Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Hey guys I am going to make a call but I'm not trading it cause I'm chicken ****... AU found support at 87.., will now bounce to near 87.5 where it will be a sell...

Big call but it means nothing cause I'm not willing to trade against this ST DOWNTREND...

Let's see what happens
Hey guys I am going to make a call but I'm not trading it cause I'm chicken ****... AU found support at 87.., will now bounce to near 87.5 where it will be a sell...

Big call but it means nothing cause I'm not willing to trade against this ST DOWNTREND...

Let's see what happens

pretty brave dude ..............AUD currency is still falling ........and usd currency seems to be finding its feet on the bull run ...

lets see ;)
i'm sitting on usd buys


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Love being wrong when I can trade what happens... That's ten pips so far on AU BREAKOUT, NOW TWELVE, with stop at ten pips
ok got to trading has felt much more uncomfortable :eek: as I let things run......and ive only done probably 20 trades............but finally when the usd went bull it paid off...............

I am money up his morning .......extract below as usd finally took off



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EU Now at next support at 12700...where too???
Two days of volatile jumpy markets, now I've just got to learn to hold positions open when the market is running.... Left a fortune on the table today to come out just up...
Go to go to dinner... Nearly bedtime round here
EU at 9 48 am

Under 2822 and 2814 then still bearish but needs as said u deer 90 and 70 for large falls etc

Above 2815 and 25 - all changes and the EU would test the 44 area either with a LH at say 38 / 40 - or breaking above to 2850+

So keep an eye on whether we get near 2815 and 25

If not - then 90 and 70 should go

Excuse me for a bit - got a neighbour popped in with a bit of a car problem - so trying to help - if I can:)

Comment from approx 90 mins ago

Well we did not make over 2815 and 25 saying still bearish

We then went back under 2800 - and then under 2790 and then finally under 2770

So what should you have been doing ?

Its now around 2730 - but dropped over 100 pips in total

Just one pair and easy daily target achieved with out going over 9 scalps today

Hope to be you with you for the US session


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EU Now at next support at 12700...where too???
Two days of volatile jumpy markets, now I've just got to learn to hold positions open when the market is running.... Left a fortune on the table today to come out just up...
Go to go to dinner... Nearly bedtime round here

Its all about levels - whether they can be breached or not

As you know a prior support becomes a resistance - and then the opposite a prior resistance after being breached becomes a support for higher

We have not gone under 2700 and so now the scalp buy above say 2710 /20 needs to breach above 2750 then 70 and then 90

You get the feeling it will not do all f them and then fall again - but unless it drops under 2720 and 2700 its going to stop again and try up - again

Price is like water in a bucket finding holes to leak out - if one is filled and stopped - then it finds another hole - and takes a direction that allows it.

Don't forget as well although the EU is looked upon as bearish - falling from 3900 to 3500 to 3000 to down to 2500 etc - its as got supports now above 2500 and even above 2600.

So we could stay above say 2650 and keep trying 2900 area for the next few weeks or even longer

Under 2650 then 2600 and then under 2570/80 more than likely favours 2500 eventually going etc

But staying above 2680 and 2700 and testing higher in a range is the best way for the market to give hope to bother bulls and bears

Remember the market wants you undecided - and wants you money

I have not got a clue what will happen next week or next month etc - but next 10 mins and next 30 mins etc - I can keep taking money from the market - successfully

Hope that helps rustler - and maybe you can see I really don't mind under 2600 or back over 3000+ - I am neither a bull or a bear consistently - I am a vulture


ok got to trading has felt much more uncomfortable :eek: as I let things run......and ive only done probably 20 trades............but finally when the usd went bull it paid off...............

I am money up his morning .......extract below as usd finally took off

40 mins work and a good profit.Well done(y):cool:
But out of comfort zone :|
euro has been a floosy currency today ......

it went small north from Asian openings ........ then south.......then big north and then BIG BIG BIG south ...............

tough to trade on usd pairing .....unless you caught it moving south against the bullish usd during most of Asian...........or then the king kong move around 10.45

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