Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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2 35 pm

looks as though all was coupled up again - with falls after 2 30 pm and GU staying under 5688 - but still not convincing

EU now down at 2386
2 42 pm

GU a bit messy PA atm

EU not getting under 2384/5 and so we could be entering BTTZ areas

Will pop back after 3 00 pm

Meanwhile be careful - all might not be as we see it still atm

Still in session bullish mode above 118 10 - for now

I think for last 90 mins or so - yen crosses have been the best

UJ now up at 119 25 - got most of last 60 pips on just 30% stakes - as was scalping more on Ucad and EU etc

Missed out on EJ's rise - but not been as good as UJ with dollar being stronger

still bullish in price structure above 1460 - but needs over 1500 to look at more scalp buys

Cad comment from 25 mins ago or so

Well it made over 1500 and now peaking around 1525/6 area - pullbacks above 1511 still scalp buys again - if it drops below then next scalp buy area 03/05 area

UCad update

Now at 1520 after making 1538 at 2 00 pm and then a lower high confirming a scalp sell

3 02 PM

From start of TW at 2 51 pm - it was a scalp buy from 2380 after a 77/78 low

Need above 2405 to hold on - along with no breach of 77 within another 20 mins

scalp buy made 2396 high and then stalled

Within another 10 mins was then testing the 77/78 area again

Its gone the 30 mins now from first interim low being posted and still the breach is not clean cut

Dont like PA like this - so will stay out EU until after 3 30 pm

3 25pm

Took of up at 3 21 pm - start of the half hr TW

Price rose from 75/6 to now as I type 93

Jumped in at 82 and will exit all before 3 30 pm
3 30 pm

Notice EU joined in on rise

So both had a big money dump in last 10 mins

EU not so convincing here as GU - that must be the LP trying to hold back orders again
3 41pm

Testing PA on the EU - whereas the GU jumped up over 25 pips and then after 3 30 pm and at 5696 just fell again

I think we need to stay above 76 for another try up

Unusual move - its made me suspicious of whats going on

Popping out at 4 00 pm - but will be back for after 5 00 pm

I dont mind PA like this early morning when I am bright and fresh - but afternoon after a tiring session - I am not so keen to trade it

Stay Focused and GL
I think for last 90 mins or so - yen crosses have been the best

UJ now up at 119 25 - got most of last 60 pips on just 30% stakes - as was scalping more on Ucad and EU etc

Missed out on EJ's rise - but not been as good as UJ with dollar being stronger

UJ up now at 119 40

Just moved 30% stake stop up 19 before I pop out
5 17 pm

EU now at 2400 area again and GU at 5714 after making 5723 in the 5 00 pm TW

Finished trading for the day

Will pop in later and be around tomorrow AM

I hope you have all had some good pips today - I have not done to bad - so a very good week so far for December


Comment on the EU - posted on another thread on forum earlier on tonight


Thursday Evening December 11th

Just so everyone understands

For the EU to be back in a down trend - price needs now to go back down under 2230 and 2200 ( LL's ) - and then any pullbacks stay under 2490 - ie a LH to 2500.

If the EU only drops to say 2300 or 2340 etc - it could still do another high - ie HH over 2501 and still be in the "upturn"

So for now the 2 most important prices are under 2230 or over say 2510+ - ie a 190 pip range

Until we come out of that range - I being a short term intraday trader will carry on taking both scalp buys and scalp days through out the trading days with no real bias - has I have been doing for probably 90% of my full time trading career.

The "Devil is in the Detail"

Learn to understand the TA detail - and then you will prosper more

Good Trading



We had the HH's this last week from PA - will we get the LL under 2230 and 2200 ??

That's fortune telling for me - but I get the feeling I will still be scalp buying as well as scalp selling on the EU for a long time still

See you in the morning


Friday 12th December 2014 - Pre Opens

Good Morning to all FX Intraday Traders

Last day of the week - but a normal Friday rather than a Freaky Friday and only 2 lots of red US news later on today.

I have been amazed at the volumes and movements during this last month of the year so far - with so many nice moves during the main 2 sessions.

I can remember from other years as well - that sometimes even between Dec 27th and January 7th in the new year - you can get good movements - even when in theory the Banks trading sections are off on holiday. Remember super computers don't need holidays ;-)

Normal stuff today - I tend to try and get my targets out the way before the US session - knowing if I have 3 or 4 bad scalps - I can still turn things around all before London Close - or certainly before the end of US lunch.

Please fee free to comment with your thoughts and ideas etc on any FX pairs etc

Have a good day



6 42 am

I will start with this pair this morning rather than the EU - simply because up to the end of this half hr TW I had scalp bought it from 6 09 am and 5719.

Its just topped at 5729 and I have exited at 28 and then scalp sold - expecting another 4 -7 pips on a pullback

Ideally I want to scalp buy again above 5718/19 as for now I think we will test above 30 and 35.

This would however change if we see price drop under 5213 and 11 - then its more scalp sells down to 5700 or even 5690/95 area and maybe a change in price structure again

6 49am

Price presently around the 2400 price area

The present range is approx 15 -20 pips - and then maybe when we move out of it we might get more ideas for early session direction

Above 2480 / 85 - I personally favour higher again with tests on 2520 + again

But thats prior to EO and LO - and all could change in 90 mins

Thats why I dont like fortune telling - ie guessing lol
Hi Forexmospherian,

I have been reading your post in here. I would like to ask a question about a situation. If its already answered then i am extremely sorry. Its bit a long thread.

Here in 1st few post you said, "If a trade is not in profit or going my way within 2- 3 minutes - i might exit if I have over 3 pips - as my spreads on key pairs are under 2 and as low as 0.3 pips - so forget the nonsense of the cost of more trades ."

What you do during NFP? that time market move more than 20 pips in 1-2 mins, sometimes may be more. What you do then?
Even before the news release there is an undecided choppy movement occurs, which could eat 5-10 pips SL easily. How you manage then? Do you avoid trading in those risky timing?
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