Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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9 41 am

Boring atm

Indecision - and hesitation going on

Might be same to next hr

We need some more moves up on EJ / EU / GU etc and falls on swissy and UCad

Whether that happens - should do - but whether it does - another matter
9 44 am

Taken out 30% stakes on EU and EJ now - both were in small profits so no problem

Ucad is falling from 80 - but Swissy rising - all out of sync now
Noticed coming up to an hour since lows printed before on like the EU - so now we might see tries lower etc

Back after Hour change
9 41 am

Boring atm

Indecision - and hesitation going on

Might be same to next hr

We need some more moves up on EJ / EU / GU etc and falls on swissy and UCad

Whether that happens - should do - but whether it does - another matter

I like to enter on a two legs pull back to any magnet level including the average (20), more than one the better....

Did not in this case (Eu) and as you said it may turn into range till news, normally the few days before the non payroll is a bit of "nowhere" state.
fugazsy think we are flogging the old horse here when asking for zooooooomed up charts , hope you have a good day , closeing down now for rest of day ----- bye
fugazsy think we are flogging the old horse here when asking for zooooooomed up charts , hope you have a good day , closeing down now for rest of day ----- bye

lol, yes you said it right, he will never show us a zoom chart....a clear chart,. why should he? he has millions of hours of screen

All well here mate. I will give another hour...this week is a bit slow for me but positive...I am also testing a few later
10 05 am

Annoying - I get taken out of 30% stakes on buys on EU and EJ - but stayed with GU one

All 3 have now risen in this TW and so reentered on the EJ as scalp buy at 26 - not 43 - will pull again
10 05 am

Annoying - I get taken out of 30% stakes on buys on EU and EJ - but stayed with GU one

All 3 have now risen in this TW and so reentered on the EJ as scalp buy at 26 - not 43 - will pull again

Let me undersatnd:
you were long, cashed 70% and the remaining 30% stopped @ BE and reentered EJ @ 26?
10 05 am

Annoying - I get taken out of 30% stakes on buys on EU and EJ - but stayed with GU one

All 3 have now risen in this TW and so reentered on the EJ as scalp buy at 26 - not 43 - will pull again

EJ - 1 min Chart with scalp buys

It did not make above 43 - 147 426 - so banked 70% and left 30% on above 19



  • EJ - 31214 SCALP BUY.png
    EJ - 31214 SCALP BUY.png
    86.8 KB · Views: 545
Let me undersatnd:
you were long, cashed 70% and the remaining 30% stopped @ BE and reentered EJ @ 26?


First scalp bought at just before 9 00 am at approx 147 06/7

exited 70% at 21/22

Left 30% on - taken out on stop with approx 5 pip profit in it at 13

Reentered 100% scalp stake at 21 at 10 00 TW - exited another 70% stake at 41 after not making 43 and left 30% stake on now at 19 - which is actually not in a profit

So approx 14 pips at 70% stake

5 pips at 30% stake

19 pips at 70% stake on second scalp#

and will only minus 2 pips on 30% if need be to stay in buy

But no over 43 - then will pull 30% before minus 2 -

Hope that makes sense ;-)

10 29 am

Made approx 5658 and was in on 30% stake

Now fell and exited 30% at 51 - as went to scalp sell

Not entered scalp sell for now - but might on a pullback staying under 56

First scalp bought at just before 9 00 am at approx 147 06/7

exited 70% at 21/22

Left 30% on - taken out on stop with approx 5 pip profit in it at 13

Reentered 100% scalp stake at 21 at 10 00 TW - exited another 70% stake at 41 after not making 43 and left 30% stake on now at 19 - which is actually not in a profit

So approx 14 pips at 70% stake

5 pips at 30% stake

19 pips at 70% stake on second scalp#

and will only minus 2 pips on 30% if need be to stay in buy

But no over 43 - then will pull 30% before minus 2 -

Hope that makes sense ;-)

well done, yes make sense.
10 41 AM


Out at 24 as it fell - got the feeling it would try lower and get my 19 stop - which was in minus 2

so now got approx 2 pips at 30% there - added with other trades - works out in total

14 + 5 + 19 + 2 = although 40 pips - actually only the same at 25 /26 pips on full 100% stakes

10 44

Caught me out - ie got me out 30% buy as scalp sell to 41

Now though as risen again and made over last high at 58 - making 62 so far

Think need a cup of tea ;-))

Got the feeling might be just slow and tricky up to after Midday - when the news announcement kick off

See you in a bit
11 12 pm


So far not made under 2322 - 2325 area a support


Still slightly bullish staying above 5638 and 5645


Bounced above 147 10 again - seems to be supports


Different again to EU - being slowly rising today so far - but PA not nice

UCad and UChf - only small pullbacks after early rises
done for the day, I need to reduce my risk and take all the trades when they come, then when confortable I will rise volume .ta
11 21 am

Another new TW


Will only keep my longer term 30% stake on sell on up to 2350

Any bounces above there would be holding on to scalp buys

GU and AU have been slowly rising over last few hrs - but EU just flat for now resting on supports
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