IG Index huge GBPUSD slippage > > >

Had a similar situation with IG a while ago. They basically said that they fill when they get round to it, which by some incredible coincidence was when the price was as far away from the order as it went. They eventually gave me a 'goodwill gesture' payment, while carefully not admitting that they had done anything wrong.

I think I had the same email once.😆
Not really a big deal, because it turned out to be a profitable trade, but I got "slipped" too.

I placed an order today for Royal Dutch Shell Plc -A at 1850 and was opened a position at 1855, even though the quotes were 1842/1849, and the underlying market was trading at 1847/49.

The official explanation:

"Its more than likely there was slippage in the market."

Not really a big deal, because it turned out to be a profitable trade, but I got "slipped" too.

I placed an order today for Royal Dutch Shell Plc -A at 1850 and was opened a position at 1855, even though the quotes were 1842/1849, and the underlying market was trading at 1847/49.

The official explanation:

"Its more than likely there was slippage in the market."


It could be an extra spread charged or just slippage or both or none
Could be anything, but then again it only proves that there is limited reliability in a not wholly consistent system which is prone to manipulation.
Send an email asking for a proper explanation. 'Probably market slippage' doesn't cut it, and they should be able to tell you exactly how they derived the price at which you were filled.
They said that it was a stop order and as such this is subject to slippage at the opening.

They also said that the I have to pay a "premium" spread for guaranteed stop loss as I use a limited risk account. Which one is it - premium or slippage? We'll never know.
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