Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Can you imagine scalp selling the EU - whilst scalp buying the GU

Nowadays in this market - anything happens ;-)

I will say out after 7 40 am for about 40 mins - but back then for say 8 30 am TW
Will be reviewing and maybe trading up to 6 pairs today - with normal favourites including EJ and AU and even maybe EA again

I do trade the Cad and UJ and Swissy - but not every day - although I will always normally be trading the GU and EU

I will review those pairs a bit later on
GU summary review this morning

Low on pair as been 6050 area in early sept with bounces up to 6521 - ie over 460+ pip rise

OK its been falling last 2 weeks and could easily drop under 6100 and test the low again - or even lower

We do have news on this pair at 9 30 am - so will be featuring it more after 9 00 am

For now its reached 6139 and as I mentioned I need over 47 and 55 to hold the scalp buy on longer - as 41 to 43 is a interim R area

41 stopped the GU just before 7 00 am and I exited at 386

Not left anything on atm - as early and need a few scalp pips in the bag before I start just leaving trades on at 30%

Back in another scalp sell at 53 and still need under 50 and 45 to hold on longer

Dont really want to scalp for 1-5 pips - but I will have too atm - as thats all the markets giving

Would need back over 2655 for now to think about scalp buying at all

EU at 7 09 am now down at 46 and I will exit for now again
7 09 am is end of a TW

I could have left 30% stake on - but have not and that might be missed pips as its now tested 44

I will not bother entering again for now - but might do if bounce stays under 50

Trouble is 40 /45 is all dynamic support area - so it may lead to a scalp buy from here
Whilst the EU as been falling - the Swissy as been doing morning highs - so far at 9560 area - approx 40+ pips up from low of yesterday

Not in any scalp here and notice EU now at 42 and Swissy made 62

Missing out - but it is early and got the whole day

Dont like taking 10 scalps or more in the early morning part - I prefer to cherry pick

Well having touching R at 41 - under 38 was a scalp sell

You can sell it again under 37 on bounces with supports at 30 /32 area

If we go under 28 hold the scalp sells on the GU

7 19 am

It as bounced at 42 in the support area and 44 onwards would be a scalp buy

Trouble is - its outside an time window and I prefer all scalps in TW's

Maybe its another scalp buy when it pulls back and stays above the low - then if in TW scalp buy

Would need under 38 and 34 to carry on scalp selling more
If trading was logical - the EU should now stay under 2655 on bounces up and test under 2638

But this is were all systems fail - because we are dealing with manipulators who want to catch traders out

So they set up false sentiment PA on the charts - and then break it and go the other way

You therefore can only trade the clues and not say this will 100% happen

So therefore if we stay under 55 - we should test then the supports at 40 /42

But there are so many clues to use

ie - will the low at 42 last over 30 mins from printing from no new breach

If it does - it favours a turn and test 55 + etc

Timing is crucial on intraday trading - and its a skill to get your timing correct and to understand the markets gameplan

Well having touching R at 41 - under 38 was a scalp sell

You can sell it again under 37 on bounces with supports at 30 /32 area

If we go under 28 hold the scalp sells on the GU

Comment from 12 mins ago

4 pips profit off that so far - but need under 31 to hold sell on longer
Morning F How are we today :)

Morning FXW

Very well

Up bright and early to start Freaky Friday lol

Market slow atm - but already had 4 scalps to get some pips in the kitty

GU just made 30 so will drop to 30% stakes and leave on with stop in profit at 36

It might work - it might not - as I am out for about 40 mins soon

Still what ever happen on GU now - its a win win for me :)

Will update on other pairs after I get back

Have a good day FXW


morning all......usd now little rangy at present after Asian rises......gbp has bene a nice sell with yen the main buy

watching watching for clues of where the greeny goes next
Morning again guys - see you later on FXW

8 00 TW seems to have moved the EU back up

My GU 30% sell stayed on - just - less than a pip off stop in profit

GU now dropped 20 + pips from when I started selling it this morning

Ok update to come

You can scalp buy it again above 2645 on this pullback from 52

I would only look at scalp selling - or holding them on longer under 43 and 38
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