Hunting secrets revealed

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Abercrombie and Fitch are out of fashion? This is the most important thing to come out of this thread, I had no idea. Ah well, at least I won't have to buy dusters for a while.

They don't call me "finger on the pulse" Pedro for nothing.

Anyway - there's a double bottom coming in mens trousers, which will be followed hopefully by a huge double top in womens tight sweaters.

You heard it here first.
A probabilistic trading mindset consists of 5 fundamental truths:

1) Anything can happen
2) You can make Money without knowing what is going to happen next
3) There is a random distribution of wins and losses that define an edge
4) An edge is just the greater probability of one thing happening over an other
5) Every moment in the market is unique

I am a consistent winner because: (The 7 principles of consistency)

1) I objectively identify my edges
2) I predefine the risk of every trade
3) I completely accept the risk or I am willing to let go of the trade
4) I act on my edges without reservation or hesitation
5) I pay myself as the market makes money available to me
6) I continually monitor my susceptibility for making errors
7) I understand the absolute necessity of these principles of consistent success and therefore never violate them

Three stages in the development of a trader:

1) The Mechanical stage – this is where you:

- Build the self trust necessary to operate in an unlimited environment
- Learn to flawlessly execute a trading system
- Train your mind to think in probabilities (the 5 fundamental truths)
- Create a strong unshakeable belief in your consistency as a trader

2) The Subjective stage

Once you have completed the mechanical stage you advance to the subjective stage this is where you use everything you have learned about the nature of market movement to do what ever it is you want to do. There is a lot of freedom in this stage and as such a susceptibility to make a lot of trader based errors as the result of self valuation issues.

3) The Intuitive Stage

This is the advanced form of trading. Problem is our rational mind tends to override our intuition.

How easy is trading eh guys? 🙂

I'm not going to argue against TA and FA because it seems a little futile. People have their beliefs and it seems that in a large number of people they take on a quasi-religious quality! You just end up going round in circles.

But what I will say is that I don't believe either branches hold the key, I believe that you can cut to the chase by trading what I would call 'market events'. It is a fact that there are certain occasions where you can answer the following questions about the market:

1: Who will move it?
2: Why are they moving it?
3: When will they move it?
4: What direction will they move it in?
5: How will they move it?

If the answer to question 2 is anything to do with fundamentals, thats fine. If the answer to question 2 is because of a 500mUSD barrier option, then fine. Makes no difference, as long as I know the answer. Each occasion is unique and I decide whether to trade it based on my experience of similar events and my overall knowledge.

This is the only way I know that enables you to trade the future. If you are trading pure TA, or indeed FA, you are always trading the past.


I have asked for this thread to be locked. I don't want it getting any more bloated than it is, and I feel that the essential points have been covered/answered.

I have a few other threads I want to start and would rather keep them focused.

Have a good one.

good thread & posts


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"I would say that you need to educate yourself on economics and the history of finance. Start off with Keynes, Friedman, Adam smith etc.. once you have a broad based understanding then you can formulate your own ideas. Trust me when I say that your own ideas will be just as valid as any other out there, because even the greatest economic minds often have diametrically opposing views.

I personally believe that China is pulling the strings at the moment, and has been for a while by talking down the dollar and buying every commodity in sight. If China farts the US is going to pass out. "


good posts, do not think Douglas would be that upset to see your move it bullet list after his own 🙂

hope you don't mind the post duplicate to this thread

you may be good enough to keep your own trade ideas in check and not marry them to varying degrees when you have your custom made to measure trade plan for every event / trade drawn up based on a lifetimes or many years accumilated knowledge

Douglas - anything can happen etc etc keeps the account and mind safe imvho if the market steps outside your full and detailed considerations

good thread & posts



Firstly China won't fart, it could have gassed out the US last year, it'll never dump US treasuries, they'll never wreck the dollar, IMHO they (China) don't want a new world order (theirs) to dominate the global economic landscape, it really is a zero sum game if they take out the US economically.
Re. M. Douglas, I don't honestly see how anyone could argue versus his 'rules of engagement'.
Firstly China won't fart, it could have gassed out the US last year, it'll never dump US treasuries, they'll never wreck the dollar, IMHO they (China) don't want a new world order (theirs) to dominate the global economic landscape, it really is a zero sum game if they take out the US economically.
Re. M. Douglas, I don't honestly see how anyone could argue versus his 'rules of engagement'.
Woah there! You're reading into my comment much more than I said. I never said they wanted to 'wreck the dollar' or destroy the US economically.

Besides, that has nothing to do with this thread!

..any chance of this getting locked..
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