Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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7 17 am

UChf - also as good R approx 10 -15 pips higher than atm - will check out UJ ./ UCad as well - a sI think dollar strength will hit a barrier during this hour
There's a trend line on the 5 min eu... I reckon it'll hold to this for another 40 pips down to 126455... Atm that's my trading approach... Trying to take it for 5 pips a time... So far got 12 for the arvo from it... Hoping for more...

If trendline breaks will look elsewhere for pips


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There's a trend line on the 5 min eu... I reckon it'll hold to this for another 40 pips down to 126455... Atm that's my trading approach... Trying to take it for 5 pips a time... So far got 12 for the arvo from it... Hoping for more...

If trendline breaks will look elsewhere for pips

Well Done R

12 pips in bag of EU already is good

EU supports for me - i seem to have so many from 73 to 85

Need to match up with time windows - either at half hr or at main LO though

as mentioned earlier .......usd hit a bull spurt around 6.15..........its now hitting a ceiling it seems ............3 times its tried to push up in last 5-6 mins

It will have supports... But for my liking the it's got more downside from Friday's little rally... Shorting now... Respecting trendline again at 90... Even if it goes to 70 that'll give me one or two more trades... To lose one after that will mean nothing...
as mentioned earlier .......usd hit a bull spurt around 6.15..........its now hitting a ceiling it seems ............3 times its tried to push up in last 5-6 mins


If you look on dollar currency charts - you see interim R areas - and on EU / GU / Au - ETC - Interim supports

All could go - but already taken scalp buys in this TW

Whether I can hold them on - too early to say
Just out short on eu... F looks like it broke that trendline too quickly... Now only up 7 on eu...

7 37 AM

Anytime after 7 21 am and 96 was a scalp buy

Bounced so far to 6107 and above 97 still ok for another scalp buy on pullbacks
Low on AU lasted 30 mins with no breach - but not scalp bought yet as looks weak atm with a R just at 8805 -10 area

Would need to breach above those levels for a bigger turn up
AU - odd one out as teasing down

Got to pop out at 8 00 am

Should be back for about 30 mins before out again after 9 20 am

Be careful at 8 00 am LO

Set up to play and deceive

8 26 am

Notice only red news today is on EU at 10 00am

No wonder its playing in a BTTZ area just trying to set traders up in a wrong trade
EU for 8 30 TW

We know back above 2700 is more scalp buys again - and that 2680-85 is good support - so really 20 pips atm to just tease in

I think if it drops under 80 then still more supports at 70 -73 area as well

So really we need some red news to take it out of area - one way or other
looks like the usd bull push has stalled..............could be looking a more falls now into new week
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