Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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11 07 am

Very boring last hour due to so many Bermuda Triangle Tease Zones - BTTZ - set up to take your money and get you in wrong trades

Still not got any clarity or clear breaks - best to sit on hands - or just scalp for 1- 3 pips whilst you wait for more clues on next new wave directions

For once I had the slot 10am 1pm totally free, can't even go into a trade :(, I noticed from 10am it can get in a BTTZ...
Anyone catch AU scalp sell from 11 00 am ??

16 pips in less than 14 mins - managed to get 8 pip off that one

I think it must have been best quick scalp off main pairs for now
For once I had the slot 10am 1pm totally free, can't even go into a trade :(, I noticed from 10am it can get in a BTTZ...

Yes its been a shame

We had early great action from say 6 00 am to at least 9 am

But after 10 30 am and to now - its not been too good at all - I should have walked away for a longer break - but had time on my hands this morning - so kept at it

Hopefully US session will be a lot better
11 25 am


Its been in a tight range for approx 2 hrs now

I did sell at 145 01 and came out first time and 97 and then sold again - and similar 96 /7

We just cannot get under 94 and we need under 93 and 90 to hold it on for a proper fall

Last TW I exited sell idea on EJ - not bought though and now its testing 145 04 and if it makes over 08 - then bias as changed

Would then have to look for scalp buys on any pullbacks
11 40 am

End of last TW

Just noticed UJ made another high at 116 46

Above 38 on pullbacks - still another scalp buy

Need under 33 and 28 to be holding any scalp sells on under 40 /38 for now
hey all

well the usd did have a nice bear run from 6am to around 10.45 but boyoboy is it romping north now...........the last hour has seen a 60% retrace and counting

10 18 am

still checking other pairs - but for now any bounces on EU staying under 63 could be scalp sold again and on EJ bounces under 144 00 are sells again

Just hope the trickery will finish soon

From over 90 mins ago

Got shaken out EJ - twice - too much teasing and still not under 93 and 90

But EU - stayed with the scalp sell theme and taken more under 60 and 51

Now coming up to midday price at 2442 area - so check out next interim supports levels next in case we get bounces after 12 00 pm
hey all

well the usd did have a nice bear run from 6am to around 10.45 but boyoboy is it romping north now...........the last hour has seen a 60% retrace and counting


Hi N

Yes that change did happen

The EU high of 2471/2 area was in 8 30 am TW - yes over 3 hrs ago - but its only been after 10 45 am ish as you say the real action started to kick in - with the nice sells starting in the 11 00 am TW

So really just over 2 hrs of teasing and trying to catch us all out - and then the move


11 57 am

check GU from 11 51 am - start of midday TW

12 09 am

GU comment

we need over 65 and 70 to hold scalp buy on from 47 /48 area - but so far already worth 10 -12 pips

Going to have a break and will try and be back for 1 30 pm news

Also notice red news at 2 55 pm - naughty time that one ;-)

See you a bit later and stayed focused


3 05 pm

Missed 1 30 pm news as was still out - but just got back prior to 3 00 pm to see reaction from 2 55 pm one

All EU / AU / GU pairs became scalp buys again and UC 's have dropped - thats so far with 5 mins left to end of this TW

3 10 pm

we really do need back over 2480 and 2500 to think we have a turn up again

Ok a 40 + pip bounce - but that can fizzle out back under 2435

3 14 pm

We would need back over 5670 and 90 to think its possible for a turn on the GU

Its bounced up well - over 40 pips - but the GU is more session bearish than the EU so needs a bigeer move back up for any further attempts to change to more buys again

3 16 pm

Cut off on pullbacks on buys is now 2440 /42 area

Aboove there still scalp bullish

Under 39 and 30 favours lower again
3 27 pm

Notice EJ back up at highs again for today 144 06

Above 143 90 on pullbacks - still a good chance of trying higher

Ok - back after 4 30 pm time

See you later
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