The IG index low of 5430.7 occurred at 0100 hours GMT out of hours trading well before i opened my position. The actual dax30 after my trade was placed hit its day low of 5465.6 at around 3pm.
As you can see the comparison highs are similar, but the lows vary somewhat.
My information on the actual dax30 has come from the euroinvestor website
I see the dax low of 5452.15 on yahoo finance. I honestly don't think much needs to be said really. You were lucky they closed out some of your position and you had a chance to run just £75 of it to make some back. You got stopped out during normal trading hours not out of hours, so even less chance they manipulated the price and from what i can see you got stopped out correctly.
This is how spreadbetting companies make money.
1) You make money, they put you on dealer referal and reject the bets that go in your favour immediately and accept ones that go against you immediately.
2) They close you down and say they don't want your business anymore, if you consistently make money.
3) They keep every loser that goes all in with their account on any single trade.
4) Most importantly. They just take the spread.
Most common mistake for the majority of punters that lose is they assume they are trying to screw them. Punters screw themselves. There is price manipulation, but generally out of hours. If someone comes on and buys £200 a point of dax out of hours, they will move their price up because they dont want anymore of and it also if anyone is looking to sell at a higher price they may well do so and take them out of the position, and they end up just take a bit of spread on the trade. For example some guy buys at £200 at 5000, so they move their price to 4995/5005, then some guy sells £200 at 4995. They take £1k, easy money. Is this price manipulation? Maybe, but there's no liquidity so there's not much you can do or say about it.
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