I don't feel the need to be needy...am I in the minority?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Black Swan
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With the recession, many "gurus" have started experiencing a dwindling in the followers as "wannabes" are pulling the plug on paid "live-trading services".

The "gurus" rely very heavily on this flock of sheep to fund their personal trading accounts, which may not be very healthy 🙄

I'm finding this phenomena of calls/links/refs etc to paid live trading room sites increasing and one can really sense the desperation in the tone of the "gurus" and their merry band 😆

Anyone know the Harry Schultz Newsletter? I got a six month subscription to him by taking a chart service, once, decades ago. As sure as little apples, every time that there is a downturn, I get his bumpf through the letterbox so, I think that what you say is true.
With the recession, many "gurus" have started experiencing a dwindling in the followers as "wannabes" are pulling the plug on paid "live-trading services".

The "gurus" rely very heavily on this flock of sheep to fund their personal trading accounts, which may not be very healthy 🙄

I'm finding this phenomena of calls/links/refs etc to paid live trading room sites increasing and one can really sense the desperation in the tone of the "gurus" and their merry band 😆

Like this maybe:

"As far as your snake oil comment, you’ll find that I taught for free for over a year on the net. I make a living from trading so don’t care about a 10 pound commission cheque for signing people up.

As a devout Buddhist my happiness comes from helping others, not from taking their money."
The fact is most peope want certainty. They want certainty that they will not lose money on a trade so hesitate to pull the trigger, they take the certainty of a small profit ( its in the bag) and later curse themselves when the market makes a big move their way.

Its innate in human behaviour to want this. But this is the antithesis of trading. In order to trade you have to accept uncertainty. Most people can never do it. They flock to gurus and legendary memebers startegies in the hope of getting somewhere.

It does not work.
by DOING by OBSERVATION, by TRIAL AND ERROR, the same way you learn anything else worth knowing

If your dependant on someone else coming along and showing you I suggest you stop wasting your time right now because it isnt going to happen.

spot on. 🙂
B Swan,
I take it this is partially aimed at me as I've openly said I have learnt much from J16 & TD.
What I always try to do is give thanks where thanks is due. Its a matter of good manners apart from anything else, and as simple as that. If giving thanks is a weakness nowadays times have changed.
I know there are a few natural born traders. I'm not one of them.I tried long enough thinking trading was somehow 'instinctive' if you tried hard enough. So I know I'm not able to pull an ability to trade out of thin air - but I am able to identify my trading styles derived from and I've respect enough to acknowledge those that have helped me and thank them for the unpaid effort they put in.
And gurus, lonely remote trading, live trading sessions, neediness never came into it.

No bud, not a dig at anyone in particular, certainly not you. Like I said in the o.p. perhaps it's me, I tend to just get 'stuck in', take on board as much knowledge in as varying directions/methods as I can and go to work...it's just this 'looking for "someone else to inspire you" bit I just don't get, perhaps its just my natural suspicion/cynicism.

Neither was the post a dig at Dante or James, I'm sure they're some of the good guys. Being relatively new to trading I didn't expect I'd discover a strange mind set/pattern emerging; legions of willing disciples and followers for enigmatic traders, some who 'share' for free, some who charge...
They flock to gurus and legendary memebers startegies in the hope of getting somewhere.

Where are these people "flocking" to legendary members because I cannot see it in any significant numbers at all ?

Where are these people "flocking" to legendary members because I cannot see it in any significant numbers at all ?


You have to admit there are a couple of monster threads run by vendors (who where allowed to post without vendor tags for months in some cases)
No bud, not a dig at anyone in particular, certainly not you. Like I said in the o.p. perhaps it's me, I tend to just get 'stuck in', take on board as much knowledge in as varying directions/methods as I can and go to work...it's just this 'looking for "someone else to inspire you" bit I just don't get, perhaps its just my natural suspicion/cynicism.

Neither was the post a dig at Dante or James, I'm sure they're some of the good guys. Being relatively new to trading I didn't expect I'd discover a strange mind set/pattern emerging; legions of willing disciples and followers for enigmatic traders, some who 'share' for free, some who charge...

Cheers for coming back with that mate,
the way I see it, so long as our trading improves and we continue to learn, that is the point. Wherever or whoever the ideas come from. Thats the first and foremost reason I come on these forums...and they have worked a treat, useful tips, snippets and pointers pop up all over the place....and when they're not happening there's usually some other entertaining sideshow.
These days I use four or five trading styles /techniques for different markets.. Some of these I had before I came on these forums but I couldn't make them fully reliable and profitable until I learnt the stuff from TD/J16.

All the best with your trading....
You have to admit there are a couple of monster threads run by vendors (who where allowed to post without vendor tags for months in some cases)

This is not relevant to the question I asked. The implication is that people are flocking to Legendary members and just don't see it.

This is not relevant to the question I asked. The implication is that people are flocking to Legendary members and just don't see it.


Paul, you're limiting your response to your T2W experiences, the trading corner of the web is awash with the need for leadership, and there's plenty of folk willing to provide it on a plethora of; forums/blogs/boards, and just as many (more) willing to follow.

I've also enjoyed (amongst many books on the subject of trading) Mark Douglas' book and fully subscribe to/get his thinking on trading; particularly the probability angles, doesn't mean I'm going to hang on his every word and be a 'disciple' on a forum of his...

Please don't confuse my views with not gratefully accepting increased knowledge, or being wide open to receive/indulge in new ideas...

The original point is the fact that I don't need anyone in order to trade, I'm just not "needy", yet I find (on my trading journey in all its different directions) so many folk that are incredibly needy...Dante, James, Dan A, Davie Robertson (Mr Spreadbetting) are good guys...Dan & Dave offer v.good value for money IMHO and offer a great service, I just get the impression that amongst their clients is a significant proportion od dreamers not do-ers...
This is not relevant to the question I asked. The implication is that people are flocking to Legendary members and just don't see it.

You use the term Legendary member, which appears to be an indicator of the number of posts. Large threads run by commercial vendors result in those vendors attaining ledgendary member status.

If a vendor didnt benefit from the hasle of maintaing a thread, he or she would be unlikely to do so, and lets not forget, these threads are not hosted only at T2W, but at every single trading forum prepared to put up with this type of nonsense in favour of the traffic they bring. Whilst people may not be "flocking" they are certainly attracted to these types of threads. If these types of threads did not result in site hits, commercial trading forums would not host them, and the sites with a degree of integrity dont host them, and you know that as well as I do.

Just take a look at the star ratings applied to some of these things, can you actually tell me with a stright face a thread such as NEVER LOSE AGAIN is a font of trading knowlege and worth of the accolades it recieves. It might be interesting to determine and publish the profile of the types of members who have voted for these particular types of threads.

Every one of us has grown up in an environment where if we wish to learn something, the accepted norm is to find a tutor, if we want to lear how to drive, or scuba dive, or play golf or play the piano we look for an experienced teacher. Furthermore, these tutors or teachers seek to assure their customers of their quality standards by membership of appropriate trade associations, or by holding formal qualifications etc.

Sales people will cling to any prop or tool that they can find to instill customer confidence, and the ledgendary member status awarded by the zoo is unfortunately such a prop. I'd say it was very relevant
Please don't confuse my views with not gratefully accepting increased knowledge....

I didnt. Somehow I managed to confuse your actions with a need to fawn over guys who do live trading sessions. Probably me just being weak minded again.
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Paul, you're limiting your response to your T2W experiences, .

Yes because it was specific to T2W that this statement was made. I don't doubt the rest of what you have said.

Whilst people may not be "flocking" they are certainly attracted to these types of threads

Again this is not what I was commenting on. The rights and wrongs of allowing commercial threads is not what I was questioning, it was specifically that I don't see people flocking to Legendary members who are, (as you have already stated), only there because of having more than 1000 posts. I agree that there are cases of threads with a commercial agenda but there are also a lot more with no commercial agenda. For any thread that is of interest there will be quite a few people who read it but I wouldn't class it as everyone flocking there.

Hahahahahahahaahha. I've never heard so much boll0cks in my life.

You all telling me you wouldn't be better at trading if you were being mentored by PTJ or some other legend?

All this learn yourself blah blah blah. You people-if you are even profitable- are trying to tell me you don't read trading books?

This site is really full of sh1t lol.
The term Legend in this case is to do with how many posts have been on this site and not well known traders outside of T2W

All this learn yourself blah blah blah. You people-if you are even profitable- are trying to tell me you don't read trading books?

This site is really full of sh1t lol.

Haven't you heard? The greatest traders of all never read any books, never listened to anyone else and figured it out all themselves, independently of the rest. 🙄

We have (or had) a good example of such a trader on this board. Unfortunately his name can no longer be mentioned because he's in some sort of trouble. If you know what I mean. Said person was very strong to reject anything written in books...
Haven't you heard? The greatest traders of all never read any books, never listened to anyone else and figured it out all themselves, independently of the rest. 🙄

We have (or had) a good example of such a trader on this board. Unfortunately his name can no longer be mentioned because he's in some sort of trouble. If you know what I mean. Said person was very strong to reject anything written in books...

Soros started off coin flipping dow trades and reverse engineering the losses
I would say that reading trading books is very much a waste of time BUT - how on earth could you for instance understand how futures markets worked, contract expiry dates, margin requirement etc. without somebody teaching you ?

You telling me some newbs going to go straight to the CME website & pick it up from there ? How would he know who CME, CBOT, NYMEX were anyway ?

Some trading books are hogwash. I'd put Alexander Elder up there as one of the most well respected peddlers of total bull**** there is.

Some books are golden though. Books for the basics like Carters "Mastering the Trade". Forget the strategies in there but he does explain a hell of a lot about structure of the market that is golden for a newbie.

"The ETF Book" is a must for anyone wanting to trade ETFs - I cannot begin to think how you could find this stuff out on your own.

Books on economic announcements, what they mean, what they impact - again, you can't learn that stuff on your own.

Then there's stuff like "Lecturing Birds on Flying" by Pablo Triana. Good research with a bit of opinion thrown in a gem for all the MA crossover people.

"A Mathematician Plays The Stock Market" is another total gem as is "Mean Markets and Lizard Brains".

None of these books though will give you an entry technique which is what most newbies are looking for - a cookie cutter approach - but boy will they save you some time looking at 99% of the crappy books out there from publishers like Wiley.