during free flowing times.

I guess it sounds basic, and obvious F, but most people avoid the basics, due to them being basic, would you agree.


Good Morning John

I would have to agree with you - and I suppose its all how we define messy periods etc. - with me using such messy charts ;-)

If you have a method that can work in really any conditions - then you are already well ahead in the "game".

Normally the EJ is my favourite intraday pair. Mainly because it moves more than the EU and its spread is still normally under 1 - but not as good as 0 2 or 0 4 of a pip as many times on the EU. Many days I have been in identical scalps on the EU and the EJ and I have been delighted to get say 11 pips off the EU and exit whilst the EJ in the same time as moved 18 or 20 pips.

But Friday am was slightly different. From after 6 30 am to 9 30 am the EJ had been fine with a few nice moves - but then after 10 15am to about Midday it went into what I call a BTTZ ( Bermuda Triangle Tease Zone) - ie a tight range in no man's land that is deliberately set up to catch traders and make them take wrong trades. The PA was tight and for me messy compared to a few other pairs during that period.

If I had not had options etc ( ie other pairs trending more) - I would have been able to scalp the EJ in the BTTZ range and as you know a trend for me is any movement over 3 pips - so even a 4+ pip win on the EJ with a 2.6 pip max stop is nearly a RR of 2 ;) - but its not so efficient on the commission slice to the broker and so thats why I prefer scalps with wins over 7 pips

But for me the days of taking 40 -70 scalps a day have gone. Its blooming hard work and tiring - whereas I can cope with 8 -15 trades easily and 20+ trades in a day now and again.

I am like you John - I do expect small losses and accept them - in fact 2 losses of say 2 to 4 pips before catching a 15 pip move ie 1 win out of 3 - still gives you a profit although - I do prefer to cherry pick the pair / the time / the price and try and have a 70%+ win ratio- so that in my mind I am trading efficiently.

You have also touched on another issue with your own method. I know you think its a simple method etc - but its only simple when you become really skilled at it - ie after you have put the effort in - done the hours of study and then carried it out hundreds and even thousands of times.

I will be really interested if you can carry on ramping it up and get to say 25 lots a pip and then even 50 pips a lot. I could not do it myself - although its been now over 5 years ago - and since then I have improved my skill level even more - but want to keep my blood pressure under 130/ 80 and my heart rate under 120 ideally :D - especially at my age lol

Have a good weekend

Good Morning John

I would have to agree with you - and I suppose its all how we define messy periods etc. - with me using such messy charts ;-)

If you have a method that can work in really any conditions - then you are already well ahead in the "game".

Normally the EJ is my favourite intraday pair. Mainly because it moves more than the EU and its spread is still normally under 1 - but not as good as 0 2 or 0 4 of a pip as many times on the EU. Many days I have been in identical scalps on the EU and the EJ and I have been delighted to get say 11 pips off the EU and exit whilst the EJ in the same time as moved 18 or 20 pips.

But Friday am was slightly different. From after 6 30 am to 9 30 am the EJ had been fine with a few nice moves - but then after 10 15am to about Midday it went into what I call a BTTZ ( Bermuda Triangle Tease Zone) - ie a tight range in no man's land that is deliberately set up to catch traders and make them take wrong trades. The PA was tight and for me messy compared to a few other pairs during that period.

If I had not had options etc ( ie other pairs trending more) - I would have been able to scalp the EJ in the BTTZ range and as you know a trend for me is any movement over 3 pips - so even a 4+ pip win on the EJ with a 2.6 pip max stop is nearly a RR of 2 ;) - but its not so efficient on the commission slice to the broker and so thats why I prefer scalps with wins over 7 pips

But for me the days of taking 40 -70 scalps a day have gone. Its blooming hard work and tiring - whereas I can cope with 8 -15 trades easily and 20+ trades in a day now and again.

I am like you John - I do expect small losses and accept them - in fact 2 losses of say 2 to 4 pips before catching a 15 pip move ie 1 win out of 3 - still gives you a profit although - I do prefer to cherry pick the pair / the time / the price and try and have a 70%+ win ratio- so that in my mind I am trading efficiently.

You have also touched on another issue with your own method. I know you think its a simple method etc - but its only simple when you become really skilled at it - ie after you have put the effort in - done the hours of study and then carried it out hundreds and even thousands of times.

I will be really interested if you can carry on ramping it up and get to say 25 lots a pip and then even 50 pips a lot. I could not do it myself - although its been now over 5 years ago - and since then I have improved my skill level even more - but want to keep my blood pressure under 130/ 80 and my heart rate under 120 ideally :D - especially at my age lol

Have a good weekend


Good Afternoon peter,

You raise some very valid points.

If I could give 2 or 3 pairs the same concentration, naturally, it would be a no brainer to concentrate on the free flowing ones rather than the pair stuck in some chop.

And, like you say sometimes something may seem easy to me, but it may be that is due to many hours of work put in, until it becomes a learned behaviour.

Also the amount of time you have spent looking at the charts, means you know when are the best times, thus can cherry pick, I however, have not added this facet to my trading(yet).

I must admit, I haven't ramped anything up just yet, and most of the time I'm just risking circa 0.25% per trade. Would I like to turn the dial up a little, of course, will I do this, yes definitely, as I have to take a little capital out of my trading account for a house purchase.

Mother's press ganged me into buying a house, something I'd never wanted to do, but she is quite old school(and nagging/influential), and the idea of paying just over £60k rent per year sends her around the bend, but in my defence trading has provided me with a more than comfortable lifestyle that I can afford, and if there comes a time I can't afford things, then I shall down grade.

Believe it or not, but I couldn't even get a mortgage as my income is non-taxable, even though the manager at the bank thinks I earn as much as their executives. lol, so it's a cash purchase which naturally, has dented my trading account a little.

2015 is when I am going to stop p155ing about, and give trading more time, and focus it deserves in an even more professional way, and achieve the year-end target I have set myself.

I did ask a question which still seems unanswered, but I would like to know, if you do know is, what lot amount on Cable professionals at IB/prop firms go in at, also am I right in assuming 180 lots is equivalent of £1,000/pip.

I look forward to your response.

good conversation you having here J and F, it is all information that also relates to me....
keep it up.....
Hi John and Fugazsy

In tonight having a take away and watching TV and a film later

In between will answer some of Johns points and questions - and being a weekend - I dont mind covering areas we probably don't really discuss enough etc etc

So will break John's comments into points to respond to during next 30 mins.

I know it early Sunday morning for you Fzy - but excuse me if I start to slur a bit after too many glasses of wine over next few hours - ;-)


Good Afternoon peter,

You raise some very valid points.

If I could give 2 or 3 pairs the same concentration, naturally, it would be a no brainer to concentrate on the free flowing ones rather than the pair stuck in some chop.

And, like you say sometimes something may seem easy to me, but it may be that is due to many hours of work put in, until it becomes a learned behaviour.

Also the amount of time you have spent looking at the charts, means you know when are the best times, thus can cherry pick, I however, have not added this facet to my trading(yet).



If it OK with you John - I will break your comment into three or four areas and answer them one at a time as you have raised some interesting points

When I was in business - I was always going on courses - everything from team building to time management and efficiency. My wife was also ex British Airways and Britannia Airways as well as working on a few private jets as well as once involved with a Concorde trip for the US Ryder Cup Golf team over to Birmingham Airport and then the Belfry. So she had spent more time on time efficiency and multi tasking courses than me and she has ended up passing on so many good tips that I now try and incorporate in my trading day.

I cover normally a 10 -12 hr daily time spam but normally with less than 3 to 4 hrs actually at my platform / charts etc. I could cover say just 3 hrs a day and maybe spend less than an hour watching movements - but then I would not earn so much - nor learn more - because the learning is just ongoing.

As I have mentioned before - I need pressure to perform - but positive pressure - that as to be controlled.

That enables me to cherry pick times and currency pairs in my group - but I have only found out this week how I can even improve that slightly further.

I don't know how many years you have been trading your present method - but I do think after say 1500 - 2000 more live trades - ie at say 40 per week - less than a year you will be spotting so many ways and tips to add say 10 -25% to your game

I like blogging in the trading day to actually help to keep me focused and stop me not concentrating on any losses etc etc. I then look back and can see what I though 2 or 4 hrs ago and see whether I was reading the markets correctly - even if I have taken 3 to 5 trades in between - in both directions.

We are all different as traders - so you do need to find you own "zone" and the best way to get your performing at say 90% rather than maybe everybody's normal 50 -70%

No two ways about it - your trading skills improve over time and practice (y)

Ok - will answer next points a bit later


If it OK with you John - I will break your comment into three or four areas and answer them one at a time as you have raised some interesting points

When I was in business - I was always going on courses - everything from team building to time management and efficiency. My wife was also ex British Airways and Britannia Airways as well as working on a few private jets as well as once involved with a Concorde trip for the US Ryder Cup Golf team over to Birmingham Airport and then the Belfry. So she had spent more time on time efficiency and multi tasking courses than me and she has ended up passing on so many good tips that I now try and incorporate in my trading day.

I cover normally a 10 -12 hr daily time spam but normally with less than 3 to 4 hrs actually at my platform / charts etc. I could cover say just 3 hrs a day and maybe spend less than an hour watching movements - but then I would not earn so much - nor learn more - because the learning is just ongoing.

As I have mentioned before - I need pressure to perform - but positive pressure - that as to be controlled.

That enables me to cherry pick times and currency pairs in my group - but I have only found out this week how I can even improve that slightly further.

I don't know how many years you have been trading your present method - but I do think after say 1500 - 2000 more live trades - ie at say 40 per week - less than a year you will be spotting so many ways and tips to add say 10 -25% to your game

I like blogging in the trading day to actually help to keep me focused and stop me not concentrating on any losses etc etc. I then look back and can see what I though 2 or 4 hrs ago and see whether I was reading the markets correctly - even if I have taken 3 to 5 trades in between - in both directions.

We are all different as traders - so you do need to find you own "zone" and the best way to get your performing at say 90% rather than maybe everybody's normal 50 -70%

No two ways about it - your trading skills improve over time and practice (y)

Ok - will answer next points a bit later



I think I need your wife to teach me some techniques. (y)

I too perform better under pressure, but I like to be realistic, and try and put everything in probabilities. If it's probable it can be done, I'll do it, if I feel its probable, that it can't be done, well then its time to step back, re-evaluate, and set another goal.

I am amazed how you can blog amongst your trading because I seem to miss trades when I'm typing, and end up being a little cross with myself.

My only priority is to make money from the markets anything else that gets in the way, or isstopping me from performing at my best, then its a hindrance that needs to be stopped.

My "zone" if it could be put into words would be "just going with the flow, not working at an optimal level to maximise every opportunity, make a very healthy return per traded day". Am I happy at this level of performance, no, because I want to improve, and be the best me, and get the most out of each trade.

Good Afternoon peter,

You raise some very valid points.



I must admit, I haven't ramped anything up just yet, and most of the time I'm just risking circa 0.25% per trade. Would I like to turn the dial up a little, of course, will I do this, yes definitely, as I have to take a little capital out of my trading account for a house purchase.



Ok first part - 0 25% stake per trade is very good if you are on a large account. On smaller accounts under $20 k say - I reckon if you are experienced and have a good method up to 2% is OK. On account over say $100k - even with 2 or 3 trades going at same time you need to not go over 1-1.5% on the stake risk and if over $250K - then yes - you got to keep to 0 1- 0 4% of capital to stay safe in case you do have the odd black swan's and even lose 8 or 10 trades in a row.

But then the trick as to be higher RR's of over 2 and ideally 3- 5 - and I know John you have said mostly you are only achieving 1:1 - and that to me would be a concern.

Everyday I will have at least one trade with a RR over 4 - so on 0 5% stake on a 5 pips stop thats means I make approx 2% profit - and so 3 bad trades then still leave me ahead of the game. RR's of 1 to 1 are fine with win ratios over say 70- 80% - but if you feel your win ratios are more 55 -70% - then you will have a problem at some time if you are not bringing in some trades with less risk and more reward.

Compounding did me in over 5 years ago.I got up to over 22 lots per pip - and after having a few bad days - the market "out- psyched" me and put me back nearly 6 months

I suggest if you can - don't jump up more than $50 a pip - ie don't go from say 10 lots to 18 lots or 25 lots in one go - even if you have the capital to do it.

Plus the fact and I will explain more about this later - you will have problems trying to put over 50 lots and 100 lots on and expect the same execution speed etc as on 5 or 10 lots. OK if you are commercial or in an institution etc - but not as a retailer.

My friend who placed approx £1200 a pip on the Pound on election day - did it via Barclay's Capital and had to wait over an hour to get it on and over 30 mins to take it off - and he could not do it electronically - it had to be by phone

Ok its 4 years or so ago - and things might have changed - but trading with large stakes etc is a different ball game - not just mentally - but also technically

Will answer more a little later


Hi John and Fugazsy

In tonight having a take away and watching TV and a film later

In between will answer some of Johns points and questions - and being a weekend - I dont mind covering areas we probably don't really discuss enough etc etc

So will break John's comments into points to respond to during next 30 mins.

I know it early Sunday morning for you Fzy - but excuse me if I start to slur a bit after too many glasses of wine over next few hours - ;-)




Power yoga class for me in 45 minutes.. Tough one but it is good for me and my trading.....I also like the nice view of the long girls's legs in the class... also good for my trading :whistling
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Good Afternoon peter,

You raise some very valid points.



Believe it or not, but I couldn't even get a mortgage as my income is non-taxable, even though the manager at the bank thinks I earn as much as their executives. lol, so it's a cash purchase which naturally, has dented my trading account a little.

2015 is when I am going to stop p155ing about, and give trading more time, and focus it deserves in an even more professional way, and achieve the year-end target I have set myself.

I did ask a question which still seems unanswered, but I would like to know, if you do know is, what lot amount on Cable professionals at IB/prop firms go in at, also am I right in assuming 180 lots is equivalent of £1,000/pip.

I look forward to your response.


Morning John

I have combined these two points together - being the final parts of your comments

First of all - regarding purchasing property and getting a mortgage. Ever since the crash in 2008 -09 all the finance rules have been tightened up and things have changed dramatically etc etc. However this should not stop you getting a mortgage.

The last one I took out in 2002 was a specialist one for self employed business people and proof of earnings was not required - but instead just 2 years of bank statements and I got £420k as long as I was able to to place equity of over 35% of the lowest value of the property the mortgage was on.

At that time there was so many silly mortgages available - ie even 105% and 120% ones - no wonder the finance industry went pear shape.

Banks are one dimensional - you need a specialist and I am sure as long as you have over 30 -40% of the capital required of the value of the property you will get a mortgage - its a no risk deal really. I remember over 30 years ago my Father being offered a mortgage at the age of 75 yrs old - and nowadays they are saying in the future people over the age of 45 yrs old might not be able to get them - totally silly

That's going from one extreme to another. Property in the UK will always rise in value at least every 10 -15 yrs - so its the least risk lend available - as long as the lender has the safety net of good equity already in the property.

I have never been in the property business - but my cousin who owned a building company has been in it for over 30 years and has done extremely well. Rent is dead money - but then if you have ways of making great money and other investments yielding great returns - rent is just another cost - like spending money on clothes and food - we all have to do it etc.

My recommendation would be to search through the internet for a specialist mortgage advisor who thinks outside the box and has the right contacts - even if its overseas monies.

Whilst we are on this subject - I borrowed one and half million pound along with two other directors of my company ( I had 58% of the shares ) in 1996 and repayed it back in approx three years. I have just been reading this week that Ron Dennis - who is the CEO of McLaren FI and car manufactures is looking at borrowing 260 million pounds - to buy out his fellow shareholders in the company. Mr Dennis is 67 yrs old and although a multi millionaire - worth about 50 million - that's a massive risk to take on and his age - but all achievable.

It's amazing really but whilst I was a big risk taker in my previous early business career ( nothing compared though to when I worked with Branson ) I could still not stand the pressure of trading with over £170 per pip using my own money and seeing how it easy it could be to lose £10k in a day etc.

OK - if its not your own money - its not quite so bad and so I can understand traders in the city having 500 lots on trades and not even sweating - simply because they have no direct emotional attachment.

I have said many times on this forum - retail trading and commercial institutional trading is chalk and cheese. We - as retailers can use leverage so we don't have to have millions of capital - but normal retail electronic platforms only allow you up to 50 or 100 lots per pip or point.

I have never worked in the industry but know it different for the commercial institutional traders who will have different arrangements with their ( own) liquidity providers. I am sure you cannot just drop 1000 or 5000 lots per pip on the Pound and have it all on in and out in 2 mins and scalp the market - like we can with 10 lots. Like I mentioned before it would more than likely be drip feed in over a time period of 30 / 60 mins or so - but all depends on the market conditions etc etc

I would love to know more - but have only had the proof from one of my distant friends who made approx £400k on the GU on the last UK election. This guy is a extremely wealthy quarter billionaire and has an annual 12 million a year gambling budget . His main joy is fruit machines - yes he has won over £100k many times from casino machines and even made the national papers after winning £1 million on the tables at a Star City Casino one night in Birmingham a few years back.

He is still only about 45 yrs old - sold out his main business over 7 years ago and enjoys Vegas normally 6 times a year - and yes get invited on a freebies over there as he's a well known high roller - whether they all know he has a photographic memory is another story lol. I have never been there with him as he his totally out of my league - but our daughters are still close friends from prep schools -so I get to hear still of all his latest exploits.

There are suppose to be some genuine institutional FX traders who visit this forum at times - it would be great to hear if they have traded say 1000 lots per pip or more ( ie approx £6300 per pip) and made say half a million in a session ;-)

Pity HFT bots cannot blog lol


Morning John

I have combined these two points together - being the final parts of your comments

First of all - regarding purchasing property and getting a mortgage. Ever since the crash in 2008 -09 all the finance rules have been tightened up and things have changed dramatically etc etc. However this should not stop you getting a mortgage.

The last one I took out in 2002 was a specialist one for self employed business people and proof of earnings was not required - but instead just 2 years of bank statements and I got £420k as long as I was able to to place equity of over 35% of the lowest value of the property the mortgage was on.

At that time there was so many silly mortgages available - ie even 105% and 120% ones - no wonder the finance industry went pear shape.

Banks are one dimensional - you need a specialist and I am sure as long as you have over 30 -40% of the capital required of the value of the property you will get a mortgage - its a no risk deal really. I remember over 30 years ago my Father being offered a mortgage at the age of 75 yrs old - and nowadays they are saying in the future people over the age of 45 yrs old might not be able to get them - totally silly

That's going from one extreme to another. Property in the UK will always rise in value at least every 10 -15 yrs - so its the least risk lend available - as long as the lender has the safety net of good equity already in the property.

I have never been in the property business - but my cousin who owned a building company has been in it for over 30 years and has done extremely well. Rent is dead money - but then if you have ways of making great money and other investments yielding great returns - rent is just another cost - like spending money on clothes and food - we all have to do it etc.

My recommendation would be to search through the internet for a specialist mortgage advisor who thinks outside the box and has the right contacts - even if its overseas monies.

Whilst we are on this subject - I borrowed one and half million pound along with two other directors of my company ( I had 58% of the shares ) in 1996 and repayed it back in approx three years. I have just been reading this week that Ron Dennis - who is the CEO of McLaren FI and car manufactures is looking at borrowing 260 million pounds - to buy out his fellow shareholders in the company. Mr Dennis is 67 yrs old and although a multi millionaire - worth about 50 million - that's a massive risk to take on and his age - but all achievable.

It's amazing really but whilst I was a big risk taker in my previous early business career ( nothing compared though to when I worked with Branson ) I could still not stand the pressure of trading with over £170 per pip using my own money and seeing how it easy it could be to lose £10k in a day etc.

OK - if its not your own money - its not quite so bad and so I can understand traders in the city having 500 lots on trades and not even sweating - simply because they have no direct emotional attachment.

I have said many times on this forum - retail trading and commercial institutional trading is chalk and cheese. We - as retailers can use leverage so we don't have to have millions of capital - but normal retail electronic platforms only allow you up to 50 or 100 lots per pip or point.

I have never worked in the industry but know it different for the commercial institutional traders who will have different arrangements with their ( own) liquidity providers. I am sure you cannot just drop 1000 or 5000 lots per pip on the Pound and have it all on in and out in 2 mins and scalp the market - like we can with 10 lots. Like I mentioned before it would more than likely be drip feed in over a time period of 30 / 60 mins or so - but all depends on the market conditions etc etc

I would love to know more - but have only had the proof from one of my distant friends who made approx £400k on the GU on the last UK election. This guy is a extremely wealthy quarter billionaire and has an annual 12 million a year gambling budget . His main joy is fruit machines - yes he has won over £100k many times from casino machines and even made the national papers after winning £1 million on the tables at a Star City Casino one night in Birmingham a few years back.

He is still only about 45 yrs old - sold out his main business over 7 years ago and enjoys Vegas normally 6 times a year - and yes get invited on a freebies over there as he's a well known high roller - whether they all know he has a photographic memory is another story lol. I have never been there with him as he his totally out of my league - but our daughters are still close friends from prep schools -so I get to hear still of all his latest exploits.

There are suppose to be some genuine institutional FX traders who visit this forum at times - it would be great to hear if they have traded say 1000 lots per pip or more ( ie approx £6300 per pip) and made say half a million in a session ;-)

Pity HFT bots cannot blog lol



Good Morning peter,

I think the difference is, you have been around the finance/business industry, and have the contacts, where as I've had to seek council in matters I have no experience. I was told the self certifying days are long gone(whatever that means), and we are days away from exchanging.

The purchase is just to pacify my nagging mother TBH.

I know a lot of successful traders take out capital, and invest in other avenues, but this is not what i want to do, I just want to keep all my money with the broker, and just trade.

Sure there are people who tell me the broker could go bust, and keeping 6 figures with them is absurd. In my defence, I've pulled out more than my original 5 figure deposit on numerous times, thus if anything "even if they go broke, they have given me far far more than I've ever put in". I do not trade with other peoples money, and when asked I have refused completely, citing I am not FCA registered, for the adamant ones.

Nowadays my propensity to take risks is quite low, but sometimes I do think about throwing caution to the wind, and just going for it.

There is a trade set up I see that comes up infrequently, but has a 89% success rate, and sometimes I do feel like just risking a few £k on this trade, but no one on this forum seems to want to talk about "how heavy people can go", I do take your comments on board, and I would risk £500/pip on this trade, my reasoning being, well it's only money the markets have given me, but having advice from people who have been there will make me avoid pitfalls.

Re, you friend, wow, I can admire his balls, but could never want to emulate him. The same way I love Vegas, like watching poker, yet have never gambled, or have any intention to. I like the odds in my favour.

I agree, it is quite a shame, that industry professionals who grace these boards, aren't willing to share their industry views, as I would love to hear from them too, but even if they don't wish to speak, no problem, I will forge forward, and blaze the trail I need to, to reach the goals i want to.

Good Morning peter,


I know a lot of successful traders take out capital, and invest in other avenues, but this is not what i want to do, I just want to keep all my money with the broker, and just trade. ----------------

I agree, it is quite a shame, that industry professionals who grace these boards, aren't willing to share their industry views, as I would love to hear from them too, but even if they don't wish to speak, no problem, I will forge forward, and blaze the trail I need to, to reach the goals i want to.


The most I have had in the last 8 years as been approx $280K in three FX broker accounts. Nowadays I have approx $140-160K with 2 brokers - both covered by the FSA guarantee of up to £85k on your deposits if they went broke etc.

I would not have more than say £100k with any single broker all the while - at least then you are only risking £15k in a worse case scenario - and that can and still will happen - as I found out with Lehman Bros - 150 years of being a Bank means nothing nowadays.

I do suggest that if you do carry growing that you do have at least two broker accounts- but you will never need four or more unless you do end up trading 50 + lots /pip and then its a case of transferring money around to the one broker who will do the best deal on that pair that day or week. All FX brokers change their rules for big capital accounts - money talks - as it does in most things in life.

Have a good week and hope all goes well with the house purchase



PS - forgot to mention - I am no gambler - like you - maybe £25 on the National - £100 in a Casino on holidays and odd tenners on my favourite Footy Team or on the odd F1 race etc- and of course the Lottery - you will never win it - if you are not in it lol
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The most I have had in the last 8 years as been approx $280K in three FX broker accounts. Nowadays I have approx $140-160K with 2 brokers - both covered by the FSA guarantee of up to £85k on your deposits if they went broke etc.

I would not have more than say £100k with any single broker all the while - at least then you are only risking £15k in a worse case scenario - and that can and still will happen - as I found out with Lehman Bros - 150 years of being a Bank means nothing nowadays.

I do suggest that if you do carry growing that you do have at least two broker accounts- but you will never need four or more unless you do end up trading 50 + lots /pip and then its a case of transferring money around to the one broker who will do the best deal on that pair that day or week. All FX brokers change their rules for big capital accounts - money talks - as it does in most things in life.

Have a good week and hope all goes well with the house purchase



PS - forgot to mention - I am no gambler - like you - maybe £25 on the National - £100 in a Casino on holidays and odd tenners on my favourite Footy Team or on the odd F1 race etc- and of course the Lottery - you will never win it - if you are not in it lol

I shall take heed of your words.

As for the lottery, I stay away from that also.

BTW may I ask what happened with Lehman brothers.

hey all............well well that usd green train just keeps on rollin rollin rollin

heres the daily TF ....... and above the green usd index indicator is the trusty fxcorrelator on a 20ma setting.........the BIG sellers shown as greenback gained

(both indicators available free below in signature links)

have a great week next week...........i'm tied up now till xmas on work and will pop in for a gossip when I can



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