Random, it always befuddles my mind why people waste so much time generalising their own failures to achieve desired outcomes and then beyond that feeling a need to feel in good company with other failures by extrapolating that on the rest of the community.
That's what 80% of boards are, guys with a negative atttitude explaining in great detail why something cannot be done.
No wonder life is a pyramid, while most go on and on about what can't be done, others just go out there, persevers with great tenacity through the inevitable adversity and do it.
If you can't do it fine, just don't spread a lot of negativity about nobody else being able to make it, that's just plain boring and a total waste of everybodys time.
I've given ya lots of examples where in this day and age people like our own twi here were making 25 - 35% per month, including colleagues of his at his prop firm, or our own arabianights, some guys at Futex, etc etc, hard facts conveniently ignored as they don't fit in your personal model of the trading world.
And no, what a Micahel Marcus did in the 80's ain't no different to what anyone else can achieve in this day and age, a chart from then or even 1928 or what-friggin-ever looks no different to a chart from today.
Think you can and you can, think you can't and you can't but just don't go generalising your failure unto others.
All this whining and general no-can-do attitude at the end of the day is what drives successful traders off of boards, be it at ET or here or wherever.
Sigh. Eurgh I've finally given in. I can't take another FXmo fact vs fiction saga and am calling time. I honestly don't know who this is, but I gather he's been around forever and has natural support from the remaining few on the boards.
You have entirely misread my posts and though I gather you're a great polemicist (that's sarcasm), I don't desire to debate it with you since your idea of constructive debate is to ignore the statements on the table regarding Wizards' history and modern era compounding and instead bleat on about what may be possible here and there replacing citation and fact with utter bollox and dreams respectively. Apparently simply naming someone from the boards is evidence that the Commodities Corporation OPM route the aforementioned big name Wizards took is weak when they should have been trading 25% a month on their own.
I don't understand where you got the idea that I was a trading failure from or that I'd ever claimed trading was impossible? Every recent post on here stresses that if people want success they need to work at it like a business, except instead I'm getting some half wit chat from your good self, not sure what I did to deserve this after the FXmo saga. I've said SO many damn times that I not only trade a high cap account of my own (I make up 2.5% of LMAX's take volume for fk sake and get a 3 yrd GBP comm rate and also have a make side account), but also am a general partner at a FNY LP, yet here I am, about to argue with Mr Undateable about what's possible in both institutional and non-institutional trading? And WHY? WHY am I doing this. I honestly do not know. It's amazing to me. In that we agree, I am wasting my time, except I wasn't imparting negativity as I saw it per your first paragraph.
BUT, funnily enough you and I both get our desired resolution as this shall be one of my final posts on T2W as I made something of a New Year's resolution based on a "what am I doing" moment in December - I wanted to see some posts through out of respect for Shakone, but I reset my password in December and have no idea what it is now so it's a matter of ease to make my much hoped for exit today. It seems you get your wish and my 'negativity' shall be removed, instead it shall be replaced with the great hallowed knowledge of thyself, a 5 figure trader, if that. All the young blood will come rushing back to the boards and it'll be great. And you shall all go on to personal greatness and founding the precursor to Goldman's mixed floor like Marcus did, because you're that good and it's all possible from a few hundred quid on a credit card. I now understand this Walter Mitty type view, it's actually quite enjoyable to live outside of reality.
FYI regarding your 'facts':
- Tar quite roundly put you down regarding the 25% claim re Arabian. Why not reply to that? And you're not talking about people trading scalable outrights are you? You gave me one other example that may or may not be true, great stuff.
- I love the line about the charts looking the same, because it's so obviously true and we've all read it before. Except err, you can't fill or kill your way up a news or agency move from the pit any more can you BSD? I mentioned that before.. why didn't you address this? These and numerous other defunct inefficiencies are mentioned constantly right through the Wizards series... by the very people who originally traded them. So you don't even have to believe me, simply... read what the people you cite as the old guard are saying themselves from Dalio on down... incredible.
- Futex are a small company who make minor money below the audit threshold, their accounts are public information and it is a matter of ease to derive their revenue and thus the revenue of their traders outside of their participation, even grossed up wholly at 90% of their take (which is very generous), it's less money than the exotics desk made at UFJ in 2 weeks, and the exotics desk had no liquidity to speak of. They have less money on their balance sheet and credit lines than I have in my sister's fkin Barclays treasury account. Good reference though. They're big big bangers. In Woking.
- Other props? Marex bought STA for 2.5 million and are winding down their pro trading operation year on year in favour of HNW and high vol brokerage. 2.5 million
including the intellectual property! I've known post office branches worth more than that, without joking. Big game hunters your prop guys aren't they? Big scary money.
- Now FNY, that's a prop sir. That's a fkin prop. And I shall stick to tangible reality henceforth...