Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Will post some charts this hour

EJ carried on falling still - down 230 pips so far - yes approx 230 pips for today

Just when all the long term swingers are entering after a 400 pip rise - it now drops nearly 300 pips in total - don't you just love this game ;-)
2 39 pm


need 2433 and 36 to be scalp buying now - or even holding any on from 2407 low

No 2433 and 36 - then further tests of low and maybe under 2400

EU comment from over 30 mins ago

we so far have made 2434 - so not high enough

We now know above 2417 - still another scalp buy

so we might end up as a BTTZ from say 16/17 to 37 / 38 - ie 20 pip range

Over 38 + easy - more scalp buys

Under16 and 2406 - more scalp sells

In between 16 and 38 - scalp for 3-7 pips or leave until clarity


4 18 pm

Well we did make over 36 or 38+

We then fell - from 3 30 TW - and then dropped under 16 and stopped at 2404

Very neat - as you say MM

Also yes noticed 40+ guests at one point earlier on - strange - did not know I had that many dissers lol

4 21 pm

Does not want to drop under 65 - but not going over 83 or 85 or higher

Looks like its topping - but then still not falling - so may be having a rest to try up again as EU bounces etc etc

2 45 pm


Needs either above 8725 and 30 for more scalp buys

Or - under 8688 and 80 to hold scalp sells

In between - then scalp for small pips - or end up being tricked


From approx 90 mins ago

Price under 88 and then under 80 and now at 74 low

So slow though

Need back over 93 and 8700 to hold any scalp buys on longer than just for a few pips
EJ - This week from 9 00 pm Monday to near LC Friday


Might have got it all in on a 3 min chart - but used a 5 mins

The detail would all be in the tick and 1 min charts



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This week as been good and kind to me

I am always happy if I make over 400 pips in a week

Well I made over that on one pair this week and in total over 650 pips - although over 400 pips on 30% stakes - so no where near my highest money weeks

Still do not know if I am away after Wednesday next week - but might know more by Monday

If I do go will be back following Monday - and meanwhile welcome all FX Intraday calls etc etc from all followers - and never worry if they are wrong - I have had 16 bad trades this week - but of course loads of good ones

My method works day in - day out - but its not easy - take loads of study - commitment - devotion and hard work etc etc - but the rewards can make it all worth while

I have not got a clue if MM has done his 1000 live trades yet - but delighted he's got his charts sorted again and I know by the time he gets to 2000 live trades - he will be sh*t hot - although some days he's already there

I dont think I could spend another 6 months just training one more member for now - but I really hope I have laid the foundations to explain my methods in full

I really dont mind MM sharing more - but know out of every 10 member who take it on - maybe only 50% might go the full distance - like MM has done

Finished now for day - but will pop back in a bit later

Enjoy your weekend


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Thank you F. for a great active week, it has been brilliant to see so many members participate and you sharing all of your setting/charts, answering questions.
I am learning every single day, and push myself a little bit more every day.
Today I made great pips but the market was kind and I even played in a BTTZ 10 pips range where perhaps I should not have and made more pips.
I am still hoping to reach a point where I can hang on to real mover like your 400 pips at 30% and close my losing trade within 1-5 pips every time.

Now F1 this weekend, I hope Lewis finish the race without accident because it will only mean one thing, he is either 1st or 2nd and he is World champion :cheesy:.

@F: I was not around at the time, but in hindsight, notice you were quite correct about Draghi! :)

In other news, the Chinese interest rate drop boosted commodity currencies, apparently.

Only lurking and demo-ing for now, but following (when time allows) with great interest. Glad you had a good week! :clap:
hey guys

apologies - I have been pretty much a tourist this week with other matters taking priority.......

The great thing about this thread is that people are coming back to T2Win and are we are seeing some great calls ......warts and all

Forexperian and now MM show that it can be done in what is the toughest business environment in the world ...........this is not a business for the fainthearted requires years of training and then 100% focus and concentration ..........still with absolutely northing promised in return ... each time you step up to play theres no give from the market ..its as tough as it was on day 1

in fact you'd be crazy to even think about this as a viable business proposition........wouldn't you ?:eek:

just kidding........have great weekends all ............;)

Good morning from here....


Would you have taken those trades?

And do you suggest me finishing reading the other thread?

(sorry the last short BO is on the hour)



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Good morning from here....


Would you have taken those trades?

And do you suggest me finishing reading the other thread?

(sorry the last short BO is on the hour)


Hi Fz


Looking at your BO trades - they make sense and you have enough clues - or reasons to say that the probability would be maybe over 65 -70 % and with tight stops you should end up with positive RR's with anything over 2 or 3 being very good

With the other thread - You can easily cherry pick out all my comments on my method maybe in less than 20 or 25 pages - and so it should not take you long hrs or days to suss through it.

The problem is then - too put it all into practice then takes many weeks and months etc - ideally on demo or very low live mini stakes and then after say 500 trades - say 3 -4 months of carrying out try live - whilst ensuring you have a win ratio of over 65% on every 100 trades with stops under 7 pips.

When you have at least another 500 trades with good results - within the guide lines of win ratios and using tight stops etc then you should be ready.

It took MM approx 6 months to get there with going live etc and then he would have the odd bad sessions with say 5 or more bad scalps than would set him back etc

He persevered and I am sure as now cracked it - even getting some trades on only 2 -3 pip stops including 0 5 pip spread - ie that good on timing

I had told him now every 1000 live trades he now takes - he averages 10 -30 per trading day - so full time say another 3 -4 months he should see improvement again

If you have the time and the commitment - the end results are well worth while - I am sure MM will find that out over the coming years


@F: I was not around at the time, but in hindsight, notice you were quite correct about Draghi! :)

In other news, the Chinese interest rate drop boosted commodity currencies, apparently.

Only lurking and demo-ing for now, but following (when time allows) with great interest. Glad you had a good week! :clap:

You are welcome MMt2w and please feel free to join in as and when you want


Cheers and thanks again to SW and NVP for some kind comments

Yes looking forward to last FI GP - and GL Lewis

N - you are dead right - when you think about it - when you have a really bad day - its not as though you not earn any money - you actually lose some of the money you have already earned - not many jobs like that about - all the odds etc are against you etc etc

That's why 90% + of all methods really are not going to work

I have read stuff by that Charlie Burton - who was in the BBC programme - the fit guy with the Porsche etc - who says all traders have to accept losses - yes agree - and also the occasional losing week or month - NO don't agree

With my multi intraday trading method - as long as you have a 10 hr time window to work in - then by rights when you are fully experienced - you should not have losing weeks - or even losing days - and only occasionally losing sessions.

Ok you are not always going to make 50 or 100 pips a day - some days - might be easy - other days it might be really difficult after 20 trades to even make 20 pips - but you can still get a profit in for the day - even after say 5 or 7 bad scalps and losses - as long as you have the time and commitment and mindset to carry on and take more trades.

Good days - might mean 5 -8 trades - no losses - target easily reached.- and less than 3 hrs work

Busy good days - OK 12 -20 trades - double or treble target and say only 1 -3 losses

Average days - 10 -15 trades - 2 -4 losses - no real good 30% winners or scalps over 12 pips profits

Bad days - 15 -20 trades - 3- 6 losses - only just get your target or near it

Really Bad days - 5 -10 losses - 20 -25 trades - and only 20 -25 pips - hard work - but say well done you got back losses and turned the day around

Making over 15 trades over say 8 hrs and having a loss - means you are just not up to standard and performing really bad - and for some reason - not in the grove and not focused - a really really bad day at the office - Admit something must be wrong and are you still ready? - unless you have been using the method for over say 2 yrs and then that means you must be ill - or drunk - lol

Set your own levels - and work to your own pressure

I personally work and trade better under pressure - - but I do allow my self easy days if all is going well and I am sure that is noticable.

I think its how much do you really want it ??

N - i am sure you after all these years can make it - ok you might have to discipline yourself more etc - but you for sure can easily be in the 10 -15 % winners corner

Enjoy your weekend


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Hi Fz


Looking at your BO trades - they make sense and you have enough clues - or reasons to say that the probability would be maybe over 65 -70 % and with tight stops you should end up with positive RR's with anything over 2 or 3 being very good

With the other thread - You can easily cherry pick out all my comments on my method maybe in less than 20 or 25 pages - and so it should not take you long hrs or days to suss through it.

The problem is then - too put it all into practice then takes many weeks and months etc - ideally on demo or very low live mini stakes and then after say 500 trades - say 3 -4 months of carrying out try live - whilst ensuring you have a win ratio of over 65% on every 100 trades with stops under 7 pips.

When you have at least another 500 trades with good results - within the guide lines of win ratios and using tight stops etc then you should be ready.

It took MM approx 6 months to get there with going live etc and then he would have the odd bad sessions with say 5 or more bad scalps than would set him back etc

He persevered and I am sure as now cracked it - even getting some trades on only 2 -3 pip stops including 0 5 pip spread - ie that good on timing

I had told him now every 1000 live trades he now takes - he averages 10 -30 per trading day - so full time say another 3 -4 months he should see improvement again

If you have the time and the commitment - the end results are well worth while - I am sure MM will find that out over the coming years




Thanks for you post.

I see great possibility on this method, I have the time and I am committed. I do not trade demos but my trades are on a small account.

Basically from now on I will be trading one or two pairs on the 1m tf, the LR (108) with give me direction and I will take trades based on key times in combination with my knowledge of Price Action.


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