Either you benchmark to see what is possible, or define your own objectives.
Then you seek to emulate or achieve that.
You don't get to fly to the moon by listening to everyone who said it isn't possible.
You don't get to run 100 m in under 10 seconds by listening to everyone who said it isn't possible.
Jack Welch didn't turn General Electric into one of the most successful firms in the world by listening to all the naysayers, no, he did it the only way you can achieve sthg like that, by setting what he called stretch goals, goals that at first glance seemed impossible to achieve, particularly for the majority of negative naysayers permeating most walks of life, and through staying the course and with full commitment he did that, he achieved his vision of GE becoming Top Dog.
Guys let's face it, most people will never earn more in markets than they lose, that's the same everywhere in life where not many get what they want, but let's also face it, trading is about simple principles, every single successful person I've talked with or many of the people I've cited stress the fact that their trading methods aren't rocket science, the difference between success in trading and lack of it is mainly down to laziness , lack of 100% commitment, lack of 100% focus, ability to handle losing streaks with ease and detachment, and plain most people preferring to be right over making money.
What turned my trading around, and I'm liviong from this, trading from home, is a book that's 100 years old, Reminscences of a stock operator.