Indinces guides?

Hey guys i have been trading with forex and commodities but now i am interested in trading with indices and was wondering if some of you could recommend me some great guides that i could read or learn from. What do i have to know before i start plunging in.
Hey guys i have been trading with forex and commodities but now i am interested in trading with indices and was wondering if some of you could recommend me some great guides that i could read or learn from. What do i have to know before i start plunging in.

this guy is a total clown,hes on every thread claiming to want to learn and is a secker puppet. come on get rid of him
this guy is a total clown,hes on every thread claiming to want to learn and is a secker puppet. come on get rid of him

To give t2w some credit, they do seam to have removed his signature which contained his affiliate link.

There needs to be some system that registers that this vendor has historically violated the rules, and members need to see that his initial reasons for joining the site was to build up a post count, and to spam.

He's already openly soliciting for people's email addresses, and in all liklihood he may be contacting potential victims by PM at the first opportunity. There needs to be some warning in all further posts, PM's etc that he's a wrong in. There needs to be far greater transparency on warnings, bans, guideline violations etc.

Hopefully his ham fisted attempts to spam his affiliate link has drawn attention to the radio 5 exposure of his pay masters.

He's one of those that you mentioned to me yesterday. His cash register can't be opened. 🙂 What does that tell me? I wish that I hadn't been told about the thing in the first place- Over 10 years of blissful ignorance gone down the drain.

I have a compulsion to punch everyone's till, now, every time I see one and I'll never know what's in his!
To give t2w some credit, they do seam to have removed his signature which contained his affiliate link.

There needs to be some system that registers that this vendor has historically violated the rules, and members need to see that his initial reasons for joining the site was to build up a post count, and to spam.

He's already openly soliciting for people's email addresses, and in all liklihood he may be contacting potential victims by PM at the first opportunity. There needs to be some warning in all further posts, PM's etc that he's a wrong in. There needs to be far greater transparency on warnings, bans, guideline violations etc.

Hopefully his ham fisted attempts to spam his affiliate link has drawn attention to the radio 5 exposure of his pay masters.

yep. I think his paymaster would be pissed off with his clown like unprofessional tactics
He's one of those that you mentioned to me yesterday. His cash register can't be opened. 🙂 What does that tell me? I wish that I hadn't been told about the thing in the first place- Over 10 years of blissful ignorance gone down the drain.

I have a compulsion to punch everyone's till, now, every time I see one and I'll never know what's in his!

if it was an alive and working badge you really wouldn't want to follow their link, that they've resorted to spamming like this tells you all you need to know 😱

i couldn't find these posts and had thought these discussions were expunged, now i'll have to edit my rant elsewhere 😱
To give t2w some credit, they do seam to have removed his signature which contained his affiliate link.

There needs to be some system that registers that this vendor has historically violated the rules, and members need to see that his initial reasons for joining the site was to build up a post count, and to spam.

He's already openly soliciting for people's email addresses, and in all liklihood he may be contacting potential victims by PM at the first opportunity. There needs to be some warning in all further posts, PM's etc that he's a wrong in. There needs to be far greater transparency on warnings, bans, guideline violations etc.

Hopefully his ham fisted attempts to spam his affiliate link has drawn attention to the radio 5 exposure of his pay masters.

yes, there was some type of affiliation in the link. hovering over the link there was definitely also a t2w identifier within the address, not something normally seen, maybe it was some kind of linkback or refback they were using ?