I am keen to learn Forex Trading, Please Advice Me

My advice is to study the basics and then open a demo account so you can exercise what you've learned. You should know that accumulating enough experience to begin trading with real money takes quite a while.

You need to be making slot,of money on demo before going live.......it's a lot,easier,on demo so don't get complacent .......only live,trading is the real deal

read all the good books on technicality and mind, then throw everything in the rubbish bin and bring yourself forward.
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Babypips is a great source for learning Forex, I have already completed the middle school. Ebook and internet are useful as well.

I kept being put in detention ............is it me I ask ? 😎
What I would recommend you is to...ok just some steps to follow: monitor the trend cause most trends are sustainable, do not trade currencies of equal strength, follow seasonal effect of currency pairs.
Hope that I helped you in any case, good luck)
What I would recommend you is to...ok just some steps to follow: monitor the trend cause most trends are sustainable, do not trade currencies of equal strength, follow seasonal effect of currency pairs.
Hope that I helped you in any case, good luck)

Demo trade with one of the metatrader platforms, get used to the numbers, setting stop losses etc. Whe you feel ready , I notice your uk based, open a live account with city index, where you can live trade at 8p per point on EUR/USD. live trading with no risk to big losses. When I made some bad moves trading uk equities, i traded forex at min stakes to biuld my account back up as I had no margin for anything else! Funnily enough I always did badly demoing FX, but made gains live!

Nothing will ever prepare you for live trading!!! and what I've learnt losing money trading is- discipline discipline discipline
Demo trade with one of the metatrader platforms, get used to the numbers, setting stop losses etc.

Nothing will ever prepare you for live trading!!! and what I've learnt losing money trading is- discipline discipline discipline

I agree. 😱 😡
Live Trading is like being thrown into a dungeon arena with a tiger...Sh*t's about to get Real...
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