How can I learn to use Bloomberg?

  • Thread starter Thread starter sak07
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  • Watchers Watchers 8



I am in need of some advice. I work for an IB in operations and I keen to learn how to use Bloomberg. At work I was given very basic training but I am keen to learn about the more advanced features. As I cannot justify work paying for me or arranging any further training as it isn't really needed I was hoping to find a course provider who offers a Bloomberg course. Is anyone aware of any places that will train me up on Bloomberg Professional? I've done a google serach but can't really find anywhere? Can anyone help? I live in London and will even pay a home based trader to provide tutorials if anyone offers that sort of service?

sak07 said:

I am in need of some advice. I work for an IB in operations and I keen to learn how to use Bloomberg. At work I was given very basic training but I am keen to learn about the more advanced features. As I cannot justify work paying for me or arranging any further training as it isn't really needed I was hoping to find a course provider who offers a Bloomberg course. Is anyone aware of any places that will train me up on Bloomberg Professional? I've done a google serach but can't really find anywhere? Can anyone help? I live in London and will even pay a home based trader to provide tutorials if anyone offers that sort of service?


Hi Sak

If you can get access to a Bloomberg terminal, whether it be out of hours or at lunchtime etc, then you can create your own login and have a play around. Just do cancel cancel, then you fill in your details and a helpful BB person will phone you back to verify your details.

Bloomberg also offer training from your account rep, and this is all part of the package so no extra cost - if you can find a time slot with a vacant terminal.

BB is not that difficult once you have used it a bit.


theknifemac said:
. . . . If you can get access to a Bloomberg terminal, whether it be out of hours or at lunchtime etc, then you can create your own login and have a play around. Just do cancel cancel, then you fill in your details and a helpful BB person will phone you back to verify your details.
. . .

er, and will want sign off on a $10000 pcm bill! Plus Bloomberg are increasingly moving to biometrically dedicated terminals (ie one person per terminal verified by a thumbprint).
You may be able to get some friendly IT ops person to "lend" you a spare account for a couple of months.

theknifemac said:
. . .
Bloomberg also offer training from your account rep, and this is all part of the package so no extra cost - if you can find a time slot with a vacant terminal.

BB is not that difficult once you have used it a bit.

. . .

This bit is true.
Is there anyone who has a bloomberg set up at home who would be willing to help out an ambitious young guy and show me the basics? Of course I am prepared to pay for your time.
hey mr mouse - have you even asked your boss if you can do this?

what decent employer in their right mind would want to stop an employee learning off their own back and in their own time?? more knowledge for you makes you more valuable to the company. a few grand to a bank aint that much - anyway if you have access to the basic stuff, im sure there is a manual you can learn the rest.

either your employer is a piker in which case leave, or you lack initiative (which i doubt). get a spine and ask. dont do it immediately, but think of a case why it is in your bosses best interest to let you do this in your own time. then have a chat about it with him over lunch or over a drink.

just make sure you dont ask your line manager or some toadie supervisor. they will probably see you as a threat to their position and an upstart. seek to ask a director or who ever has the pnl responsibility for your department. but make sure you do it in a way that your line manager doesnt feel you have gone over his head.

of course, your line manager could be a really cool sensible person with the decision making responsibility to grant the permission. i just dont know.
Quite simply because BBG (and Reuters) are very expensive with both starting at a ballpark $1000 pcm + exchange fees for a basic setup.

It is very rare for non front office staff to have their own BBG terminal, usually there's just one or two shared across a department and accessed remotely.
You can go to the bloomberg office, they will show you how to use it. Just talk to your account manager.
Is there really no book about Bloomberg or any video tutorial?

There's absolutely tonnes of material and video tutorials for Bloomberg, the problem for you is that it's only accesable from a Bloomberg terminal.

If you're in a role that doesn't require you to use Bloomberg, I don't think there's much point. If your looking to improve your CV by saying you can use Bloomberg then I don't think it's worth it either really.
well the problem is that i have limited access to bloomberg and limited time as well. I dont have much time to login to bloomberg University and watch tutorials there. thats why i would like something that i can read/watch at home and just try it when im at work and have time to "play" with bloomberg. its kinda weird that there is no book about it. there are plenty books on all other stuff except bloomberg :\
onlysolo do you have a link where i could download it?

Sorry i cant provide you with a link now because my internet conection is a little bit bad(i m stealing wifi) butn i m 80% sure i have downloaded it from the (offical site) in the bloomberg professional section.

tell me if u cant find
onlysolo unfortunatelly i cannot find it under the bloomberg professional section-documentation :\