The strangest thing for me is that I was one of those who thanked James 16 in that other thread, and when I look at the two threads, this thread comes across as needy and that one doesn't. Obviously we have different ideas of what needy is, because, giving thanks to someone is not needy. It is in fact closer to the opposite. Whereas this thread is about you not feeling needy and how special you are because of that 🙂. All right, I'm being a bit harsh, but you start a thread on the forum asking a question and ask whether you are in the minority (i.e. special). Presumably you want people to agree with you or for it to be shown that most disagree which would still make you special. In other words, you posted in public to get a group of strangers to agree with what you just thought. Does it get more needy than that?
The truth about learning is that everything you know, you learned yourself. It is not possible for others to give you learning and suddenly you know (at least not possible yet). But from a young age, we learn by imitating, by being shown things and by figuring out things through experimenting.
Sure you could learn how to trade on your own. You could learn theoretical physics on your own from first principles. But chances are that you won't be able to get too far unless you're a genius, and even then you'll be limited by what you can do. Surely it would be better to learn a good grounding in physics and leapfrog 100s years of experimenting. The benefit of others is that they can show you things and accelerate your learning. It will still take your own mind to learn it. Back that up with your own personal study of other 'teachings/books and of course experimentation and 'doing' and you you have a shot at really learning something well.
James 16 videos and his price action thread on ff showed me several things about the markets which help me greatly, and that is why I thanked him. And as Trader333 said, I don't see any fawning, just sincere appreciation.