IB Front end?

Interactive Brokers said:

First, you say.... trade enquiries reached by phoning the above London office number .

Now, you say that ...and the options I was given took me to the toll free european number.
For your reference, you would have to redial our toll free number and we would log your call.
There are is an ample amount of us on call to answer our clients calls.

Let everyone make up their own mind on how credible your story is. Have a nice evening!

I rest my case.
notouch said:
Do you have an approximate date of arrival for the new FX interface I've heard mentioned? Try trading in fast markets when you can't see the price at which you've been filled or your running profit and loss - impossible. ButtonTrader looks like a good investment but if IB's own solution is just around the corner I'll wait for that.


Clients can see a realtime summary of their fills in our execution only report and etc.

Our clients seem to be doing pretty well with our current FX interface and we are taking on new clients from other FX brokers, all the time.

Moreover, we are experiencing a lot of fake chat postings about our FX solution from, well let's say from some of our unethical competitors who are not happy with us gaining a greater FX market share. So we must be doing pretty good with our FX front end as-is.
It's certainly very customisable. BookTrader has what most of the third party front ends have (apart from running profit and loss) if you customise it to exactly meet your needs. I think ignoring the webinars, manuals, seminars, user guides (beginner, intermediate, advanced and uberadvanced) etc and just paper trading it for a week or two is the only way to go. It's a shame the trades you make in BookTrader don't appear in the execution report in ChartTrader and it really does need running profit and loss.
Interactive Brokers said:

First, you say.... trade enquiries reached by phoning the above London office number .

Now, you say that ...and the options I was given took me to the toll free european number.
For your reference, you would have to redial our toll free number and we would log your call.
There are an ample amount of us on call to answer our clients calls.

Let everyone make up their own mind on how credible your story is. Have a nice evening!
This reply worries me. In the industry I work in, you would be disciplined or sacked on the spot for writing that. You sound immature and/or junior, and don't understand - or haven't been shown - how to talk to customers or how to communicate generally in a professional, effective manner. Traders - in fact professionals of nearly every kind - are told to leave their emotions and egos out of their business and communications. I'm looking for a broker and IB has been top of my list. Now I have to reconsider.

If you want to improve your standing - yours personally as well as your company's - be big enough to leave your ego and pride out of it and get back onto a professional tack. Here's an opportunity: apparently one of your staff told a customer they were the only person answering calls to manage trades. Forget the above tit-for-tat posts - is this ever true, yes or no? If no, can you give some indications of the scale of your phone support capability - average time on hold, or worst case in trading hours in the last month, etc., so that my confidence in IB may be restored?

I look forward to your reply.

Best regards,
blackcab said:
This reply worries me. In the industry I work in, you would be disciplined or sacked on the spot for writing that. You sound immature and/or junior, and don't understand - or haven't been shown - how to talk to customers or how to communicate generally in a professional, effective manner. Traders - in fact professionals of nearly every kind - are told to leave their emotions and egos out of their business and communications. I'm looking for a broker and IB has been top of my list. Now I have to reconsider.

If you want to improve your standing - yours personally as well as your company's - be big enough to leave your ego and pride out of it and get back onto a professional tack. Here's an opportunity: apparently one of your staff told a customer they were the only person answering calls to manage trades. Forget the above tit-for-tat posts - is this ever true, yes or no? If no, can you give some indications of the scale of your phone support capability - average time on hold, or worst case in trading hours in the last month, etc., so that my confidence in IB may be restored?

I look forward to your reply.


We take customer service and legitimate complaints seriously. When our clients contact us we try to assist and we look for the facts solely so we can determine the best course of action .

We appreciate your comments although when we ask for proof that we are not answering the phone, we only had minimal support and our representative did not act professionally so we can correct the situation, it became apparent that this was an unjust allegation. When the aforementioned happens we act to get to the truth.

If you would like to complain directly to us regarding this thread please call our London office and ask for the MD tel 020 7 776 7800.
blackcab said:
This reply worries me. In the industry I work in, you would be disciplined or sacked on the spot for writing that. You sound immature and/or junior, and don't understand - or haven't been shown - how to talk to customers or how to communicate generally in a professional, effective manner. Traders - in fact professionals of nearly every kind - are told to leave their emotions and egos out of their business and communications. I'm looking for a broker and IB has been top of my list. Now I have to reconsider.

If you want to improve your standing - yours personally as well as your company's - be big enough to leave your ego and pride out of it and get back onto a professional tack. Here's an opportunity: apparently one of your staff told a customer they were the only person answering calls to manage trades. Forget the above tit-for-tat posts - is this ever true, yes or no? If no, can you give some indications of the scale of your phone support capability - average time on hold, or worst case in trading hours in the last month, etc., so that my confidence in IB may be restored?

I look forward to your reply.

Best regards,

EDIT: The below situation has now been resolved and I have now received an apology from the managing director..

Thanks for your support. I have just posted this review in response to yesterday's events.

I have been a client of IB for several years now. Their customer service is well known for being poor and if there is a problem their motto seems to be "the customer is always wrong".
Yesterday I was called a liar on these boards by one of their reps after I reported a conversation I had just had with one of their trade enquiry guys.
IB has received thousands of dollars from me in commissions and the least I would expect was some modicum of respect. The rep in question has done his company a great disservice and leaves my confidence and trust in them severely diminished.
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rols said:
Thanks for your support. I have just posted this review in response to yesterday's events.

I have been a client of IB for several years now. Their customer service is well known for being poor and if there is a problem their motto seems to be "the customer is always wrong".
Yesterday I was called a liar on these boards by one of their reps after I reported a conversation I had just had with one of their trade enquiry guys.
IB has received thousands of dollars from me in commissions and the least I would expect was some modicum of respect. The rep in question has done his company a great disservice and leaves my confidence and trust in them severely diminished.

Dear Rols

1. Respectfully if you had a legitimate complaint about us and one of our reps did not want to service you we were willing to investigate, so we could get to the bottom of it.
2. Moreover, we were willing to apologise if we did not assist you in a professional manner.
3. When we asked you for the particulars you did not want to provide them to us (e.g., time of your call and etc). Further, you said you spoke to the London office representative but there is not a log of a call last night around the time of your thread. Later you said you did not speak to the London office but our European call centre. And you complained about our staff not being English. For your reference we are an equal opportunity company so we employ all types people with different ethnic backgrounds. That is as long as they are qualified. Be advised our representatives are tested and trained on a variety of financial and technical topics to ensure they are qualified. Sorry but when the facts changed in your post we became suspicous.
4. We are unsure why you would not want to co-operate with us to follow-up?
5. Again, you can call our London office and ask to speak to the MD.
6. Our motto is certainly not the customer is always wrong. If we are wrong we are willing to apologise.
7. Please can we start again, as we are willing to leave this as a huge miscommunication, so help us to help you call tel 020 7 776 7800, ask for the Managing Director.
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Interactive Brokers said:
Dear Rols

1. Respectfully if you had a legitimate complaint about us and one of our reps did not want to service you we were willing to investigate, so we could get to the bottom of it.
2. Moreover, we were willing to apologise if we were wrong.
3. When we asked you for the particulars you did not want to provide them to us (e.g., time of your call and etc), so this way we could review our logs and get to the bottom of this.
4. We are unsure why you would not want to co-operate with us to follow-up?
5. Again, you can call our London office and ask to speak to the MD 020 7 776 7800.
6. Our motto is certainly not the customer is always wrong. If we are wrong we are willing to apologise.

So, help us to help you!

Thank you for your reply.

For obvious reasons i am not going to post my account number, name and particulars on a public form.

I suggest we continue via PM.
rols said:
Thank you for your reply.

For obvious reasons i am not going to post my account number, name and particulars on a public form.

I suggest we continue via PM.

Dear Rols

We are not implying you should post your details on a public forum. That is, why we ask you call our London office and ask to speak to our Managing Director as he awaits your call. Afterwards you can exchange e-mails.
Interactive Brokers said:
Dear Rols

We are not implying you should post your details on a public forum. That is, why we ask you call our London office and ask to speak to our Managing Director as he awaits your call. Afterwards you can exchange e-mails.

I am happy to report that I have just had a fruitful 15 minute conversation with Gerry Perez who listened to my concerns and apologised for any offence or misunderstanding which may have occurred.
I agree that the conduct of the IB rep on this forum - basically accusing a long-time poster of lying - doesn't fill me with confidence as a new customer.