How To Think Correctly

  • Thread starter Thread starter CYOF
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dbphoenix said:
While I doubt this thread can be saved, I thought I'd quote something from the beginning of it:

Merry Wednesday before Christmas . . . 🙂


Exactly! So along the way his mind has been poisoned! How?
dbphoenix said:
While I doubt this thread can be saved, I thought I'd quote something from the beginning of it:

Merry Wednesday before Christmas . . . 🙂


what part of the quote is good for you. for me, the best is the sentence "no right or wrong way.... only what works for me" (skip the slogan part).

IMHO, that phrase is at the same time pragmatic, yet in a way narrow minded, and therefore a strength that defines a weakness. .

a) It is pragmatic, because it simply goes to the point.....if it works, dont fix it. period. no questions asked.

b) narrow minded because it limits the need to improve what can be improved, and limits the the adaptation of the mind to new unfolding environments that threaten the "what works for me" part.

Writing a book does not make you a makes you a great loominary...that is what it does....and attracts the amiration....of....lesser loominaries....but loominaries nonetheless.:cheesy:

If you keep trying....who may even be nominated for the Nobel Prize for Laterature.:cheesy: ( Laterature = Hindsight Reading Matter )

How's La Vega's translation coming along? Or is the vocabulary getting difficult? In any event, I don't need to be a critic to know that there will be no Nobel Prize for that!

CYOF said:
Most of the textbook trading that is put out - is rubbish, pure pure rubbish.

Indicators, are, to say the least, of no significance when it comes to trading for consistent profits - remember, we are thinking big here, not the $200 - $500 a day mentality.
As has been mentioned you really ought to preface those remarks with in my opinion yadda yadda yadda because that is all it is. Many traders do use "textbook trading" and indicators etc to make quite substantial amounts of money. I'm sure one such as yourself, who claims to speak the truth, will admit you have not met all or even many traders around the world. Probably haven't met all or even many of the famous ones. So for you to state as truth that one can only gain pittance returns using those methodologies you despise is a statement simply not backed up by fact.

CYOF said:
Now, I am not an expert, nor do I profess to be an expert (like some do 🙄 ), but I have been a textbook trader, and I am now telling you that it is all pure rubbish - period!
Interesting that you admit to not being an expert and yet state over and over that you speak the truth, that you could share great knowledge with us all but wont, that you know how to think properly and therefore hold the keys to the kingdom etc etc etc.

Further to that, you admit to having been a text book trader and are now claiming it is all rubbish because you could not make consistant big profits with that kind of methodology.

Now, since you are no expert at this "correct thinking game" then one can only assume you are not making consistant big profits from it yet. Therefore by your logic it must all be pure rubbish too.

CYOF said:
I have already stated how one simple figure, will tell the complete truth, but as you all fail to see the reality of what I say, then as Socrates rightly says, it is better to say nothing and let people do what they will always do - that is why there will always be the 95% majority.

If what I say is so stupid, then why does everyone continually acknowledge that the 95% majority is a fact - not a myth!
Actually I am yet to see any concrete, scientific evidence that the 95% number bandied about is actually fact and not myth. No statistical studies, no polls, nothing. In my opinion it is just another number that has been repeated often enough that many accept it as fact.

There is a tradable pattern on T 2 W ....lots of ehm, how shall i say, suckers up to his purpleness end up getting banned 😆 rudeboy, bully, CYOF.... interesting !
Splitlink said:
How's La Vega's translation coming along? Or is the vocabulary getting difficult? In any event, I don't need to be a critic to know that there will be no Nobel Prize for that!

No, y a ti precisamente no te entrego una copia asno borrico.
( I award the prizes, I do not compete for them)
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PKFFW said:
As has been mentioned you really ought to preface those remarks with in my opinion yadda yadda yadda because that is all it is. Many traders do use "textbook trading" and indicators etc to make quite substantial amounts of money. I'm sure one such as yourself, who claims to speak the truth, will admit you have not met all or even many traders around the world. Probably haven't met all or even many of the famous ones. So for you to state as truth that one can only gain pittance returns using those methodologies you despise is a statement simply not backed up by fact.

Interesting that you admit to not being an expert and yet state over and over that you speak the truth, that you could share great knowledge with us all but wont, that you know how to think properly and therefore hold the keys to the kingdom etc etc etc.

Further to that, you admit to having been a text book trader and are now claiming it is all rubbish because you could not make consistant big profits with that kind of methodology.

Now, since you are no expert at this "correct thinking game" then one can only assume you are not making consistant big profits from it yet. Therefore by your logic it must all be pure rubbish too.

Actually I am yet to see any concrete, scientific evidence that the 95% number bandied about is actually fact and not myth. No statistical studies, no polls, nothing. In my opinion it is just another number that has been repeated often enough that many accept it as fact.

What a funny post. You will have to wait for him to come back, if he bothers at all.
The de facto censorship that exists on this board exemplifies incorrect thinking of the highest order, particularly because it is not heavy-handed or conspiratorial, but effortlessly melded into the moderator’s mouse click. Creativity and robust debate is stifled. If nothing may be published but that which the Moderators shall deem worthy then power must always be the standard of truth.

Surely you must know that when Socrates was alive, Athens was in continual flux due to political upheaval. Democracy and freedom of thought was overthrown by a despotic regime known as the ‘Thirty Tyrants’. The Thirty severely reduced the rights of Athenian citizens. Participation in forums—which had previously been open to all Athenians—was restricted to a select group of what we might now term ‘Moderators’. Hundreds, including Socrates, were condemned to drink the fatal cup of hemlock and Socratic thought and the philosophical Renaissance was no more. 🙁

I say it again, those who post insults or false allegations destroy their own character. It needs no Moderator to temper this.

From now on, I shall refer to the Moderators as 'The Thirty'. It seems appropriate enough.
starspacer said:
The de facto censorship that exists on this board exemplifies incorrect thinking of the highest order, particularly because it is not heavy-handed or conspiratorial, but effortlessly melded into the moderator’s mouse click. Creativity and robust debate is stifled. If nothing may be published but that which the Moderators shall deem worthy then power must always be the standard of truth.

Surely you must know that when Socrates was alive, Athens was in continual flux due to political upheaval. Democracy and freedom of thought was overthrown by a despotic regime known as the ‘Thirty Tyrants’. The Thirty severely reduced the rights of Athenian citizens. Participation in forums—which had previously been open to all Athenians—was restricted to a select group of what we might now term ‘Moderators’. Hundreds, including Socrates, were condemned to drink the fatal cup of hemlock and Socratic thought and the philosophical Renaissance was no more. 🙁

I say it again, those who post insults or false allegations destroy their own character. It needs no Moderator to temper this.

From now on, I shall refer to the Moderators as 'The Thirty'. It seems appropriate enough.
Because additionally, in order to properly keep track....deep knowledge is needed, which is sadly lacking.:cheesy: Enter ye all who may and exit those who can, I say, and I am certain you must agree.
Because additionally, in order to properly keep track....deep knowledge is needed, which is sadly lacking.:cheesy: Enter ye all who may and exit those who can, I say, and I am certain you must agree.

Is this polite rudeness or rude rudeness ? Is there a distinction or is it all simply rude?
Now look at the advert above:arrowu: 🙄

It is Friday afternoon.

Non farm payroll is imminent..
you are long 500 million of cable

how would your nerves hold out ?

Isn't it pathetic to think like if nerves had anything to do with it ....I ask you !
Correct thinking, unhindered by censorship, leads to the highest understanding. At this point, the thought seeker truly has become diviner to the wise. Nothing else is of import. The Moderators need not be specified - depreciation of thought has sufficiently singled them out. They will be re-incarnated as gnats, destined to gnaw at the under-belly of some poor beast of burden. 🙁
Charlton said:

Personally I would never consider gaming under the auspices of this board. To me I equate gaming with gambling (whether correctly or so I don't know), but that is my personal opinion, my belief (if you will), my definiton of gaming. It might not accord with others.

Gamemastership or gamesmanship is, to me, an entirely different thing. This IMHO is more "honest" and by this I mean honest to myself.

For me it is the analysis which is important, whether this is in the moment or expectation. To me there can never really be analysis or action which is purely in the moment. The reason for this is that, on the most simplistic level, you need to decide at each and every moment in time will price go up or will it go down.

Admittedly, I suppose, you could place orders to capture it either way, but I really do think that at each and every moment in time it is best to nail your colours to the mast.

This, it seems to me, is the essence of the difference between those who look to the future and have expectancy and those who trade purely in the moment.

In fact this is a question I posed to Mark Douglas (without response unfortunately). I asked his site about the contents of his last chapter. He talks about trading a sample of around 20 trades to try to trade without emotion and according to a simple plan. His aim was to trade without any expectation of future gains/losses.

What I wanted to know from him was, if you discard all expectations and all beliefs about the future direction of the market, how can you actually produce a strategy.

I can appreciate that you might set up a series of entry and exit strategies covering a range of situations, but this will rely heavily on constant interaction with the market. This is fine for some. For many others they cannot be "in the present moment" all the time, so do they not trade at all or can they adopt another strategy which does not require being in the present moment. It they do the latter then that implies, to me at any rate, that they must form an opinion or expectation or whatever you would like to call it, of future market movements.

So the question I pose to you is what is the difference between those who sit watching their screens "in the present moment" and those who cannot. Is the former absolutely necesssary to become a consistent and profitable trader ?

It seems to be that opinion on this board divides roughly into those who "predict" and those who "react"

There is a subtle piece of paradox in your question (perhaps it is clever design on your part?). The answer will only vex the masses, whose reception or success is doubtful.
starspace / CYOF / whatshisname

This thread must surely go down in T2W history as the biggest pile of twaddle ridden garbage imaginable.
Charlton said:

Personally I would never consider gaming under the auspices of this board. To me I equate gaming with gambling (whether correctly or so I don't know), but that is my personal opinion, my belief (if you will), my definiton of gaming. It might not accord with others.

Gamemastership or gamesmanship is, to me, an entirely different thing. This IMHO is more "honest" and by this I mean honest to myself.

For me it is the analysis which is important, whether this is in the moment or expectation. To me there can never really be analysis or action which is purely in the moment. The reason for this is that, on the most simplistic level, you need to decide at each and every moment in time will price go up or will it go down.

Admittedly, I suppose, you could place orders to capture it either way, but I really do think that at each and every moment in time it is best to nail your colours to the mast.

This, it seems to me, is the essence of the difference between those who look to the future and have expectancy and those who trade purely in the moment.

In fact this is a question I posed to Mark Douglas (without response unfortunately). I asked his site about the contents of his last chapter. He talks about trading a sample of around 20 trades to try to trade without emotion and according to a simple plan. His aim was to trade without any expectation of future gains/losses.

What I wanted to know from him was, if you discard all expectations and all beliefs about the future direction of the market, how can you actually produce a strategy.

I can appreciate that you might set up a series of entry and exit strategies covering a range of situations, but this will rely heavily on constant interaction with the market. This is fine for some. For many others they cannot be "in the present moment" all the time, so do they not trade at all or can they adopt another strategy which does not require being in the present moment. It they do the latter then that implies, to me at any rate, that they must form an opinion or expectation or whatever you would like to call it, of future market movements.

So the question I pose to you is what is the difference between those who sit watching their screens "in the present moment" and those who cannot. Is the former absolutely necesssary to become a consistent and profitable trader ?

It seems to be that opinion on this board divides roughly into those who "predict" and those who "react"

Gamemastership is the highest level of proficiency because it includes accurate future expectation plus rapid execution to enter and exit as necessary as market conditions dictate plus total absence of any emotion whatsoever plus the ability to hold that emotionless state indefinitely,on command - at will.. All of this is the consequence of knowledge, self mastery and a cluster of skills as a result of having natural faculties which the individual is able to develop internally, and is able to manifest externally as a modus operandum.

Gaming on the other hand is guesswork, in which there is a significant element of gambling.
Gambling implies the opposite of the above, in which there is no accurate future expectation to rely on, not the correct reflexes (as a result of doubt and uncertainty) to execute efficiently, the trader is emotional and the risk is disablement by its presence, deep knowledge does not exist but superficial knowledge exists instead, self mastery and the cluster of skills to enhance and strengthen all of the above have not been attained.

I hope and expect this satisfies your enquiry.
Profitaker said:
starspace / CYOF / whatshisname

This thread must surely go down in T2W history as the biggest pile of twaddle ridden garbage imaginable.

Of course. But if you could only reach into the depths of your own visions and seek out the real truth behind the venomous lies our own minds spill forth, then you and only you can partake in the most unhindered and purest of thinking that can only lead to the eutopian state of mastertrader.
Profitaker said:
starspace / CYOF / whatshisname

This thread must surely go down in T2W history as the biggest pile of twaddle ridden garbage imaginable.
Rejoice Profitaker, for you have the special privilege of glimpsing through the fog of the 95% and into the window of Mastery. Yours is the immortality of choice. Grasp it whilst you can. But, I fear you may not. 🙁
Profitaker said:
starspace / CYOF / whatshisname

This thread must surely go down in T2W history as the biggest pile of twaddle ridden garbage imaginable.
I know who you are. When are you going to get a job instead of being the serial nuisance you are on these boards ? I shall be ringing L to ask very soon, let us see what answer we are given.
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