Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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4 08 pm

Back for 20 mins or so

Just checked your live figures

Over 200+ pips for day ( although I appreciate some part stakes ) 24 trades only 2 wrong so over 90% win rate - low stakes - and 27% increase for the day live

Not bad MM - not bad at all - and on live money

Must feature this in other Intraday thread - I reckon I am more pleased for you - than you are yourself


Only EJ still doing it for me on a 30% stake from early on this morning

Took 2 other 30% stake off sells as well on way up - slow but consistent and still a buy again on pullbacks staying above 55

For a Tuesday - not a bad day at all
Wednesday 29th October 2014 - Pre Opens

Good Morning all FX Intraday traders

Well I was not on my charts at 6 00 am - but was from 6 21 am - and caught the rise on the EU from the 2739/40 area

Just noticed it was across a few - ie dollar weakened and EU / GU / up and Uchf / UJ dropped

Ok - only approx 10 pips rise - but at this time in the morning and it happening in approx 5 mins is unusual

There was a few sudden "dumps" yesterday as well - so always be ready in a TW period that it can happen although normally it should happen exactly on the hour or 30 min frame change - when it does :)

Normal stuff again

Have a good day



6 43 am

For futher rises today - we need to stay above supports at 2670/80 and ideally 2700 and then try to breach yesterday's high of 2770 ish

Trouble is we have more R at 2785 and 2800 then and so with more supports above 2700 at 2720 and 30 we might just be looking at a 50 - 70 pip range today if things are not busy

Not looked at calender yet - but will now
Yes - no main red news in main part of day - not until 7 00 pm UK time and the FOMC statement and the US Fund rate.

That will alter my trading mode today - will take a few more hrs off over next 8 hrs and then try and be around 6 45 pm onwards for an hour

6 51am

Same structure as EU and for it to still try higher today - we need to stay above 6080/90 area and try to take out 6180 /90 for a go at 6200

First barrier higher is 6155/60 and supports at 6133-37 area

Still a scalp buy above 38 for now

Now done a double top around 137 80 - yesterday and in Asian session - and since then dropped 20 pips with first supports at 137 55 -60

We need to stay above 136 80 to keep in last weeks up mode and have more supports at 137 00 and 137 20

I think I will be looking for a scalp buy above 55 if one lines up

Under 49 and 46 favours a test to 137 20 main supports

I left 30% stake on scalp buy after it went up approx 9 pips to 2747 - expecting another rise above 38 /40

Well wish I had not - as now testing 38 again - although as I type its bouncing - but will now need above 45 and 49 to stay with it.

Ideally should have scalp sold at 46 - and then re bought at 100% stake at 38 /39 - but too early yet for brain to be in its optimal mode - that's my excuse lol

I left 30% stake on scalp buy after it went up approx 9 pips to 2747 - expecting another rise above 38 /40

Well wish I had not - as now testing 38 again - although as I type its bouncing - but will now need above 45 and 49 to stay with it.

Ideally should have scalp sold at 46 - and then re bought at 100% stake at 38 /39 - but too early yet for brain to be in its optimal mode - that's my excuse lol

6 51am

Same structure as EU and for it to still try higher today - we need to stay above 6080/90 area and try to take out 6180 /90 for a go at 6200

First barrier higher is 6155/60 and supports at 6133-37 area

Still a scalp buy above 38 for now

GU comment from approx 15 mins ago

GU now at 6152 - and I will bank 70% stake now and will keep 30% on whilst we stay above 42/3
UChf / Swissy

For me its a sell under 9470 today

Would need price back at 9475 + to be scalp buying and looking at rises to 9500 +
Hi i am uma new to investors market please give me your guideline for best returns on investments

Investing in the markets is not really my forte - I prefer to look at other investments in UK like property - land - art - etc

Also I am an intraday FX trader - its a lot different to investing - as my trades may be just from a few mins to a few hrs - not quarters or many years etc etc

Good Luck with your Investment Plan



7 20 am

We need to see price breach above 8882 and 88 to be looking higher and above 8900 + etc

Currently at 8867 and sells really under 57 and 53 with supports at 45 /50

Under 40 might then lead to a larger drop - but whilst above 8860 then still favours tests in R's at 8880 area
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