How much?

Turned a light on in your cellar...Yeah that fits.. The rest of your post is patronising drivel..not the random filth you came out with on Friday, but drivel none the less. Help yourself, stop posting 5hite..

It's pretty dispiriting to post material with solid financial / statistical foundations to then be followed by your thread-ending " 'ere lad, just get stuck in' " comments.

I'd like to start a thread on statistical trading, cointegration and pairs trading. Please feel free not to post.
It's pretty dispiriting to post material with solid financial / statistical foundations to then be followed by your thread-ending " 'ere lad, just get stuck in' " comments.

I'd like to start a thread on statistical trading, cointegration and pairs trading. Please feel free not to post.

Fill your boots, in my experience there's doers and thinkers ( you being the latter) and IMHO he seems like a doer who will probably have more chance of success because he's not afraid of a bit of graft and is used to the inconsistencies of self employment..sorry what was your point again?
To continue.

I recommended reading these two books, and another poster agreed but suggested that one would get far more out of them once one has sufficient experience to properly appreciate them. This is very insightful and absolutely correct.

What they enabled me to do was to finally and effectively design my own method from the various tools I had collected. Without that prior experience I would have found them of limited use. But with it they enabled me to see where I had been going wrong. They also finally showed me how to really look at and read the market. This change in attitude elevated fairly pedestrian price action to something quite extraordinary. For the first time I was seeing the market for what it actually is.

The reason people rave about Reminiscences is that, far from being irrelevant for most traders as you claim, it actually is immensely practical and applicable for every aspiring trader, regardless of what or how they trade. It is to the study of trading what Shakespeare is to the study of human nature. It is universal and like Shakespeare it is for all time. The lessons it teaches are invaluable, always have been invaluable, and always will be invaluable.

As an aside, there is a method, clearly outlined, in How to Trade in Stocks that I use frequently. It is immensely practical and tends to produce trades that are simply exceptionally easy to manage. You think such things have no relevance because Livermore traded a long time ago and very differently to all but the biggest traders, but I use his methods trading intraday on things that did not even exist when he died.

I understand that you have given up on your attempt to make money through trading Swanny, and I can understand why. But if you ever decide to give it another go, go back to Reminiscences and read it with an open mind. It holds the key for you, me, and everyone else.


I should say that I do not use the "method" outlined above as it is set out in the book. Rather I took the principle it is based on, combined with other things I'd been working on (nothing exciting, just bog-standard PA stuff), and trade a variation of it. But that is the beauty of this stuff - it is adaptable and applicable in so many situations. The reason I think is that it is really about understanding how a market actually works.
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Blimey...the increased dosage has affected'll wear'll revert to type. "Book changed my life," Pathetic drivel, changed your multi personality too? Oh no, what would Jesse say?
Fill your boots, in my experience there's doers and thinkers ( you being the latter) and IMHO he seems like a doer who will probably have more chance of success because he's not afraid of a bit of graft and is used to the inconsistencies of self employment..sorry what was your point again?

My point is that you're a transparent fake, probably a failed estate agent or something.

I made a P&F system based on the ROASO book you despise - and paid off my first mortgage in the dotcom boom.

I've been paid a fortune by some of the world's best investment banks and yes I'm a thinker -I'm a quantitative researcher.

My advice - try to think beyond your crappy MACD ****e.
Blimey...the increased dosage has affected'll wear'll revert to type. "Book changed my life," Pathetic drivel, changed your multi personality too? Oh no, what would Jesse say?

I thought you were trying to clean up your act in preparation for a new 'venture'.
Blimey...the increased dosage has affected'll wear'll revert to type. "Book changed my life," Pathetic drivel, changed your multi personality too? Oh no, what would Jesse say?

Oh well, your response is much as I expected and predicted. I have tried sincerely to help you despite our disagreements.

For anyone with an open mind, there is enough information freely available on the web and contained within the two books I have cited to give you everything you need. The rest comes down to your own hard work, perseverance and thought.

BS, you don't like me and that's fine. But please, don't let your bitterness and inability to see clearly induce you to rubbish things that can be of great help to others. I have no incentive at all to recommend these books, I do so purely because they can be invaluable to anyone who wishes to work hard and achieve success in trading.
My point is that you're a transparent fake, probably a failed estate agent or something.

I made a P&F system based on the ROASO book you despise - and paid off my first mortgage in the dotcom boom.

I've been paid a fortune by some of the world's best investment banks and yes I'm a thinker -I'm a quantitative researcher.

My advice - try to think beyond your crappy MACD ****e.

Stop it, you're being a bit of a silly Billy aren't you..

I described the book as fantastic, think on that, how many mortgages do you have btw?

Macd, what's that, your grail? Oops, no it's an idea you took from a book to make millions for the IB world..

Anyhow, start that thread of yours, in your own time..
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I thought you were trying to clean up your act in preparation for a new 'venture'.

Ahh, the forum sleuth. You appear to be under a delusion that t2w ranks highly wrt my other business interests, it doesn't. It neither competes or compliments, it's irrelevant.
I described the book as fantastic, think on that,

Well you did, but as a story or a fairy tale that has no practical application. I simply find this extraordinary from someone who claims to be a successful trader. It might explain in part why so many feel that you lack credibility - it just seems extremely unlikely that anyone who really has navigated these treacherous waters could be so blind to the wisdom in those books.
Stop it, you're being a bit of a silly Billy aren't you..

I described the book as fantastic, think on that, how many mortgages do you have btw?
Macd, what's that, your grail? Oops, no it's an idea you took from a book to make millions for the IB world..

Anyhow, start that thead of yours, in your own time..

The internet lacks a site with material inbetween Wilmott and T2W. There is a place for amateurism such as your pretty charts, but there is also a place for more reasoned thinking, without having to go into stochastic differential equations or finite difference methods.

I'll end here by simply saying you have a nasty habit of quashing threads with an inverse snobbery-based comment.
Ahh, the forum sleuth. You appear to be under a delusion that t2w ranks highly wrt my other business interests, it doesn't. It neither competes or compliments, it's irrelevant.

Why do you always snipe at pboyles? It's hard to think of a more blameless, unselfish and useful member of this forum. The "sleuthing" that you love to mock has probably helped countless numbers of people avoid getting scammed.
Oh well, your response is much as I expected and predicted. I have tried sincerely to help you despite our disagreements.

For anyone with an open mind, there is enough information freely available on the web and contained within the two books I have cited to give you everything you need. The rest comes down to your own hard work, perseverance and thought.

BS, you don't like me and that's fine. But please, don't let your bitterness and inability to see clearly induce you to rubbish things that can be of great help to others. I have no incentive at all to recommend these books, I do so purely because they can be invaluable to anyone who wishes to work hard and achieve success in trading.

:LOL: you really do think you have an 'audience' don't you? Blimey..
The internet lacks a site with material inbetween Wilmott and T2W. There is a place for amateurism such as your pretty charts, but there is also a place for more reasoned thinking, without having to go into stochastic differential equations or finite difference methods.

I'll end here by simply saying you have a nasty habit of quashing threads with an inverse snobbery-based comment.

Kettle black, pot or something..

Look, I posted to the op practical advice, he reads like a doer, someone who wants to give trading a go. Beyond that I'm offering no advice.
:LOL: you really do think you have an 'audience' don't you? Blimey..

No I don't. But nonetheless some people might read what we write and pay some heed to it. As I said, I'm just trying to be helpful to those who are willing to put the hours in.
Why do you always snipe at pboyles? It's hard to think of a more blameless, unselfish and useful member of this forum. The "sleuthing" that you love to mock has probably helped countless numbers of people avoid getting scammed.

For some reason I seem to make him nervous. Why I dont know but clearly he is uncomfortable with the constant exposure of various fraud/scams within the industry.
Kettle black, pot or something..

Look, I posted to the op practical advice, he reads like a doer, someone who wants to give trading a go. Beyond that I'm offering no advice.

My advice has substance - an example would be:

1) Take the 40K - put 30K in bonds, the other 10K leveraged using margin at 4:1.

2) The exchange-traded fund is expected to yield 4x its historical average, but with an accompanying increase in risk.

I could illustrate how to set up a market-neutral portfolio buying and shorting aviation stocks. From what I've seen, you merely assert, occasionally with a comment like "I use psar", which is frankly comical.
My advice has substance - an example would be:

1) Take the 40K - put 30K in bonds, the other 10K leveraged using margin at 4:1.

2) The exchange-traded fund is expected to yield 4x its historical average, but with an accompanying increase in risk.

I could illustrate how to set up a market-neutral portfolio buying and shorting aviation stocks. From what I've seen, you merely assert, occasionally with a comment like "I use psar", which is frankly comical.

Stop being a dick and dissembling by taking quotes out of context, I use the psar as a guide to move my stop..nice stalking though..

The advice you offered to builder man is/was way above what he needs, read the thread title and the op Ffs before trying to be a smart ar5e.
For some reason I seem to make him nervous. Why I dont know but clearly he is uncomfortable with the constant exposure of various fraud/scams within the industry.

No sleuth, you bore me with your obsession...
100% agreed.

The recent games pulled by Barnett Alexander wouldnt be out of place in ROASO, and that level of manipulation could be well within the means of many here who are just dabbling.

Yep, and the strokes pulled by Goldman wouldn't be out of for dabblers and manipulation.. On here? Nope, no relationship whatsoever.