Term 11(3) If your Order is triggered (as set out in Term 11(1) above) we will seek to open/
close the Bet to which your Order relates, acting in accordance with our duty of best
execution. In the case of a Stop Order, we will seek to open/close a Bet at a level that
is the same (but may be worse) than your stop level; and in the case of a Limit Order,
we will seek to open/close a Bet at a level that is the same or better than your limit.
You acknowledge and agree that the time and level at which Orders are executed will
be determined by us, acting reasonably. In this regard:
(a) We will seek to execute your Order within a reasonable time of your Order
being triggered. Because there may be a manual element to our processing of
Orders and because it is possible for a single sudden event to trigger a large
number of Orders, you acknowledge that what constitutes a “reasonable time”
may vary according to the size of your Order, the level of activity in the Underlying
Market, and the number of Orders that have been triggered at the time your
Order is triggered.
(b) At the time we are seeking to execute your Order, we will have regard to
the price that could be achieved in the Underlying Market for a similar order
(including as to size).