I'm a masochist & it's hurting my trading :(

I'll go straight to my GP tomorrow and get fixed up with some anti-psychotics and SSRI's, might even book myself into the Priory as i've suddenly been enlightened by an alleged new person on T2W that i'm "probably severely depressed."
Mate,mate....Mate!. I don't know you from a bar of soap (holocaust expression? Nasty) DO NOT take any SSRI's or any other thing the doctor will offer.
IT'S ALL CRAP! It will set you back decades of your life.
If you are depressed, which could be likely. GO FOR A RUN EVERY DAY!
If you're not up to that....Go for long walks, or swimming. Start working out or something. For goodness sakes you're only 26!
I was told by a specialist in this field who told me in secret, that running every day was superior to any drugs for depression. And I observed it FIRSTHAND to be so .
Do as I say and within one month you will a different man.
If you can, get someone to observe you and note the changes. It's been my experience that the depressed person cannot feel the day to day improvement that they undergo.
Also find yourself a very good remedial masseur, someone who will work on you at least an hour at a time. See them every fortnight.
It's seems you're living by yourself so your probably eating crap. Overhaul your diet as well.
Relax....I was being sarcastic, i'm not going to the GP or anything like that. I'm just me, some people are wired in certain ways and this is the way I am rather than putting medical terms on it. I think I know who Alec is.
Mate,mate....Mate!. .
Also find yourself a very good remedial masseur, someone who will work on you at least an hour at a time. See them every fortnight.
It's seems you're living by yourself so your probably eating crap. Overhaul your diet as well.

BAD BAD BAD advice, he picked up a dose of the pox somewhere, Do you want him to catch it again or become a known carrier.
So 12 hour days, I'm guessing 5 days a week for £20,000. Works out about £6.40 per hour I think. Not much more than minimum wage! I get more than that as a barman! Must be hard to live in London on that kind of money.

I still think if your struggling with trading/finding a job... You should create your own job. Start your own business. Definitely more money and flexibility in that. You are intelligent and willing to accept risk. It's ideal! You probably have some capital from your trading too that could get you started. I think I've suggested this before but a carpet cleaning business could be quite lucrative, especially if you get a few commercial contracts around London. Low start up costs too. Or something like graffiti/chewing gum removal would be good around there. Get a lawnmower and some hedge cutters and start doing some gardens. My Dad's started doing that in his retirement and he can easily make a few hundred quid in a day.

Or maybe you'd rather be in front of a computer? Think of a website that could make money. Endless opportunities. You could even do a trading related website - market analysis, create a spreadbetting platform (white label) etc. You don't need any graphic design or programming experience - you can outsource it all. In fact, that's what I'm doing at the moment - creating a shopping website with a twist. Except I'm not really doing it, I'm paying other to do it! I think outsourcing work is the way to go. There are people in poorer countries who will work 10 times harder than the people in this country for a fraction of the cost. Just my opinion.

Oh another thing - you could develop iPhone apps. Just think of a useful idea or a fun game. Get someone to make it for you and you COULD make a fortune! Come on mate! You could be the next internet millionaire! Oh no wait... That;s gonna be me... But you could be after that ;-)

Good Luck.

I tried negotiating on the money or the time. "6am and £20k is our offer" - I couldn't do anything from there. It would have been good to get some experience, but it's just one of those things where with the terms they set it just wasn't practical. Getting there for 6am the way I did was a one off, there's no guarantees that i'd always be able to drive in and park in town and the alternative is sitting on a night bus for at least an hour and then taking a train every morning unless I moved closer and as we've established the numbers didn't add up for that.

When they called to tell me i'd got the job I asked the salary and asked if I could get back to them in a few days (not unreasonable I don't think) I was told "if you have to think about it, it's going to be a no." I did manage to negotiate a whopping 10 minutes to think about whether or not I would take it. So they really weren't open to negotiations as they had a list of people to choose from and probably picked me as I went for the lowest price.
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I was thinking about this stuff, I logged in and realised it has been almost year. I know some people probably couldn't care less. But for anyone who does I shall provide an update. I write not to be indulgent, but just if there is anyone who ever ponders at night "I wonder what happened to...."

At 7.30am my alarm goes off and I arise. I don not a suit like my parents wish, but jeans and a jumper. All very casual. I join the other commuters and take the train. I guess in a way I look a little out of place amongst all the suits. But yes....Masquerade has joined the rat race (so to speak.)

By 9am I am at the office, turning on my computer. At this point, I check my phone and look at what's happening with my stocks. If I am really bored during the day I might check XE.com, just to see what the cable rate is. (I am holding some $ in a poker account, not a massive sum but there's some exposure.) Sometimes I read a little of the business section on BBC news website and that is about as much as my interest now entails.

I have no urge to constantly check the FX market, or know what's going on in the markets like I used to. I know people alluded to me being an addict. I made a decision to stop towards the end of February. I didn't go out with an almighty bang, but after some second guessing of myself which resulted in some sizeable red numbers I decided to halt trading and consider other avenues whilst I tried to get things related to trading together in my head. I have had no urge to place a trade or have "just one more go".

My perception of money has changed a little. In some respects I value it more now, even though I have more than this time last year. Money I could lose in a day now takes me a week or so to earn. I am not compelled to go crazy on the markets and invest it. I am not sure I can commit the time, nor that there is something with a long term edge I have. It's not something i've worried about as I am trying to save up a little. I do happen to hold some stocks, but these are nothing too exciting and maybe something good will come of them down the line. I have somewhat written off the money. In some respects, now is probably the best time for me to be trading as I would have to be less involved from the process.

As for my job: it doesn't feel like "me" , it's not something I am skilled at or like. Nor is it related to my academic background. I really think the only reason I have not been fired is due to my connections (although family have said I have always been very self-critical of myself and other people don't see it that way.) I have held the job for most of the year, turning up on time and trying my best every day. But I do feel it's not the direction I want to go, I fear the feeling of comfort where it just becomes "another day" and going to work becomes a routine despite me not being happy in this direction. At first I used to feel sick on the train to and from work, I tolerate the routine somewhat and this scares me now.

On the plus side; I am gaining some employment experience to put on my CV and obviously they're paying me which helps. Although commuting is an expensive business these days and I question to myself am I really much worse off working a local menial job for not much less money? It is a bit of a sad state of affairs 🙁 I am at the breaking point, but need a new direction. I do have a few applications on the boil for more related stuff to me (maybe I can elaborate on that later) and am feeling it's time to move on. My age and skills may be holding back and the lure of an £18k/year masters degree might force me into further education despite my instinctive protestations.

I would consider trading again, although I know going solo would be a bad idea and some training + extra resources is most likely a necessity. Other avenues such as accountancy are possible (although undesirable) , maybe something statistical/economics. I know people commented that my writing was of good quality here, I wrote some creative material and I received compliments about it. Perhaps I do have some journalistic/literary skills, although it was never something I excelled at back in my school days.

I don't want to write much more as I don't wish to bore people. Just thought I would drop in to say hi to who ever is still here and update. I will be around (although most likely not in work hours) and that is an extract of how my life has changed over the last year.
Hi Masquerade
pretty new to the forum but have been watching for a while. I think you do have a talent for writing and was an interesting thread. Sometimes you need to just take a clean piece of paper and start again, get rid of your past experiences and go forward with a new challenge. One thing I think you should do and its outcome is how you decide to go forward after seeing it, is to get a copy of the video The Secret and watch it, maybe it will change your life for the better.
Happy new year to everyone. I hope it's a successful one for everyone.

I do have a small update but it's a little premature. Just cross your fingers for me and i'm going to ask for a little help and hope I can manage it. It would be really good if things go my way. Either way I will elaborate after.

I have temptation to invest in a few equities, maybe take a view on some currency stuff but for now I will resist and keep my hands in my pockets. It still looks very risky out there despite there being a level of optimism.
I'm a masochist & it's hurting my trading 🙁

What you need is a mechanical trading system like software that can produce the profits.
Lot of them are no good really, but I know a few as well persoanlly my very own.
Don't try to trade until you maintain some edge in the trading before risking capital. 😉