I'm sitting on the 'Holy Grail' system - How can I fund this?

Arabianights is another member here at a trading firm who has colleagues making similar returns in this very day and age to what TWI's were doing.

There is a lot that is possible under the sun if you set your mind to it, but don't just dream about it, but get the balls to go out there and actually walk the talk !

He claimed once a 100% annual return so that's 8% monthly , which is possible if you are a prop local -but not scaleable- , but 30% monthly hmmm not sustainable IMO .
I honestly didn't think we were arguing, more like talking at cross-purposes. I agree that edges do still exist with small rolls in the futures markets and maybe in spot fx too, but that the idea of becoming very big from nothing on your own in the electronic era of trading like the CBOT ubermensch of the 80s is about as likely as CM getting into the House of Lords.

Well I wouldn't know either way, so I can't have an opinion 😆
Cross purposes sounds about right, other than that
I think we all agree the OP is most likely using a flawed approach given the
frequency, or has other motives.
On the other hand, If he is legit, then as BSD said, just do it.
F**k it, said I wouldn't get involved any further here...

I agree with the quote, he's obviously doing manual backtesting.
That alone is imprecise, but also prone to the kind of skewing
that comes with manual testing - choosing the favourable outcome
in a situation where it should really be logged as a loss.
Do that enough times and there's your 750...

So in other words, he may well be a shyster, but equally likely,
could be taking a completely flawed approach to backtesting.

My guess is Renko bars!
He claimed once a 100% annual return so that's 8% monthly , which is possible if you are a prop local -but not scaleable- , but 30% monthly hmmm not sustainable IMO .
I wish he would post here again.
I for one would be interested to hear about what impact,
if any, RSJ has had on his trading.
I never argue with girls.


Did I get that right random, you signed off as gossip girl ?



Well put points Liquid there btw.

Last edited:
Haha ah ok.


Even if you're male still no arguments.

Right, now I really am out of here, have a good day all, off for a quick beer with a buddy.

My fiancé watches this trash all day long so I have it ringing in my ears.

Hey random, just popping in for a quick shower before heading out again, but what stuck in my subconscious was the disconnect between the one é in fiancé and where on your profile it says male.

Help me out, male or female ? 🙂

Hey random, just popping in for a quick shower before heading out again, but what stuck in my subconscious was the disconnect between the one é in fiancé and where on your profile it says male.

Help me out, male or female ? 🙂

An unfortunate typo on my part.
To be honest I think teh guy is soliciting money from muppets who are still wondering what happened to Santa Claus.

Please explain this statement. As far as I am aware Father Xmas is still alive and well.
Please explain this statement. As far as I am aware Father Xmas is still alive and well.

Yo Toastie how's it rolling, how's the wife and baby ?

Umm, probably not quite a baby any more.


Haven't heard from Rathcoole in ages, have you been seeing him at all actually, lives in your part of the world too doesn't he.
I absolutely agree this guy should be trading before he approaches anybody - I stated a 12 mth track record for him as a minimum and I think he's likely made a serious mistake in his back testing.

Wouldn't be the first time - especially if it's a system developed on Tradestation or Ninja, there's quite a few 'gotchas' with results generated from both.

He really does only need to forward test LIVE this system for 3 months and not 12. Actually it might only need 3 weeks.

Fact is, only that will tell him what it is he has. So - let's not try to convince the guy he needs to trade it live for a year, let's just convince him to do it for a week 🙂
Wouldn't be the first time - especially if it's a system developed on Tradestation or Ninja, there's quite a few 'gotchas' with results generated from both.

He really does only need to forward test LIVE this system for 3 months and not 12. Actually it might only need 3 weeks.

Fact is, only that will tell him what it is he has. So - let's not try to convince the guy he needs to trade it live for a year, let's just convince him to do it for a week 🙂

Yeah a month should be enough to uncover any major oversights or bugs.
As for gotchas in Ninja, I could write a f**kin book 😆
To be fair, its the same with every other platform as well.

I can't help thinking he's been manually testing using renko or zig zag or something.
They look great on a historical chart, but realtime lag renders them useless
except for historical levels maybe, but then eyeballs generally do a better job anyway...
If the OP's system only looks at taking 100 -150 trader per annum to make a fantastic 750% annual return - I would have thought you would need a minimum 30 live trades to see a fairer statistical result than just say 10 or 15 live trades.

Therefore this could take 2 -4 months unless its run simultaneously on say 2 or 3 pairs - but then of course this could also distort true results being on such a low number of test live trades

The theory of the story is great - but the reality of producing such high results on low trade number per annum seems unrealistic . I just don't think you can have high win ratios of 80% + on 100's* of trades when you are fortune telling over 60 mins plus ;-)

* results need to be really over 3 yrs plus for sustainability - that means a minimum 300 and maximum 450 trades - but with 80%+ accuracy on swing 2- 5 day trades ??

That's just me - and I really hope someone can prove me wrong

