I'm not sure why people are saying he will NEVER make it.... Not that he's failed yet (He still has some trading capital left) but is it not possible for a failed trader to turn it around? I've heard lots of people on here saying that blowing an account or two is just part of the learning process. Saying he will never make it is like saying a smackhead will never come off smack, not true, I knew one! He died a few years later in a car accident though.... Yeah.... That was a bad analogy I do apologise!
Anyway Masq, here are my suggestions to you:
1. This trading strategy/method whatever you want to call it, it's not working is it.... Either because... It doesn't work, or because you are not implementing it properly. I really think you need to ditch it and go back to the drawing board. Seriously, you are adding to losers/doubling up or whatever and it all sounds a bit wishy washy, and that is probably reflected in your results. But you've become attached to it. You need to divorce it. You've wasted enough time on that b1tch and she's already taken half! Divorce her! I think you should work on something a bit more mechanical to avoid making decisions! As you have stated, you've made some bad decisions in your trading. I guess it's like looking for a new job, but you're looking for a new strategy.
2. If the thought of starting all over again doesn't appeal to you then sure go look for a new job. But after years of trading do you really want to work for someone else/with other people. It f**kin sucks! How old are you if you don't mind me asking? Just curious. Anyway, you are obviously willing to accept risk, and with there being so few jobs at the moment, maybe you should start your own business? Do you have enough capital to get into property development? That's something I've always fancied but I don't have enough money to start. Also thought about starting up a carpet/upholstery cleaning business and then expanding into hard floors, patios, graffiti/chewing gum removal. Try and get some contracts in restaurants, B&B's, care homes that kind of thing. Maybe employ a few folk. That's still my back up plan. Or maybe you could start something trading related? A web based business. There are loads of things that have to be better than starting from the bottom working for someone else! Gardening, painting and decorating, or maybe you fancy something a bit more intellectual, in which case I have no idea because I'm no intellectual!
Anyway, just thinking aloud really but I really think you need to ditch that strategy. Best of luck.