How to trade profitably spending 15 minutes a day?

There is a crisis all over the world, there are angry people everywhere and you haven't been on vacation for a long time? It's high time to make a gift to your account, by increasing it several times. Given that the total discount on the set "Trend Hunter" is more than 97%, you win both not money and time! You no longer need to read the waste paper mountain and see a lot of waste video - you need to learn just 3 rules! There are three rules which change your trade forever! Choose a video-course "Trend Hunter"!
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There is a crisis all over the world, there are angry people everywhere and you haven't been on vacation for a long time? It's high time to make a gift to your account, by increasing it several times. Given that the total discount on the set "Trend Hunter" is more than 97%, you win both not money and time! You no longer need to read the waste paper mountain and see a lot of waste video - you need to learn just 3 rules! There are three rules which change your trade forever! Choose a video-course "Trend Hunter"!

Will the course work on my demo account?
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You expect me to spend 15 minutes a day. Damn it, that's an eternity - if that's the best you can come up with forget it.
Well, for a laugh, I actually clicked on the link to the website and read it - which took all of 30 seconds. As is often the case with junk like this, it's riddled with bad grammar. It struck me as being odd to go to all that trouble and not get the details right in order to appear credible and professional. Then I recalled hearing an interview with a Police officer that specialized in fraud - particularly scam e-mails from Nigeria offering $100 million in return for a 'small' down payment to cover administrative charges. You know the sort of thing I'm sure. When the interviewer commented that these e-mails are usually very badly written, the Police officer's reply was interesting. He said it's actually deliberate on the part of the scammers. The reason being that the poor grammar filters out educated and intelligent people and just leaves the greedy ones who jump at the chance of making a down-payment of £10k in order to receive £100 million (or whatever). The last thing they want is to be bogged down with smart people who - sooner or later - will cotton on to the scam before reaching for their credit card. Returning to the site linked by the OP, my guess is that they are working on much the same principle. Sadly, some people probably will part with $500 - or whatever it is that their asking - but hopefully not any T2W members.
Recent signals on the technique of " Trend Hunter "

Every day we post our free signals for the Trend Hunter 1.0 for all subscribers. They are of huge help for those who have learnt our trading technology and are designed for easy entry into a transaction . Provided that a promising scenario is fulfilled (probability 70 % ) , you get a guaranteed profit .

Rules for the use of signals TREND Hunter :
1. To enter into a transaction only when you need to roll back a penetration line . This plug should be fully formed for the line and do not touch it neither the body nor shadow .
2. Stop - loss order should be placed abroad trend channel .
3. The ratio of stop - loss and take - profit should be at least 1 : 1.5 .
Signals at 15 - 16 July a signal to the entry

1. BA,H1 It is expected to turn the price chart in the first third of the descending channel , given the breakdown of the pullback held the line , considering the possibility of entering a short trade.

2. CL,H1 The development of an upward trend , with the subsequent breakdown resistance line , allows us to consider the possibility of forming a signal for opening long positions from the area of the lower third of the rising channel .

3. ES, H1. The return of the price chart in the area of ​​the first third of the growing channel , followed by a turn correction and overcoming line , allows us to consider the possibility of opening a long position .

4. HOG, H1. The ability to enter a long trade from the lower third of the rising channel will be subject to the development of an upward trend followed by overcoming line correction .

5. YM, H1. Further development of an upward trend followed by the breakdown of the resistance line will create the conditions for generating a signal to the input of a long trade from the area of the first third of the growing channel .

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Recent signals on the technique of " Trend Hunter "

Every day we post our free signals for the Trend Hunter 1.0 for all comers. They are just huge help for those who have mastered our trading technology and are designed so that you can easily enter into a transaction . Provided that we have worked through the prospective scenario (probability 70 % ) , you get a guaranteed profit .

Rules for the use of signals TREND Hunter :
1. To enter into a transaction only when you need to roll back a penetration line . This plug should be fully formed for the line and do not touch it neither the body nor shadow .
2. Stop - loss order should be placed abroad trend channel .
3. The ratio of stop - loss and take - profit should be at least 1 : 1.5 .

Signals at 18 - 19 July

1. DD, H1. It is expected to turn the price chart in the area of ​​the upper third of the descending channel , given the breakdown of the pullback held the line , considering the possibility of entering a short trade.


2. MA, H1. Confirmation of reversal price chart in the upper third of the declining channel , will lead to the formation of the signal for the opening short position , subject to overcoming the recoil line .


3. MBT, H1. Extra sales from the area of ​​the first third bearish channel, there is provided a reversal price chart, followed by overcoming line correction.


4. SBUX, H1. The development of an upward trend, with the subsequent breakdown resistance line, allows us to consider the possibility of forming a signal for opening long positions from the first third of the area of ​​the ascending channel.


5. UNH, H1. Provided the price chart reversal in the lower third of the growing channel and then overcoming the recoil line, it will be possible to form the entrance to the long trade signal.


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. . .Provided that we have worked through the prospective scenario (probability 70 % ) , you get a guaranteed profit. . .
Hi ilikefibochannel,
Just curious to know you're able to guarantee a profit on a scenario that only has a 70% probability of being successful? Perhaps your product is one of the new ones being touted on t'internet that generates huge profits - even from losing trades. It's all so easy that I don't know why you bother trying to flog your hunter thingy to us lot - why not just trade it for yourself? I guess it's because you've come over all philanthropic like and just want to 'give something back'.
Hi ilikefibochannel,
Just curious to know you're able to guarantee a profit on a scenario that only has a 70% probability of being successful? Perhaps your product is one of the new ones being touted on t'internet that generates huge profits - even from losing trades. It's all so easy that I don't know why you bother trying to flog your hunter thingy to us lot - why not just trade it for yourself? I guess it's because you've come over all philanthropic like and just want to 'give something back'.

Hi, Tim. We'd like to share our works with the West. We've been on the market for a long time and assume that our technique is worth of learning. We could trade for ourselves, but it's not our main goal.
Hi, Tim. We'd like to share our works with the West. We've been on the market for a long time and assume that our technique is worth of learning. We could trade for ourselves, but it's not our main goal.
Hi ilikefibochannel,
When you say you want to "share" your work with the West - I think what you really mean to say is that you want to sell your 'works' to the West. You assume your product is worth learning because people buy it. This is a mistake. The product could be completely useless but, if it's marketed well, people will be fooled into buying it. Lastly, you don't trade the products and services you sell for one reason and one reason alone: they don't work. Your main goal is patently obvious to all T2W members - and that's to sell your wares to anyone gullible enough to pay for them.