Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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I see a nice bull run on usd did develop...........Europeans took the hits


(sorry - reposted this as I wanted to link my earlier comment)


After 8 00 then it slowly started and gained momentum after 8 39am

cunning turn - typical of market tricking many 1 hr plus chart traders


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After 8 00 then it slowly started and gained momentum after 8 39am

cunning turn - typical of market tricking many 1 hr plus chart traders

can you shoow an h1 chart with what h1 traders were being led to believe? this would be an interesting avenue to explore every so often
can you shoow an h1 chart with what h1 traders were being led to believe? this would be an interesting avenue to explore every so often

Yes will find out some examples

I think the sentiment would be above 2700 saying to 1 hr plus intraday traders - buy and many would buy at 2710 and 15 etc etc hoping for price to stay above 2695/2700
Also though many longer term none intraday traders - would always sell on pullbacks and bounces - so might be in sells under 2800 etc

Trouble is as we know - big stops - leave lots on the table - and so inefficient - unless combining it with intraday

Ideal for part time traders happy with 25 -50% returns per annum

We want that per month - and as we know - it can be done
Noticed this before GU and AU seem to move together at times - whereas then EU and EJ did not and Swissy still stayed under its high up until 9 30 am - but all tease
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