Index King In Da' House !

Hello Daps

Your Dow/Ftse bet is looking ok but the Dow/Dax isn't ! I keep telling people to only do one trade at a time from start to finish, otherwise it becomes dangerous for loss carrying.
The Dow Dax may still come good since it hasn't officially ended. The Dow/Ftse is looking good as is the Dow/Cac
I did recommend to people to quit Dow/Dax at the end of today for safety reasons.
Try not to worry about the odd loser as over time they will be insignificant.

Sprite. Were you following my Dow/Ftse trade ? If so you should have stayed with it since the Dow did drop big time against the Ftse and the trade is up a good few points.
If you read my rules you will see why I don't use stop losses with this system. Either you have got shed loads of cash to trade with or you aren't following my betting strategy !
Of course if your trade was nothing to do with my system then ignore this post. I felt I needed to respond as it read like you were following one of my trades.

Hi IK, im getting a difference of around 6262 at finspreads on dow/Cac trade 😎 😎

is the trade still running coz im thinking of jumping in now.

Let me know plz, i dont want 2 miss any trades. 😉
Index thanks for your reply, did go with the DOW and made all my money back, using stakes off about $60 point on DOW and 50 pounds on FTSE at mo, making a bit loosing a bit as they say but maybe should reduce as then would not have stop looses, what you think ???

I should point out that taking a position on the Dow after the European one has closed is NOT a good idea since you will miss the corresponding futures rise/fall should the Dow go against you that day.
I think the Dow Dax is over as a loser although not according to the system yet ! Thats only for the brave now though!

Mug2k, All trades are valid unless the updates show an impending exit and reverse situation. Hesitating because a trade has gone against my difference values should suggest an even golden opportunity to get on !

taking a position on the Dow after the European one has closed is NOT a good idea

In that case, exactly when are we to put the position on?

I had assumed that the only time to get on was after the Dow had closed ( or very close say 8.59) for BOTH trades.

This has been puzzling me because although the system might say use the close of the European Index the SBs have already moved. This alters the profitability of the trade - although sometimes to our benefit!
Hello Esiotrot

What I meant was that you shouldn't CLOSE the European and leave the Dow going on its own, DURING A TRADE.
I was replying to Sprites circumstances. You can get ON a trade ANYTIME. Exiting and reversing is USUALLY best done @8.59pm ! I tend to quit the trade at that time if its completed anyway and not reverse it if the Sb prices are poor. I would then wait to reverse it the next day. It needs a bit of judgement here since the system goes by close prices and would say to exit and reverse regardless at just before close. The system doesn't take into account futures !


just catching up on this thread

nice work Indexking, nice work

the Car Key Boi salutes YUO!

For all those who are anxious to see the performance over the last 12 months of my system, i have added this on my site.


I am glad you have decided to publish your statistics for previous trades, as it gives people an idea of potential draw downs for your type of strategy. If you go further back in time you will see that this type of strategy (obviously I do not know the exact workings of yours) can have daily draw downs over over 600 pts and cumulative draw downs of over 1200 pts. Any potential users of these methods should be aware of this fact.

But credit where credit is due, to you for (eventually) publishing these facts.

Hello DBT

No the drawdowns are never that high. I would agree that the final results of each trades are good, but you need nerves of steel sometimes !


Just looked at last years stats on your web site and I'm impressed. Here's a breakdown:

Dow/Cac Dow/Dax Dow/Ftse

7895 7705 7846 Total points
96 103 112 Average trade
718 489 357 Best trade
-303 -319 -447 Worst trade

Well done mate, lets hope you can match it this year.

Cheers Snip
Hello Snip

Yes the system stats look great but you really need to pick just one and stay with it throughout the year. Moving around can increase losses.

I hope the sytem holds up this year

Snip (or indexking) Ive looked on the site but havnt been able to track down the records of past trades. Can you point me in the reight direction.


Morning IK,
on those results on your site, is the entry level taken at the dow close and within 25 of the ideal?