Thanks for making me feel like the "guinea pig" with regard to your comments 🙁 but to be fair you advice is spot-on!!!
My approach at the start was to read as many books, articles, forum threads, etc, etc as I could while at the same time SBetting small amounts so as to actually participate in trading.
The positive side to this was that as I learnt more, I could immediately apply it through SBetting. Paper trading has its place but IMO cannot be any alternative for the real thing. Paper Trading does not take into account the "hidden" sides of trading like, for instance, the emotional effect it has.
By trading for real however, I could appreciate this side as well while at the same time losing only small amounts of money - I chose Sbetting over conventional share trading as these companies offer introductory offers such as trading for 50p / point for example.
However, the downside to my approach was "information overload!!!" For every article I read, there would be another one contradicting what I had just learnt!!! In my 18mths of trading, I have gone from trying to find the ultimate indicator (which as we all know doesn't exist) to completely throwing away all indicators and trading price alone, only now to come back to investigating indicators once again. 😱
Another point is that I have realised that the more I learn, the more I realise I don't know about this subject. 😢 But at the end of the day, I find the whole subject very enjoyable & fascinating so am happy to continue with this approach.